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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Can you try uninstalling then reinstalling the game?
  2. Hello, we've not had any similar people raise this to us. We will investigate your save file further. My first guess is that this has been caused by some custom content on your end, have you spotted this in any other save files?
  3. Hello, we will need a save file with an example at the ready for us to examine.
  4. Hello, thank you for the save game. This would just be a case of some odd wording, it wouldn't cause any deep problems with negotiations.
  5. Hello, this is a known issue that should be resolved in our next game update.
  6. Hi, we took a look at your save and we believe something on your PC has corrupted/wiped the temp folder that was getting used for history data. Can you think of anything you might have used?
  7. Hello, can you please try clearing your cache and preferences folder as shown in the link below. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19454208745745-How-to-remove-my-caches-and-or-preferences-folders-in-Football-Manager Then verify your game files as shown in the link below. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19454389352593-How-to-verify-the-integrity-of-Football-Manager-s-files
  8. Hello, can we please get a PKM file from a match where this has happened? You can see how in the link below.
  9. It doesn't look that way for me when starting a fresh save. Can you upload that save to us?
  10. Hello, we will need a save file from before the transfer is cancelled.
  11. Hello, can you please create a support ticket where we can provide further assistance. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  12. If you can upload that save, I can test again. Can we ask if you have any custom files installed?
  13. Hello, have you spotted this in any other save files? My first guess is that this would be caused by custom files/database?
  14. Hello, have you spotted this in any of your other save files? At first glance, my guess is this would be an issue with your custom database.
  15. Hello @klaasjan Can you please try: 1. Going to Preferences > 'reset' > 'Clear Cache' 2. Restart the game 3. Go to Preferences > search for 'Skin Colour' 4. Change the standard ball colour to white (click the little white square which is white). This should change the RGB to 245,245,245
  16. Hello, we are not aware of any bugs related to player development. We would need save files with example players to examine further.
  17. Hello, this would most likely be an issue with your custom database. Can you start a new game without any custom data files and see if the issue still occurs?
  18. Hello, we're not 100% sure what you are saying here. The first thing to note is that the 2023 format is different to the 2024 one so the schedule is not supposed to be the same. Secondly, there doesn't seem to be any issue with actually playing the competition, that is to say that no users are experiencing issues with registration or draw dates. Have you experienced any issues in doing so, as we believe the competition works fine?
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