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Everything posted by sanx

  1. Anyone else having problem managing Newcastle? I have tried tactics from the internet that should be good as a desperate attemtp to turn the save around but nothing works. I believe that some teams arent meant to work, as i have deleted and began an new save 4-5 times with them
  2. The comment i agree the most on! Thats everything i want a improvement on
  3. Am i the only one who still hoping they will release it today? 24 February 22:38 Stockholm time. I have a feeling they will!!!!
  4. I love this time of the year! Its my favorite season, my 2 favorite games release their new edition and life just good
  5. if the beta is released today and i havent bought it yet, can i still get it 20% cheaper or is it just for those who pre ordered it?
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