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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello @wazzaflow10 To answer your questions: 1) Yes, it's always had a notification, when creating a focus it will say 'Scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time'. 2) This is just a tip if you want more recommendations, keeping things broad will obviously lead to more recommendations as the criteria isn't as narrow. 3) Like above this is just a tip, if you want to maximise the number of recommendations then use that tick box as there will be some focuses that will overlap. @Thijsie We've not seen this reported or noticed this in our internal testing, can you please create a new thread, with a save file and a example at the ready for us to examine, thank you.
  2. Hello @FMstu We loaded up the save from 29th June 2025 and progressed the game until the new season and encountered no problems. It seems the issue occurs around 28th July 2025, can we ask you to load the 29th June 2025 save and see if progressing to the new season from that point works?
  3. Hello, thank you for the save file, we have placed this under review. At first glance this looks like it might have been caused by your custom database. We will investigate further.
  4. Hello, are those files selectable to load when in the 24 PGE? Can you also send your .fmf files to us, thanks.
  5. Hi @Patrick37 I tested your save file and the issue did not reproduce for me. So this should be resolved in our next game update.
  6. Hello @tezcatlipoca665 This was not something I was able to reproduce. I started a Chelsea save and was able to get Thiago Silva to a 79k a week deal. Do remember when before offering a contract to a player, to talk their agent first, you can typically get them to lower their wage/playing demands etc.
  7. Hi @mahmoud qandil Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the game? This will not delete your save files.
  8. Thank you for the save, we'll review further.
  9. Hello @mickebradley This looks like it could be an issue with your filters - your filter is set to "Copy of selection info". If you switch this back to 'General Info', you should be able to register again.
  10. Thank you for the update, we have this under review.
  11. Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses. Some tips we’d also recommend when creating a Recruitment Focus are: Keep focuses broad. Ensure the scouts who are assigned to your focuses have an extensive knowledge of the area you’re sending them to. Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts. Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.
  12. Hello, would you be able to send us a save file from before the players are called up to the national team?
  13. Hello @FMstu What appears to be happening is that you have 3 fixtures that the game could not find a date for. Ideally we would need a save game file from before the date that these fixtures were supposed to take place, though we are not sure when this would be. If possible, could we ask for a range of save files from April, May and then June 2025 then we should have enough to go on, thank you.
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