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Everything posted by CKBrahMa

  1. 1. Confirmation Bias : if a lot of people complain about something, it must be an issue. Or, maybe a lot of people make the same mistake ? 2. We don’t have a single capture of OP’s tactic or players. How can we be sure that it is not his tactic or his players ? 3. I used to complain a lot about offside. However, the better I became at tactic creation, the less « bug » I face. For example, I’m **** at setpiece and, when playing, I’m like « again a free kick bug for the IA ! » TL;DR : I’m not saying it’s OP’s fault. I’m saying that we don’t have the elements to rule if it’s either a bug or OP’s fault.
  2. OR, but maybe OR, It is not a bug but a tactic problem ?
  3. I think you have to read more carefully what the TI’s meaning. Maxing the press won’t mean you have a very great pressing tactic. It is not an on-off option. You have to think of pressing intensity like a zone around your player where they’re going to press. The higher the pressing intensity is, the wider their pressing zone is. So, the quicker they’ll trigger their press. Triggering the press doesn’t mean that the player will succeed in his press : it depends on the player attributes. If you ask a player that can’t harass, that can’t tackle or just can’t renew his efforts in the press, it will only lead him to run and run and run. As I said, you have to get a clear idea of how you want to play. Reading what you write, I would say that you want : - a non-possession based tactic ; - use your tall player as an assistant giver/creating 2nd ball so that your AMC or your AF can go behind defense and score ; - play out on the wing. However, you also want to play high up the pitch (reducing space for your AMC and AF), want to get the ball back quicker (once again, forcing your opposition to stay on their half) and also have to AP (with no winger per se + tends to be for a possession based tactic). I feel like you want a style of play pretty much like France in the 2018 World Cup, am I right ? If you want, we can work this out tonight together, I DM’ed you my Discord (it will be easier). Then, we can share the results here
  4. Having all the pressing setting to the maximum won’t automatically make your team press very well. Actually, what you’re basically asking to your team is to go press very high up the pitch and even when the ball is far away from them. Leading to have a lot of gaps in your formation (that have counter and counter press). Meaning that the opposition only have to play few short passes to have a lot of space to play into. To play an heavy press, you need your players to have very good attributes in : - Teamwork ; - Agression ; - Tackling ; - Stamina ; - Workrate ; - Bravery ; - Anticipation ; - Strenght. And I am sure that I forgot some. You play such a high-intensity and fast tactic that, I bet most of your players aren’t at the right spot when they have to trigger the press, leaving huge gaps to play into. If they don’t have the attributes, you just ask your players to run a lot. The more they get tired, the less the press is effective, the more your oppenent is prime Barcelona. You say you want to force a long ball from your opponent. The best way to do it is not by having a huge press, but by having a « wall » of your players cutting all short passing options. Do you have a perfect idea of how you want to play the game ? How you want to attack, how you want to defend ? To be honest, it didn’t look like it. I feel (but I can be wrong) that you just put everything at max and asking your players to be very energetic, without a true game plan. some of your TI’s don’t make sense (you seem to like to play a very fast way, but asking your team to wait for your full back to overlap, just so they can hit early cross when the one waiting for the overlap has to pass into space ?)
  5. First, pressing does work. It is not because your team can’t press like prime Liverpool that press doesn’t work. Now, if you want help, you have to post your tactic and players at least, and maybe be more specific about what you’re struggling on.
  6. PSG, Barcelona, Madrid and Bayern wants to buy Martinelli after his season. Don't use this tactic, you'll loose all your best players...
  7. Just finish the season, here is the tactic : Here are some stats : I think it was the best football I ever played ! I really saw beautiful movement ! However, at the end of the season, I guess the IA found the huge weakness : the width. It was very hard to win, especially on away games. I may change for a more balanced tactic next season, as it is very hard to play against 442 or double winged system
  8. As I said, they’re key attributes : the higher the better. However, if you play with a low block, jumping reach and heading should also be taking into account whereas pace and acceleration should be quite high for a high line. Anticipation is great, especially for defender which cover duty. A great hint is the attributes highlighted when picking a role. It gives you a great indication of what is important, what is good. It doesn’t mean that what is not highlighted is not important, but they’re not considered as a key attribute. What I do to scout the right players for my tactic (I.e. for a possession tactic, a minimum of 12/13 in passing, first touch, technique, anticipation, off the ball, workrate, decision, vision, balance, agility). For defenders on a high line of defense, I add pace and acceleration of at least 14, if not 15. Then, with the players meeting this requirement, I look at the highlighted attributes for the role and go look for the best ones. In that way I know that I have the best one for my tactic & style of play for a choosing role.
  9. In theory, yes all equal. However, your style of play will also have to be taken into account. For instance, if you’re playing a possession-based football, it can be better to have a defender with less good defensive attribute but that can actually pass the ball rather than a rock solid defender that will oof the ball everytime
  10. You should aim for « like to switch » rather than the long ball. The first one will do exactly what you want to do, not the 2nd. and yes, it means he will aim for the other wing.
  11. Tbh, never tried it : most of the « natural IW/IF » have the PPM. I would say that even on their wrong foot they won’t cut inside as they don’t have neither the PPM nor the PI. They even have the opposite PI hard coded, explaining why the PPM is important
  12. Je me permets une petite nuance : ce n’est pas possible sans mod. Il existe un mod qui ajoute des commentaires en anglais uniquement. C’est assez sympa, mais un poil répétitif et parfois pas toujours adéquat. au cas ou : FM23 Essentials - Audio Match Commentary
  13. Before asking what’s wrong with this tactic : how do you want your team to play ? Regarding TI’s, it seems that you want to play a low block’ish to take the ennemy team on the break, but play slow when around their goal. It seems that you want your team to be very active when loosing possession, but with a very tiny screen to do it (low block + high line of engagement)
  14. I would also say that his composure is the issue. I don’t know if it has an effect, but maybe the fact that he has to rush from the bottom of your team to score a goal leads to even less composure that his stats shows (like, you rush out to the opp’ box, you’re a bit tired, so you’re even less clear-minded)
  15. As it has been said : IRL Football is way more complexe than FM. So you have to simplify. I don’t have problem with a defensive 3-2, it can work as long as you’re aware that you’re going to struggle against wide comp’s. I would put your DM on defense and the RGA on a more conservative role ? I’m not sure about a DLP-s as he may become a ball magnet, and he’s placed in a zone where you don’t want to loose the ball. Maybe a simple DM-s or a SV-s if you want a more B2B style. I would also turn one of your WCB into a BPD and have the other on, at least support duty. I would also tick down one notch the Pressing TI : you have it to max which is very dangerous. Now, just few notes on your overall tactic : - you only have one player on attack duty. I would put at least one of your wingers on A-duty ; - I wouldn’t play with a wide width. I do think playing wide while recreating Pep’s style is a misconception. IMO, he does play narrow BUT have players staying wide to stretch the play (Wingers, IW with the stay wider PI). It also makes sense to play narrow when wanting to possession and counter pressing ; - I wouldn’t have slow tempo AND WBIB. You pretty much ask your players to play MUCH SLOWER when near the box. I would rather have WBIB + normal tempo or slow tempo without WBIB
  16. Rather than recreating Vini. Jr, focus on what you like about him ? As someone said, I would go with a W-a if he has the « cut inside » PPM. I’m not a huge follower of Real Madrid, but I wouldn’t say he’s a IW or a IF. IW moves with a U-shape. What they pretty much do is running wide, stop, and the cut inside to deliver a cross or a long shot. IF may loose him the dribble man effect IMO. He will more likely to wait to have ball in space and try to kill it with a goal. W-a with the adequate PPM does the best of both World : they can move like IW, IF and W. For example, I play Gabriel Martinelli in a W-a role (not at the AM level but LM-level). He scored a bunch of goals (more than 15) and deliver plenty of assists, while not being a regular starter. But, still, it is just my opinion. It also relies on your tactic !
  17. It depends on your league. let’s say you’re in the Premier League, I would toss every player who’s bellow 13 (that’s my rule of thumb). I can adapt (I.e. I can be ok with a 12 for my striker if he has incredible stats). For a gegenpress or a high press setup, i would also check concentration, teamwork, stamina and tackling. Some may argue strength too. Just remember : it can be better to have a well-rounded player without incredible stats rather than an excellent striker that can’t press at all.
  18. It might be a tactic problem or a player problem. For example, say that one of your creator has the ball, and you instruct him to play it quickly towards the goal. But, it happens that the only player available is offside : your creator may follow your TI/PI and play a bad ball. however, if he can play it more slowly and/or have several options in front of him, he may choose the player who’s not offside. We need to see your tactic and players to help you.
  19. The box I was looking for is between the DM’s/IWB and the CM’s. But I followed your idea to have a 3ATB and 2DM : works pretty great actually !
  20. As I said, it’s also during a game, not only on the pass map. If I played him as a DM, it would be better for the build up, but I may have a problem when we have to defend
  21. Hi everyone ! I’m trying to have a box midfield, with the bottom of my box being the DM and the IWB. However, during the games, it feels like, even if the IWB tucks a bit inside, it moves the box on his side (for me, on the left). when Looking the pass map, the IWB looks to be a bit wide… I’m playing in a 433
  22. Thinking you can exactly replicate 100% a tactic done by someone who has been a high-level player, followed years of study/passing exams and who is managing at a top level is delusional. Futhermore, you’re replicating it in FM. As Johny Ace says, it is nearly impossible to replicate an IRL tactic into FM 100%. IMO, the only thing you can do is replicate a pattern. As it has been said, IRL Football is way more fluid than we can manage in FM. It is why I use the less TI’s I can as I let some freedom to the game (and not so much the players) to have IRL fluidity. I produce IRL analysis, heatmaps and so on to back my point of view. You did not. You’re just assuming things because you think that how the things are. 1. You can check out the title. It states « Arteta’s Arsenal recreation ». I’m not basing my analysis on the game he managed at Man City against Lyon while Guardiola was suspended. 2. You do realise I’m the one who created this thread ? So I guess I know what I wanted to talk about. My « point » (meaning, my whole thread) is to explain how I tried to replicate Arteta’s Arsenal. You can see in the previous message that I’m open for discussion (even if sometime not being a native English speaker can make me misunderstand). I am the one not getting your point. You come down here, posting your tactic and imposing your point of view without any valid argument. You even contradict yourself by saying you want a 100% replication and forcing your player to play only one way (and so, nullifying the IRL fluidity). At this point, I’m not even sure you saw a full Arsenal game this season, but guessing you just saw highlights and maybe one analysis.
  23. I have to agree with both Johny Ace and CARRERA. That’s what I was trying to say when I said that you have to think about your shape and roles before thinking about TI’s (and how you can complicate things if you don’t). I think this is where you’re mistaken. First : yes, a W-a can cut inside (if he has the PPM + on the wrong foot), yes he can make runs into space, if this is what you want. Then, for the « I want my roles to work for almost every player ». The thing is, it doesn’t work like that. You either pick the player who fits your system or you adapt your system to the player. But you can’t force a player that doesn’t fit in your system to fit in. Regarding Arteta’s principles, he is more of a system person (like Guardiola). Meaning, he wants his players to fit in the system (he can, of course, adapt it a little, like with Nketiah replacing Jesus). To conclude (because this thread is about a recreation of Arteta’s Arsenal, not « how can we play like Arteta with Montpellier »), I strongly suggest you to read some content from Cleon/View from the touchline. A final advice (that I tend to embrace in FM) : KISS. Meaning « Keep It Simple Stupid ». For instance : Shape : helps to know if I’m bottom heavy or top heavy, and find where my weaknesses are. Roles : what this player is asked to do (IW = coming in a U-shape) PI’s : how I want this player to do what he is asked for PPM’s : how the player likes to play TI’s : how I want my whole team to play. Don’t try to add things to mitigate other. This should be a consequence, not a goal.
  24. And guess what : a winger-a or an IF-a during the build up also stays wide Unfortunately, the IWB is never a true DM and stays wider. Once again : I'm not saying you're wrong with your reasonning, I'm saying your overcomplicate things.
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