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Posts posted by Valleyg

  1. On 11/12/2021 at 21:02, Fieldsy said:

    I wonder whether having a winger with cuts in trait would make a difference and see more inverted play than currently?

    I play an inverted winger on the left side and the 2 players I mostly use there are right footed and have been trained to dribble down the right hand side of the pitch.....my left wing back overlaps, and I have a very narrow tactic. I don't know if it's the reason why, but I do see the inverted wingers cutting in from the left, including some dribbling....maybe its worth training  the players you use in inverted positions to dribble down the opposite side of the pitch? See if it makes a difference?

  2. Ah, so that's kind of interesting...has there been a downward trend in the amount of crossing in just the last 10 years? I would have guessed there was a lot more crosses 30 years ago and 50 years ago, but the numbers seem to have come down more recently....or was that an unusually high season? I came across a story that man u had attempted 81 crosses in 1 match versus Fulham when David moyes was manager....how is that even possible! Nearly a cross every minute. They drew the game. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, sdx15 said:

    Where did you find those stats? They might be outdated as the official PL stats show that, in the last few seasons, few teams cross more than 900 times in a season.

    I was going to ask a similar question. Stats seem to differ depending on where you look, but some seasons, 900 is more than any team in the Premier league attempts over a season. 900 would give an average of 23.7 and this would be the highest average from 1 team with the rest being lower. I wonder which season it was that 5 teams attempted over 1000 crosses.

  4. From the same stats set taken from Europe's top 5 leagues irl, the team with the highest average was caen, with 26 crosses per match. The average per league was between 17 to 19 crosses per match, per team. Obviously some teams cross less depending on style of play, but the total average was 18.8 crosses per match irl. This info was taken from a company that supplies data analytics to teams.

  5. 4 minutes ago, PinkSpeedos said:

    Just done the maths and I have a team in my league who are attempting over 45 crosses a match.

    This is in Serie B (Italy).

    The next 6/7 teams are around 35 crosses a match. 

    I'm producing 27 crosses a game.

    So maybe it's not the strength of the heading, but the frequency with which crosses are being delivered, which in turn leads to more headed goals happening? 

    I'm ready to stand corrected, but it does sound like a lot of crosses. 27 crosses would make you the team with the most crosses in Europe from the stats I saw.  So seeing there are teams crossing 35, 45 times a game sounds high.

  6. 5 minutes ago, sdx15 said:

    This may also be true. To be fair, I haven’t played FM21 so I don’t know how often you outperform your xG by more than a goal.

    However, I may be wrong, but I still feel that finishing is too good. At least in my save, most clear-cut and half-chances end up on target and goalies rarely make saves in those situations.


    I’ve found a few sources that say it takes from 56 to 64 crosses to score a goal. This seems fine in my save, it’s just the ridiculous amount of crosses and their conversion rate that make the amount of headed goals exaggerated.

    I have seen the same figure of 64 crosses to produce 1 goal that you have seen. If it the same source, that website also suggests that statistically, the top 5 teams in Europe are crossing the ball around 20 to 25 times a game.....these are the top 5, so the rest are crossing the ball less. How many crosses are happening in an average fm game I wonder?

  7. I am not a stats wizard, but out of interest I found a stats website that compared over 700 goals from the top 5 European leagues last year. I'm not sure about posting external links here, but the summary was that between 16-18 % of these 700 goals were headed goals. This is only one sample and the numbers can of course fluctuate up and down depending on what country, league and which season is being counted. Another interesting stat was the amount of headers per game. Its pretty obvious now I think of it, but it showed a large difference in the amount of headers (not headed goals, just headers) in games from each of englands 4 divisions. Far more headers take place in league 1 and 2 than the championship, and more in the championship than the Premier league. Do we see this difference in fm when managing a league 2 side compared to a Premier league side? The ball is in the air more in league 2, do we see this in the match engine? I don't know, maybe someone else does. Are people seeing a lot more than 18 per cent of goals being scored from headers in the game?

  8. Has anyone noticed any changes playing fm22 today?

    Steam updated the game and it coincides with the start of a new season for me. First 3 games played and absolutely smashing teams with the same tactics I finished last year with and was only doing moderately well in in the last 10 games or so. I seem to be getting more possession now as well.

    Has something happened with the pressing the defense situation does anyone know? Anyone seen any other changes? Or is there a way to know for sure what the update was?

    Maybe it was just a data update and nothing has changed in m.e......just getting lucky or tactical familiarity has kicked in perhaps.

  9. Hi, long time player of fm here back to cm days, but I'm finding fm22 tricky dealing with transfers in and out. Any advice?

    Examples of common problems I'm having compared to previous fm are:

    3 transfer windows have happened in my save and not a single offer on one of my players anywhere near their value. This includes players who aren't transfers listed, and also I have tried the advice to set a transfer amount. A player agreed 5 million was fair, and clubs only come in with bids under a million - there were 15 teams interested in him at one point.

    I am managing anderlecht and have a few decent prospects. One player who is not for sale, valued between 7 to 9 million, bids come in for 3 million. Reject bid, player wants to join inter Milan. I agree with player he can leave for 12 million. Player is happy with this. Same bid comes in again for 3 million. Reject bid and repeat. I realise that I can just reject the bid if I don't want to sell, but there just aren't any bids coming in that match my players whether they are listed, not listed, price set or not, etc etc. In previous fms there were a lot more bids coming in close to or above a players value it seems to me anyway.

    Last example, I have a player scouted and see he is transfer listed for 1.2 million. I bid 1.2 million. Its negotiated. I don't remember this happening in previous fms, if they were transfer listed for x amount and you bid x amount it was usually accepted I thought. I did get round this one by rejecting negotiations, and restarting a new bid next day....1.2 million. This time it was accepted. Same bid, same circumstances, different outcome. Seems a bit odd.

    I don't mind that transfers seem to be a bit harder in this fm, I just wondered what others had found and any good tips?

  10. I am managing anderlecht in Belgium. Its my first time managing in Belgium league, and I am not sure what the implications are for breaking ffp - I can't seem to find what the punishments would be? I'm part way through the first season on beta fm22. Wages for my club are around 447k and there is an ffp limit of 415k I believe (doing this from memory, im not in front of laptop at the moment)

  11. On fm22 beta.

    After a bad start to the season, I changed to a pretty standard 4231 formation and its going better now, won 4 in a row....but....I haven't used inverted wingers for a while and they seem to stay wide and dribble wide without any extra player instructions added....I wanted supporting full backs to go down the wings with inverted wingers dribbling/moving inside. The wingers are left foot on the right, right foot on the left and are suited to be inverted wingers. I'm seeing on extended highlights that they often stay wide and dribble wide, hardly ever cutting in. Is this something others are seeing? I will have to watch a few more games maybe on full match, but I'm not sure how to remedy this. I don't think it's it's bug, just an observation and wondered if others have seen the same.

  12. 3 hours ago, Luke Hume said:

    This is a known issue that is currently under investigation by our devs. 

    Apologies for any inconvenience caused in your save game.

    OK thanks for that reply, I didn't know it was a known issue. Its not causing any problems, its just something that seemed odd this year. It might make it hard to get a top club job I guess as my rep increases, and all the same old managers are still there! The only top club that has changed more than once in my save is liverpool.

  13. As per the title, something seems unusual in my fm21 save is that out of the top ten reputation clubs in the games, only 3 out of 10 have a different manager since the start of my save which is now in its 7th season. So simeone, solskjaer, zidane, guardiola, Koeman, tuchel etc are all still in charge at the same clubs...its seems...unusual. is this happening in your save? Even if Real Madrid consistently finish 3rd and don't win in Europe...Zidane is still there.

  14. I have been playing fm and before that cm for years, and this year I have seen far and away the biggest transfer fee in any of my saves. Its in fm21, season 27-28, and Barcelona have just bought a player from Chelsea for £247 million. His name is serrano, a newgen forward i think. I've never seen a fee anywhere near this in game. Now at Barcelona, he is the only player valued above 100 million, the next highest value player in game is mbappe at 96 million. Whats the highest transfer fee you have seen?



  15. An example of what I mean is....I have just finished 4th as wolves in the Premier league and qualified for the champions league. Liverpool have finished 7th. For the second season in a row, they have finished below me. I had a bid accepted for one of their players, who needs wolves to improve their standing before considering joining. My question is - is it ever possible to get these players to join, or is there no hope until your teams reputation raises? He won't negotiate the contract, just refuses. I understand that Liverpool are the bigger club with the bigger reputation, but in my game they haven't qualified for the champion league for 3 years and were about 20 points behind my team. Does it take a long time for a teams reputation to increase enough to make higher profile signings?

  16. Just now, kentonizking said:

    I think it is to do with reputation, outgoings etc.


    I club in the national league might be 'rich' with 2M, but a Championship club wouldn't.

    Also maybe to do with liquid cash in relation to club overall value 

    OK thanks for the reply, that makes some sense...but I don't understand why my club was rich when we had 31 million, but 1 month later after the season ended, only secure with 95 million. Same division, same league position, and not much time passed in game.


    I'm only interested because it helps judge whether to take a job offer from another club, it would be interesting to know how much money they have without using an editor.

  17. Update....so it doesn't seem to be a definite amount of money in the bank that makes your club finances "rich" or "secure", because I just finished a season and got lots of income for transfers and league placing....I now have more money (95 million) but the club finances are listed as secure, but when I had 31 million the club was labelled as rich...so I have more money but club is no longer labelled as rich...


    So is it relative to how much other clubs have?

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