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Posts posted by Chewy82*

  1. Having a think on how to set my scouting up.... Anyway here's the plan. 

    Have 2/3 of the best scouts (Inc cheif scout)  to the countries that will have best players available for first team. Keep these to a max of 10. These will be used for top priority. 

    Top 10 to start with shud include, Holland, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, England. 

    Should I have all 3 do all ten or 3 for each with one having 4? 

    Then have other scouts doing ongoing assignments to build knowledge of a country or region up. 

    One question with world knowledge, say you have 25% knowledge and assign a scout to look for out of contract players to anywhere in Europe but he only has central Europe knowledge will that scout just find players in central Europe or does the other staff knowledge help in this recruitment focus? 

    Also with recruitment focuses do the top priority ones stop the standard and ongoing ones while they complete the top focus if same scout is assigned to a top and standard/ongoing.

    For example you could assign all scouts for a top priority to look for a certain position, will they stop the ongoing/standard ones while until the top one is complete? 

    Cheers for any feedback regarding this

    FYI I don't use the in range player search just the scouted players search. 

  2. Hey everyone, been trying to get my scouts learning new countries, but struggling.

    I get ones with high adaptability but it seems as tho even when the fully learn a country then forget it quickly, trying to improve my world knowledge.

    Is this the way its meant to work, feels a bit pointless doing this is thats the case, ill just sign scouts with knowledge in certain areas and dont bother with high adaptability.

    Any Advice welcome.

  3. Not sure if its a bug or something im not doing, but thought id post anyway.

    Touted Ali Crawford to other clubs, all hell broke loose dymanics wise so promised not to sell him but still getting the negative even tho the positive is there as well.

    and in squad in said dissapointed how promise is going, even tho in profile he said hes happy.




  4. 1 minute ago, Fabregas_04 said:

    But how does it add to immersion? Having to look around 3 edges of a monitor helps you believe you're in a football changing room giving a teamtalk?


    It's a change for change's sake, there is no logic behind it and it leaves the game worse. It's nothing more than to provide padding to a "features" list and while you may be coming to hate it a bit less now it won't change the fact it's inferior.

    just pretend its a really big changing room.

  5. 2 hours ago, Smurf said:

      From the opening post

    A quick google of your choice shows that it has 1.0ghz processor - FM requires 1.8ghz (also covered in the opening post).

    This has the U processor (covered in the opening post) but this particular one breaks the rules slightly - does very well in the benchmarking threads. The post below has a link to a spreadsheet and you can see the AMD Ryzen 5 4500U does quite well.


    Link to laptop



    Much appreciated mate. Will go for that.

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