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Everything posted by CKBrahMa

  1. Hi ! Sorry I could not update as it was an insane working week ! I finish my first 3 official games (Community Shield : win 1-0 against Liverpool ; UEFA Super cup : win 2-1 against Barcelona ; first game of PL - win 1-2 (A) against Brentford). I have to review these games, but here are my first impression : - Mezz-a and IF-a run in the same space. I thought the Mezz would go wider with a IF cutting inside, but they stick together or put to many times the IF wider. Ødegaard had too many runs I wanted Saka to have - I think I should drop my DL to, at least, higher (instead of Much Higher). Zinchenko is not fast enough and get caught to many times in behind. The same can be said for the other defenders, but they’re a bit faster. - My Data Hub said that Martinelli lost to many balls. I have to take a look (if it’s for risky passes, it’s ok. If he’s getting press 2v1 too often, it’s a problem) - I think Saka still need more space. Maybe dropping the DL will help lowering my block and therefore freeing more space in behind the opponent DL
  2. Yes sure ! First, I will wait the first 3 official game before making any change. Then, if I have one, it would be replacing G. Jesus as a Left ST.
  3. You’re right. It just appears that Saka doesn’t try that much to go behind the defense. Here may be the issues (and the idea to solve it) : maybe my overload is more central than in the left hand-side (I see Martinelli getting space too). Solution : put G.Jesus as a left ST, not center ; we played weak teams so we went very high up the pitch, leaving him less space maybe one’s of Saka PPM (like to dribble a lot)
  4. Thanks a lot for all the great advices ! Maybe one day I will try to make a guide about most of PPM’s (maybe a video one, if I dig into it) haha. If I follow your post, Saka should be great at beating offside trap (beside finishing, but 12 is okay’ish and it will be a problem no matter what). During my research, I found what you said (Further forward being mostly for FB or CM). I also found that most of the people said that the Beat the Offside PPM make their player being caught offside more often than usual. Don’t know if it’s a bug or a misuse : don’t want to face a wall here.
  5. It's only friendlies but it looks promissing ! Both IF-a (11 goals, 9 assists) and F9 (11 goals, 1 assists) scores ! The IW-s had 6 goals and 5 assits and the Mezz 7 goals and 6 assists (highly influated by the 19-0 friendly). I'm just enjoying the tactic now, I will wait official games to analyze and tweak it. I’m also training Saka and Pepe the following PPM : Get further forward. What are your opinion on that ? Maybe I’m miss interpreting and I should train « beats the offside trap » ?
  6. I already have Zinchenko and Aarons. If I have too many injuries there, still have Maintland-Niles or even Ben White. Should do the job
  7. Sold K. Tierney for 41M to Barcelona. He's a great player but, not playing with a left WB but only IWB, it was great money and quite a wage to cash out.
  8. Ok, copy that ! For Webster, that's what I thought For Laimer, I do want a more defensive one (more defensive than Partey, who can be more of a runner). I hesitating with Camara : he's younger BUT worst than Laimer. However, he cost max 20M (against 38 for Laimer). I know Liverpool and other club wants Laimer too, so I think I better go with him and go for Camara if I don't get Laimer
  9. Which traits would you recommend ? I have to say that I'm still a newbie for PPM Currently preparing the Transfer window. I'm selling Rob Holding (11M, max 16M), Elneny (free transfer). I also want to sell Xhaka as he as a huge wages and is getting old. I think I'm going to make these buy : Adam Webster,as he is cheap (8 million) and can be and okay'ish rotation CB for Saliba Konrad Laimer. He's on sell for 38M, which is quite expensive for me but, a very great profile for brigging someone a bit more defensive
  10. Thanks ! To be fair, I'm a bit anxious as it is new for me to dedicate myself to make a winger work as an IF-a, especially as I overperformed last season.
  11. Hi everyone ! After having success with Ødegaard as a false 9 Messi-like (on FM22) and trying to replicate Arteta's 22/23 (on FM23, winning the PL first season, UEL too with 0 shot on target), my next goal is to make Arsenal's starboy Saka the next "Ballon d'Or", or at least the best IF of the world. First of all, I want to thanks : - Cleon / View from the touchline for his "Playbook". I will try to follow his teachings to create my tactic ; - RDF tactic and BTN for all the content they create and that are great learnings ; - this forum overall, especially all the threads about overload. Introduction I always struggle to make B. Saka shine in my FM save, I don't know why (tbf, I always seems to make my stricker shine, but I never manage to make my "wingers" the main goal threat). Before the start of season 2 How I want to play Firstly, I want to follow the demands from the fans that wants 1. entertaining football and 2. an attacking football. My personal objectives are : play to win play an attacking football, looking for goals and maybe sacrifice a bot of defensive solidity create great chance of scoring, over number of occasions (as Saka isn't the best finisher when it comes to attribute. Same for Martinelli. Only G. Jesus in the overall squad is a great finisher) Some of the rules I have to follow due to my squad/goals : Playing the right winger (Saka, Marquinos) as IF-a ; Playing with my LFB as IWB as I have Zinchenko and Max Aarons there Play with a 433, because I don't feel like playing another shape To achieve my goal, I look to create an overload on the left hand-side of the pitch to free-up a lot of space on the right for Saka. Also, I clearly want to play on the counter as Saka is a lighting bolt and his speed and dribbling are is main strength. In other words, it means that I should retain possession long enough on the left, without loosing it of course. However, looking at the attributes, my teams is not the best at playing possession football (especially, they lack of concentration and balance, see below). The Shape As I said, I want to play with a 433. There are no specific reasons beside me wanting to. Pros : It naturally offers width with the wingers and full backs ; having 3 midfielders offers you the ability to have someone running from deep while having 2 CM still there ; making you stronger in the central area of the pitch while defending Cons : With no one in the AMC strata, the lone striker can be to isolated and to easily pressed and dispossessed of the ball ; with no one in the AMC strata, if they have a DLP/Regista in this zone, he will have a lot of space to operate and distribute the ball using an IWB, we're going to be very exposed in the left flank (right for the opposition) and, on the right half-space (as, beside a CD and the DM, we will have no one) To summarize : We don't have specific needs of creating width as this formation will do it naturally with 3 midfielders and 2 players on the flank, we can easily put 4 (even 5 with the lone sticker, see below) players out of 8 (not counting the CD and the GK) on the left hand-side of the pitch, to create an overload. our striker will have to work a lot to both cover the ST and AMC strata but also remaining a goal threat if the opponent doesn't fall for our overload. Playing style Firstly, I would say that Arsenal is a "low tier" Top side teams. Our players are, without a doubt, better than the ones in Newcastle, Wolves, etc. We're even with Chelsea, Spurs. However, in terms of attributes, we're still behind City and Liverpool (and United of course ). So, we can play a lot of playing style with success, but against the Elite teams, we have to play on our strengths. Cleon define Attacking playstyle this way : It is due to this definition that I think the idea I had match the playstyle : we want to overload the pitch on the left to switch it to the other side ("how well you distribute the ball and overload the opposition" "Then when the time is right you'll look to carve open the defence with intelligent play and skill.") ; we want to take the opposition on the counter (" commit players forward"). Cleon states that the main attributes for this style are : Dribbling First touch Passing Technique Anticipation ; Composure ; Vision ; Flair ; Off the ball ; Teamwork ; Pace ; Acceleration ; Agility. As you can see, Arsenal is above average on all of this attributes, while we lack very much on other main attributes for other playstyle (like, possession football). The current tactic Here is the current tactic that, as I think, will answer all the need for my approach. I will focus on some of the aspects : Playing with a DM-d. As the attacking approach is very risky, I want someone staying at the back with the CD to help in case of a counter ; FB-s : I don't have the right player for a true WB-s. It doesn't mean the FB won't overlap even without the TI, he may do it. However, as I have a Mezz-a and an IF-a, I need someone to stay a bit behind to cover the space behind their runs ; Mezz-a and IF-a. Yes, they will occupy the same space (right HS), but not in the same way. The Mezz comes from the midfield to the HS (in-out) while the IF comes from the flank to the center by the HS (out-in). I think it can create great cross runs and opening more space ; BWM-s : as I lack of skills to have a proper possession style, the main issue I may face that I don't want to have is loosing the ball during the overload phase (while, loosing it during the counter on the right side is, yet a risk, but one I have and accept to take). Futhermore, having an IW-s, a F9 and a IWB-s, I have enough creator on this side ; Focus down the right flank + balanced : when we read the TI, it states that the play is going to be more agressive than the usual. My understanding is that, if the teams mentality is Positive, the right side is going to play like it is on Attacking or Very Attacking. My aim is to have my IF-a and Mezz-a on attacking, while the rest of the teams is, at tops, on Positive. When I choose Positive, the right side is on very attacking, which is too much. Furthermore, as I don't have the best players for possession, I don't want them to try something too risky during the overload ; Mid block + high LOE : Mid block because I need space to counter but not to much space or the overload is going to be less efficient, or even dangerous if we loose the ball ; Counter but NO COUNTER PRESS : counter links with everything I said and the playstyle. No counter press because I don't want the players on the right to chase the ball. I leave it untick for the moment. I hope you enjoyed the reading ! I will update this thread (pictures, tweak, transfer window). It is a first for me creating a tactic this way. Please, feel free to comment or help me
  12. Sorry if it wasn’t your aim to be judgemental. Tbf, the « pretty disappointing » feels like it haha
  13. If it disappoint you, why don’t you do it then ? I don’t get the point ton come to a thread, while several of us tries to recreate something, and just judge it without any argumentation ? Furthermore, it has been debunk that the formation you see in your tactic is not the formation without the ball ? why is that ? Because it is highly different if you counter press or not, counter or not, press much more often… I play a 433 formation (I redone it, won the PL yesterday, final of EUL. I will post it when the season is over). Sometimes, my team defend like a 442, other time like a 451, or a 4411 and sometimes like a 433. How do you explain it, then ?
  14. Sorry I rage that much. It just pisses me off that we « have » to play a certain way or the ME don’t get our animation. I’m playing with 2 IW-A and a CF-s and it seems to work. It doesn’t make any sens (no one keeping the width when the IW cuts inside, Mezz and IW staying at the same spot, etc.). But it seems to work (3 games with this : 2-0, 1-0, 3-0. High shots on target, high xG, juste some players lacking composure in front of the goal).
  15. All the screens I posted is my problem : Even with a "front 5", I only have max 3 players in front. Which means it is not possible to replicate the 5 front of Arteta.
  16. I am so sick of this version of FM23. Really. I don't know if it's me or the Match Engine in his current state. I just don't get it. I find myself loosing my cool because the players are dumb. Theyre really are. I usef to be at least okay as creating FM tactics (look at my F9 Odegaard for FM22). For the beta, i played Monaco with a 442 and it worked like a charm. But trying to play with a positionnal play like Arsenal does. I just got **** every ****ing game. I find myself save scumming like a child because i can't understrand why it doesn't work.
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