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  1. Sadly I don't have a save file from before it happened. However since that last save of mine became unplayable, I started a new save. This time Ajax. My finances are great, almost 200million pounds and I had a transfer budget of 80 million or so but once I qualified for the CL, my budget went into negative again. This time only 13 million negative, though. What is going on? And sadly I don't have a save file from before it happened either. If it happens again I'll make sure I have a save file.
  2. I have been hoarding money in my save. My transfer budget has been over a billion a few years now, same with club finances. Then all of a sudden my transfer budget turned from positive to negative 2 billion. Club finances are still almost a billion, only transfer budget is affected. Now I'm unable to spend any money and buy players. I might see if next season it fixes itself or if the problem still persists. Still, a really annoying bug because it basically kills the run I've been having.
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