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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating, thank you for flagging.
  2. Hi @ethanmilsom Like above can you please create a support ticket with the link. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  3. Thank you for the saves and information, we will review further.
  4. Hello @DomLOL I'm not seeing anything in your club vision about your board wanting to use youth players. As I've explained previously if you don't have the option to upgrade youth facilities it's not a bug, your board just aren't interested at the time. If you want to circumvent that you'd need to the use the In-Game Editor but that is disabled on your current save. For your German striker, he's just not currently interested in becoming a Gibraltar national, he's a pretty good player and probably feels he has a chance of a call up to the German squad at some point.
  5. Hello @isco22 we didn't make any changes to the Match Engine in our last update, so nothing was changed penalty wise. This would just be case of bad luck on your part.
  6. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating. There is a work around although its not ideal, if you retire as your current manager and then 'Add New Manager' to re-join the club. You will then have the option to select an U23 Tactic.
  7. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us.
  8. Thank you for the PKM and information, we will put under review.
  9. Hi @samcdavey Can you please create a support ticket with the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  10. Hello @bullyybeef Can you please create a support ticket where we can provide further assistance. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  11. Thanks for flagging, we will investigate further.
  12. Hello, I'm not seeing your save in our cloud. Can you please reupload, you can see how in the link below.
  13. Thank you for the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  14. Thank you for the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  15. Thank you for the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  16. Thank you for the suggestion. We will put this under consideration.
  17. Thank you for the suggestion, we will put this under consideration.
  18. Thank you for the suggestion, we will put this under consideration.
  19. Thank you for the suggestion, we will put this under consideration.
  20. Thank you for the suggestion, we will put this under consideration.
  21. Thank you for the suggestion, we will put this under consideration.
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