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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. A known issue we're investigating. Thank you for flagging.
  2. Thanks for flagging. This is a known issue we are investigating.
  3. This is a known issue we're looking into, thank you for flagging.
  4. Thanks for flagging. This is a known issue we're currently investigating.
  5. Can you please send us your editor file, thank you.
  6. Thank you for flagging. This is a known issue we're looking to fix for a future update.
  7. Hello, could you please check that under Filter, 'Active Fields Only' is disabled?
  8. Hello, with this new substitution rule, teams can make up to five substitutions. However, they need to be made within in three separate ‘game stoppages’ during a match. For example, if you make one substitution in three separate stoppages, then you won't be able to make your fourth and fifth substitutions.
  9. Hello, the save you provided us is a long way from when the issue occurs, so it is unlikely that we can recreate the exact circumstances to recreate the bug. Do you happen to have a save file that is still before the issue occurs, but closer to the date? Then we will be able to investigate, thank you.
  10. Could you please upload the save file from the 28th of May to us?
  11. Thank you for the save files and information, we will take a closer look.
  12. Thank you for the save, we'll take a closer look.
  13. Thank you for the screenshot. Can you send us your save file, so we can examine.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion. This is going to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  15. Thanks for the request. This is going to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  16. Thank you for the request. This is going to be reviewed and your idea may end up in a future FM.
  17. Thank you for the request. This idea may end up in a future FM.
  18. Thank you for the request. This is going to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  19. Thank you for the request. This is going to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  20. Thank you for the request. The community has raised this idea previously. We may consider for future FM's.
  21. Thank you for the request. This is going to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  22. Thank you for the suggestion. This idea will be considered and may feature in future FM's.
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