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Posts posted by CTxCB

  1. For an experiment, I want to have a league with two rounds like normal, for example, lets say the Premier League, home and away, but I want one of those clubs to play all 38 games at home, and not play any games away, but for the other 19 teams to play home and away as normal (except when they have to play that one team, where they'll be away both times). Can this be done, and if so, how?

  2. 4 hours ago, DominicForza said:



    IF implemented well it'd make a HUGE difference.


    I'm struck by the irony after years (over a decade) of pining for J-League my immediate reaction to news of J-League being in the game isnt "great" or even "finally," it's "what about Saudi Pro League?"   Sigh, never satisfied.  

    I'm still confused why the San Marino league isn't included in the game, even unlicensed (although licensing it would probably be incredibly cheap), seeing as so many people regularly do a "San Marino Challenge" in FM. Having an official database would make that more viable.

  3. On 19/09/2023 at 16:02, Jimmy Wong said:


    Our continued drive to mirror developments in the real footballing world make Football Manager 2024 the most complete edition in the series yet. 

    Two areas where we’ve worked extensively that powerfully reflect this are recruitment and finance.

    On the recruitment front, we’ve significantly improved the decision-making and team selection capabilities of AI managers. You’ll also see that your game world better reflects the current trends of the real-life transfer market.

    It’s not just recruitment that’s been made smarter, though. We’ve also put vast work into upgrading the in-game Finance system to ensure that there’s greater dynamism and volatility in every career. 

    Visit the Football Manager Website to find out more about this feature. 

    @Jimmy Wong I have a question about the 'Smarter Transfers', hopefully you or another of the SI team can answer? Is the Smarter Transfers also going to fix the long-running issue with the AI in transfer negotiations, where say to reduce the wage bill or trim the squad, you offer the player as a player swap in a another deal. Say I'm PSG, and I want to offload an 'unsellable' or surplus to requirements player such as Colin Dagba (who's on around £20K p/w), the logical thing would be to add him into a cash transfer deal for another player, as a bonus of sorts for that club: They're getting an extra player who will be profitable for them, for free. The issue is that 8 out of 10 times, the deal collapses even if the players are on similar wages or the player arriving is on more wages. That's something I think needs fixing. If a club sees promise in a player they're being given, they're going to offer him a fair wage, and not field an unsuitable offer.

  4. Some clubs like Athletic Bilbao, can only players from the Basque region of Spain, and C.D. Guadalajara, known more widely as Chivas, can only sign Mexican Players. I want the ability in the PGE to set that for any club. So say I make a new club in England, I want the option to go in and set it so they can only sign players from South West England, or if I make a new club in say Ireland, I want them to be able to only sign Irish Players. Something as basic as that should not be hidden functionality, as it currently is.

  5. I'm doing an experiment that requires teams in multiple leagues to be exempt from relegation, for consistency reasons. I've set it so that the team "cannot be relegated" in the league stage, but is there anything extra I need to do to prevent them from qualifying for a bottom playoff? E.g: The Bundesliga / Bundesliga 2 Playoffs in Germany, or the Ligue 1 / Ligue 2 Playoff in France.

  6. I'd like to see 'Process Results into Stage' change in the Pre-Game Editor, to make it a more powerful tool, especially for fantasy databases which want to make league play more fun. Namely, I'd like 'Process Results into Stage' to be dealt with by doing additional checks, wherein if the exact same team isn't in the league (e.g: an Overall Table) you're processing into, it'll check if any team from that club is in the league (e.g: Liverpool Under 23s isn't in that league, but Liverpool is), and if so, the results from that match will be added to that team instead. This would allow for an interesting scenario where you could make a league structure where you could have an Overall Table with First Teams of a Club, and then 4 league stages that run side by side (First Team, Under 23s, Under 20s and Under 18s) and have them all processed into the Overall Table, potentially making Youth Clubs more important.

  7. Better Dynamic Youth Rating

    Dynamic Youth Rating should definitely be a long-term thing, but I feel like there should be short-term benefits too, if the nation is rapidly rising in the FIFA Ranking Points, or if the average reputation of the clubs in the nation is increasing.

    No More Dropdown Lists for Number-Based Additional Conditions

    Especially with the rise of Moneyball, managers need to be able to use fine margins to find the best players for affordable prices, and I feel like the Player Search option to have a dropdown list for numbered searches such as ‘xG’, ‘Goals’, ‘Shots’ and so on (basically anything that requires a number input), needs to be replaced with a text field for numbers. E.g: Currently if I wanted to search for somebody with at least 15 shots, I can’t, because the dropdown menu goes 0, 10, 20, 30, etc.

    Smarter Matching in Attribute Searches

    In Attribute Searches, where you select a number of attributes you’d like to check against, and you select ‘Match X / Y’, it’d be nice to have an option to make it so certain attributes are required to be matched. E.g: You pick 32 attributes and match at least 16 of them at 14+, but you can select that Pace, Acceleration, Finishing and Passing are part of the 16 attributes matched.

    End of Contract Discussions with Players

    Sometimes when I’m looking at End of Contract options, I’ll see somebody who I’m interested in adding to my team, and I’ll loan them as depth with the idea that they’ll be more interested in signing with my club when January comes along as they’re already here. However 7 out of 10 times, the club has agreed a new contract with them in the weeks before January arrives.

    What I’d like is for the interaction with Players and Agents to be expanded upon slightly, with the option to suggest to a player that they hold-off on contract negotiations with their club as you have an interest in signing them on a free. I don’t want this to be a really powerful tool for getting more End of Contracts, but I would like it to be possible to do so, as it is still really up to the player and it’d reflect how this practice happens often.

    More Options for Club Vision

    I’d like to see more options for things that can be in the long-term Club Vision, either from the start or when new owners come in. Some ideas would be ‘Sign Players from [CLUB]’ (usually for clubs that have a feeder club or partnership with a club and want to utilize that), ‘Sign Players for Nominal Fees’ (some owners might wish that a steady number of the players coming into the club are signed on Free Transfers, End of Contracts or are generally low-cost transfers) and ‘Develop Players for [CLUB]’ (for clubs which are a feeder team to another club, the owner may want you to develop clubs specifically for other club).

    Another thing that’d be interesting would be to add a new hidden attribute for chairmen called ‘Patriotism’, the higher the number the more likely that the incoming owner will request that the club brings in a steady number of players of his or her own nationality. This would be a way of making it so the ‘Sign Players of Nationality’ Club Vision appears more often and isn’t just for clubs who already have this in place.

    Improved Throw-In and Corner Routine Options

    One of the biggest issues I have with Throw-In(s) and Corner(s) as they exist in the game, is that setting them up is rather cookie-cutter, you just place people down in roles they can take up, but you have almost no control in what they do after the ball is kicked, and as such, is not realistic to how these Set Pieces are really crafted.

    I’d like to be able to still have those roles to start setting up the corner but be able to control what happens after the ball is kicked (E.g: You might want somebody coming short as a dummy, but running towards the box as the ball is kicked, or you might want somebody lurking Near Post, but running to come short as the ball is about to be kicked; Both of which would be ways to confuse the other team).

    Additionally, I’d like to see the option to add more than one player on the Far Post. I’ve seen real Corner Tactics where they’ve had many or even all players beyond the goalkeeper at the Far Post, who have rushed ahead when the ball is kicked, to open up serious space for the ball.

    Allow for 3-Split Throw-In(s)

    “3-Split Throw-In(s)” is what I’m going to call it. Basically, I want the Attacking Throw-In(s) to work similar to Free Kicks, where there’s multiple types of Attacking Throw-In based on circumstances. I’d like one for the Defensive Third, one for the Neutral Third and one for the Attacking Third.

    My reasoning is that as Football Manager works at the moment, you create one Throw-In that is used everywhere on the pitch, and that’s not practical or reasonable. Imagine you have a Long Throws tactic, you don’t want that being used in the Defensive Third, that’s going to be a real risk. In that circumstances, going short would probably be a better option, but because there’s no way to define what Throw-Ins are taken, based on area of the pitch, its not possible.

    Make Club Youth Sides Manageable

    I believe that for the sake of realism, Football Manager needs to allow their players to build more realistic paths to managing First Teams, by allow them to apply more managerial positions at a Club’s Youth Side (Under 23s, Under 20s, Under 18s, etc.), and crafting their own path to First Team Management, rather than needing to start straight away at a First Team.

    Make B / II Club Management Not Awful

    B Team management is currently awful, every year I think it’ll be great but it isn’t. Its because I expect to be given my own wage and transfer budget separate to the Main Team and to basically be a Director of Football, making signings to develop for the First Team. However this isn’t the case, and usually you get no transfer budget and little in the way of wages. This isn’t how B Teams work in reality, so I don’t know why it isn’t fixed.

  8. I can find 192 teams when I simply use the nation, and try Get Best Reserve Teams (Use Reserve League) or Get Best Reserve Teams (Use Reserve Cup) with the correct Youth Type required, but for most nations, including England, Germany and Italy, it picks really obscure clubs or teams, instead of the Lowest Youth Team from the clubs in the Top Flight leagues. I don't know if this would be considered a bug, because if I was making a cup in England, and I use Get Best Teams from Division with English Premier Division, and specified their U18s Teams, it'd almost definitely find the required teams.


    Test 3.2.fmf

  9. I'm making a Fantasy Nation in Asia, and everything seems to be working fine, except... I'm now trying to make an Invitational Cup, where Youth Teams from other nations play in a Group Stage, before later adding the teams from the nation. However, it can only find 34 of the 192 clubs for the Group Stage, no matter what I try. I've embedded the images of the issue, and the current version of the database.




    Test 3.1.fmf

  10. If you join the available managerial job at MLS debutants Charlotte FC, and have chosen start dates for a league such as England, where the MLS doesn't begin until 2021 as a result... You're given a Wage Budget of £2,326 per week, and £400K per week next season, but are told in the Club Vision to "prepare the club for joining the MLS" by the end of the current season, which typically means to buy MLS-quality Players for the start of the next season and get them into Match Fitness and Sharpness with a slew of friendlies... Although, I can't do either of those things, and will enter the MLS unprepared. It'd make more sense for that wage budget to be available now, rather than later.


  11. I made a MLS-Style Premier League, and a bunch of other cups in England... I created a save with a bunch of nations, with the intention of simming 100 years to see how it changed English Football. Other databases included in the save was a fix for sponsorship names, and such, and a fix for making Youth PA Levels for nations more levelled out. Although for some reason, on the specific date of June 9th, 2024, it crashes... I'd like to know why its crashing, so I can figure out what in my database changes is causing it and fix it. The save is uploaded as "Premier League Save (Test) (2).fm".

    FM 2020 v20.4.4.1442341 (2020.10.23 21.58.36).dmp

  12. 4 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

    You can set periods where no games are played for a certain stage, so you could put those around each other. It would take some planning though (but you just have given me an interesting idea for an edit I am doing :D )

    It is like setting a game free period around christmas, but then for a week or two week period where you play interconference and after that inconference again. As I said, it is a bit of work, but could work.

    Yeah, that could work, ideally I'd do it over November and December, but there's a problem with that too... The way I'm dealing with World Cup Years in which there are December Dates, is triggering a November and December Break for the Group Stage such as during Qatar 2022. I'm worried taking another two month break elsewhere might leave not enough days for the 30 Matchdays in the Main Group Stage to be scheduled.

  13. 1 minute ago, Wolf_pd said:

    The problem (I think) is here that the games are all played under the same rules as they are in the same competition. As far as I can find there is no option to have multiple stadium in the same competition. It would mean a different stage.

    I considered having multiple stages before, by taking the group stage, and making another Group Stage which happened at the same time as the other Group Stage and kept the teams in the same groups, but the problem I had there is because they had matching matchdays (Saturdays and Wednesdays), they'd clash and constantly reschedule each other, creating a horrible mess, and I couldn't figure out a way to circumvent that.

  14. I'm experimenting with a MLS-inspired Premier League where there's a Group Stage consisting of 32 Teams, split into a North and South Group, both consisting of 16 Teams, who play teams in their own group home and away, but play teams from the other group once at a Neutral Venue... I've got the games to happen with Fixture Plan Rules, but they're all Home Match Rules. How can I make it so the games played between Group 0 and 1 are listed as Neutral?


  15. I'm making a Combined League in England with clubs from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland in one League System. I've had to alter how some of the competitions in England work to facilitate new clubs taking part in them. One of these is the Leasing.com Trophy, which I altered to basically have two competitions within it, a Senior and Junior Phase, where the best Senior and Junior Team would meet in a Super Final. There is a Stage 0 and Stage 1 that are both Group Stages for the Senior and Junior Phases which both happen at the same time, then a Stage 2 and 3 that happen concurrently too and are Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals for the Senior / Junior Phases, and Stage 4 that is simply a Super Final for the two Phases to meet at. Although, when I try and test this competition. It gives me an error about rankings not matching up to the amount of teams? How can I fix this? All images are attached below.





  16. @Wolf_pd So, I've tried a few more times changing little details here or there, but still the same issues happen? I don't know why, the first season is fine but future seasons the table is broken. I don't know whether the terms of the affiliation prevent the two clubs from being in the same division, but the check is being done with Division Level rather than the specific division. Premier League and Premier League II are both Division Level 0, but in different nations. I'm not exactly sure what to do to fix this.

  17. 6 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

    Can you upload the file. There is no reason why teams from different nations should look at each other. Being a I and II club might complicate things, but that's just guessing at this point.

    @Wolf_pd The latest version is available at the Steam Workshop item I linked, although I can upload the file if you can't obtain it that way?

  18. I've attached an image which shows my issue. I've made an II / Reserve Database for England but I have a problem, despite the fact that the II Leagues and the Main League stuff being in two separate nations (England, and England Reserves [which I've made by editing Czechoslovakia]), I get this 'bug' where the playoff spots skip over II Clubs where their Main Club is in the main league above, and if a Main Club from a league above an II Club falls into a Division Level where their II Club is, it relegates the II Club from their II League down. Is there any way to fix this? The II Clubs were made separately and affiliations make them II Clubs, and I could understand why a Main Club and their II Club can't be in the same division, but why is this applying to a club in a division, in a different nation?


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