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Posts posted by LasseT95

  1. I was promoted to the Bundesliga with Dresden, i have decent players and i used the same tactic i used when i was in 2. Bundesliga. My first two games was fine as you can see, draw and 3-0 win. After that... 1 win and 1 draw in 12 matches.

    Changed from 433 to 4231 and still no luck.
    My best players are underperforming. Lo celso is by far my best player and he has an average of 6.58 the last 5 games. My striker have 1 goal in 12 matches. Inverted winger/inside forward is by far the worst performing, no matter who plays there.

    Do i keep playing 4231 or do i go back to 433? Balanced or positive? What roles and insructions should i use? Nothing seems to work at all. When i look at the players the other teams have, they have the same quality as me. All my highlights are from set-pieces. All the opponents highlights are prime barcelona tika-taka high tempo no mistakes. Even though they are outnumbered they always find a way through my defence with one single pass

    I desperately need help.






  2. I don't even think you can call this a feature since it's already in the game for players. It would be a tiny QoL update and this is the third year i'm asking

    The point is to have a development tab for staff members like assistant managers and trainers, so you can see how they improve. When they finish a license, there is no arrows that indicate what attributes have improved. There is no way to see what the attributes was before. It would simply just be a copy paste from the players development tab, but for staff.

    The only way to know what improved, is to remember the numbers for your staff. That's hard when you have 30 staff members

  3. 26 minutes ago, Cloud9 said:

    Are you asking anyone to "take more risks" in the PIs? You don't have pass into space in the tactic, and are playing out from the back, both of which will cut down on your through ball attempts. The DLP, who will get the ball a lot by being a playmaker, will also recycle possession primarily and not look for a through ball. In my own saves I've played around with asking him to "pass more direct" and "take more risks" on a supporting role, but you could try out a Regista as well. 

    I tried to put "take more risks" on my CM-s and he dropped a 6,4. The only trait he have is "tries long passes". I am learning him "tries killer balls"
    I don't have "pass into space" because they will do it anyways and most my games are against teams where i can't pass it into any space. 

    I am considering changing my DLP-d to a DM-d and my CM-s to a mezzala-s, playing fairly narrow instead of fairly wide and lowering the tempo to normal. I have no idea how to break down the 5-3-2 and 5-2-1-2 beside pressing their wingbacks, play wide and use wingbacks for width. But when i have 60% possesion and can't hit the target, i have no idea what to do. I play good against the big teams, but i can't beat the small teams. Should i play with high lines or low lines against bad teams and i should i play fast or slow against them?

  4. As the title says, my 4-3-3 needs some help! I don't know how, but i'm currently 5th in Serie A in italia, even though the half of my team are playing like trash.

    My biggest problem is that my AF doesn't get ANY chances in any game. Nobody is passing to him and he never runs into channels as an AF.

    My CM-s is my best playmaker, but he has 1 and 1 goal assist in 20 games. He got 16 vision, 16 passing 15 first touch, 17 technique...

    I have no idea what roles i need in the midfield. My DLP-d has been decent, but none of my cm players are opening their defence

    Another BIG problem is that my B2B and Cm-s are shooting from distance when they can. They never hit the target. Instead of waiting for a better chance, they just close their eyes and hope for the best.

    This tactic works fine against bigger teams for some reason and i have tried changing roles, mentality and LOF, but that doesn't do anything. 

    Sometimes i have 60% possesion and 15 shots but only 3 on target. They always shoot from distance. My wingbacks aren't crossing the ball and just turns around to kill chances. When they finally cross, they never hit any of the 4 players in the box.

    I just want my team to STOP shooting from distance 24/7, actually make runs into channels, pass to my AF and give him a chance to score.

    Can you please help me and tell me what i'm doing wrong? Being 5th with this team doesn't make sense as you can see on their ratings. They can play 2 good games with ratings over 7 and then play 2 games under 6,3 with no shots on target or anything. Are my roles wrong, mentality wrong.

    I want my AF to get more chances. i want my IW and WB on the right to pass it to my AF or IF-s. I want to stop my CMs from shooting outside the box against defensive teams. I want my team to stop losing possesion by dribbling or turning around when i have 3 players free for passing. Is there anything in my tactic that doesn't make sense to you?



  5. On 14/06/2023 at 12:36, Johnny Ace said:

    Might be why, you send bodies forward, they'll send them back toward goal 

    Why do you think those roles would work better than a CM(S)? CM in general, regardless of duty, is a solid role and a valid choice in any lineup that uses "8's", most Support roles in central midfield are just a CM(S) with hard coded visible and invisible personal instructions. Personally, I like one dedicated play maker in a lineup so I'd either use a DLP(D) and CM(S) or DM(D) and AP(S) 

     Fullbacks can drift infield, they're not as pinned out wide as a Wingback. I'd prefer a Wingback to create that overlap with the IF and stretch the pitch but the FullBack can help create overloads so it's to you. The player playing rubbish at Wingback and decent at FB will be more on the player than the role 

      They look fine for a general gegen style, I'd maybe drop the LOE or push up the D-Line too so the lines are a little more compact 

    Changing it to CM-s have helped a little and i have 15 points in 9 games. I have been lucky with 1-0 victories and draws. I have a lot of shots inside their box, but they always get blocked or fly over the stadium and i don't know what to do, to get better chances. My last game was against Lecce palced 19th and i had 13 shots, only 3 on goal.
    I don't know when to pass into space, because when it's on they always pass to the opponent.
    I don't know when to work it into the box, because then i don't get any shots
    I don't know when to have high lines or low lines
    I don't know when to use balanced or positive mentality

    Now i'm using DLP-d on DM and B2B with a CM-s. It doesn't seem like the B2B works that well. Should he be on the left side or right side? Right side is IW-s and left side is IF-a. or should i use a different role beside the CM-s? It feels like it's close to be a good tactic, but i need the last push to get comfortable wins instead of being lucky

  6. 40 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

    Overall, the more roles you ask to get further forward and give a higher mentality too, the more players you try and throw into the opposition's defensive third, which leads to the opposition sending more players back to defend and clogging up the final third 

    I think the easiest way to simplify your roles would be to change CM(A) to CM(S) and IF(A) to IF(S) then it'll be way more balanced all around :thup:  The IF(S) is less concerned with scoring and more about creating chances, he'll rush the box less often and stay deeper in build up, the same with the CM, he'll look to stay behind the ball more and create for players ahead of him rather than getting ahead of play and scoring  

    I have noticed that their penalty area is full of players and all my shots are always blocked.

    It makes sense to change the CM-a role to something else. but would a AP-a or AP-s work instead of a Cm-s? Or would it be bad because i already have a DLP?
    But what about my FB-s behind my IF on the left? When i use him as a WB-s, he is terrible. I tried FB-s and it worked a lot better, maybe because my BBM is wide and the WB-s runs into him?
    Would you change any instructions too?

  7. I need some help with my 4-3-3. Almost all my players are new for this season, so their tactic knowledge and all that stuff may be at 80%. There is a couple of positions that works well and then i have some roles that sucks with 6.5 ratings every game.
    My striker rarely gets chances, my CM-A always have under 6.5, my Ball-playing CB doesn't do much and both my wings are also pretty.
    My start have been lucky with a 4-2 cup win, 1-0 win, a draw with 3 shots on goal and a 2-0 win on 2 set pieces with under 1 xg

    Do you see any roles or instructions i need to change? I want my striker to get more chances, my wingback to provide width, my CM-a to just be better. Does a CM-a work well with a inverted winger and advanced forward or do i have to use a DLF-a? or maybe change my CM-A to a mezzala or something else? Give me your best advice if you can see if anything is wrong. Thanks


  8. I can't get anything out of IF this year, no matter who the player is on that role.

    Right now i have a player with 1 assist and 0 goals in 17 games as IF (A) and it seems impossible to make him play good. He always gets a 6,4 or under.

    My tactic is like this:

                    AF (A)

    IF (A)                           W (A)

               CM (A) Mez (S)

    WB (S) CB (D) CB (D) FB (S)

    Everyone on the left side is playing like garbage. My IF (A), CM (A) and WB (S) is getting 6,4 or under every single game. What can i change here?  I tried swapping my CM (A) with a B2B and it was the exact same. Heeeelp


  9. I could be cool if it was possible to track your staffs development when they have finished a trainer-license

    It could be the same as the player development tracker tab where you can see how much they have improved since they joined the club

    Replace the player attributes with staff attributes and basically just copy the development page for staff

    the reason is that you have to remember what stats they had before taking a license. With this change it would be much easier to see which stats your assistant manager or trainers have changed

    Attached photo for showing what page i mean

    Player attributes.png

  10. Every match i win is only won by 1 goal. Even if i control a match with 20 shots to 1 and i have a 2-0 lead, they always score in overtime to 2-1. This must be a bug right? I have tons of chances after i score the first goal, but i can only win by 1. Why? Is it a bug or just my players that are mentally weak? But take a look at my first season until now:

    I have played 35 games:

    10 times have i won 1-0

    6 times have i won 2-1

    2 times i have won 2-0

    1 times have i won 3-2.

    That's 19 wins and only 2 of them is not by 1 goal. 17 out of 19 wins is by 1 goal. Most of my missed shots are from my wingers even though i told them both to shoot less. They always shoot into the side of the et from a tight angle. But how can 17 out of 19 wins be by 1 goal? Bad mental stats or just awful tactic?

  11. How is it too easy? I feel like i can't have a good match no matter what tactic i have. Ervery game is either 1-0, 1-1 or 0-1. Never a comfortable win. I feel like i need to have 20 tactics, one for each team in my league and it have to be perfect. My attackers never score, i always miss the huge amount of penalites i get, but the other team always scores on theirs. It seems like when they tested the match engine it works fine when aren't a manager. But the bugs is insane when you control a team and tell them what to do and not to do.

  12. I think i speak for everyone for this one. Almost all 1 one 1 chances is either directly at the keeper or off-target. I also can't make my attackers score, because ALL crosses from my wings goes to my wings, even though i have set my wingers to "Cross to center".

    Then we have a problem with wings and sometimes backs shooting for fun. I have my tactic like this: RB, LB, LW and RW to shoot less. But they shoot constantly even though they have the chance to cross it. They always shoot into the side of the net.

    Both my backs never make crosses, even when i have them on "more crosses". They ALWAYS running, turn back and pass it to a midfielder.

    Even if i play in a lower league and the players stats are bad, this should not happen so often. It seems like players in this version have to have amazing stats to do anything right. Even though i know that these bugs happens for big teams too.


    I have some examples in my last game against Münster i won 1-0. If my team did what i asked for, i would have won with much more.

    10:50': My  right-winger shoots into the side of the net from a tight angle, even though there is 3 players in the box and one of them is completely unmarked. Instruction to shoot less

    12:15': My keeper passes it short to my CB , even though i told him to pass it fast to my wingers. I have a unmarked winger on the left side

    30:35': The other team gets a red card to tackling the ball. He only hits the ball and wins it. This happen really often with red cards. Players never fall down too.

    31:30': My right-wing shoots on the keeper at a tight angle, even though there is 2 players in the box and 1 player unmarked outside the box. Instruction to shoot less

    41:15': My left-winger shoots in the side of the net, even though there is 3 players in the box and 3 outside the box unmarked. Instruction to shoot less.

    53:10': My right-wing is alone with the keeper and shoots directly at him even after taking a good time to aim.

    55:55': My right-wing shoots from outside the box when a player is standing in front of him and he have 6 teammates he can pass to. Instruction to shoot less.

    59:50': My attacker misses a penalty. I know this happens in real life. BUT, the amount of missed penalties is crazy. The amount of penalties given is also extreme and every penalty is given when players tackle the ball and the other player stumbles a bit.

    76:55': My right-wing shoots at a tight angle directly at the keeper, even though there is players in the box and he can shoot at the near post instead. Instruction to shoot less

    77:04': My midfielder finally recieves a cross in the box and have a clear-cut chance with only the keeper to beat, but still shoots directly at him. 


    I uploaded the file to ownCloud. The file is named: Die löven.fm

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