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Posts posted by Tzlils

  1. 19 hours ago, Lucas said:

    As I mentioned: 

    That's the answer. If you believe there's an issue with a specific save, please report it to the bugs forum so we can advise. Thanks.

    So if I choose to play in some European league (Spain and Italy for example) I can’t find a talented Brazilian, Argentinian and South American young players from second league over there? Only from the top team in those leagues?

    For me it is the main feature in the game, to improve your team with a talented young players that you scouted in some long distance countries.

  2. 9 hours ago, rooneyviet said:

    I can not click on players during match?

    I'm managing low league team, not all players stats I could remember, in order to subtitle players, I need to know their stats, what their playable position, if they suitable to come on.


    @rooneyviet You can see your players attribute by clicking on the shirt icon in the “tactics” screen.

    but you can’t view your rival team players attribute...

  3. Hello

    First thing I need to say that the FMT version on iPad Pro looks very good, works fast and very enjoyable. There is some bugs but I sure that it will be fixed soon.

    The main huge problem that I saw until now it is the issue with the poor data base.

    For example, I started a new career with the Greek league, the English and the Spanish.

    While I’m the manager of one of the teams in Greece I have 2 big problems:

    1. I can’t sign a good players to my team, the data base is so missing and all the teams that I entered to theirs squad, all the player are gray and not a real players!!! I tried it with teams in east Europe, South America, etc..... the only teams that I can looking for some players it is teams from Spain or England.

    2. The data base of the stuff is also missing, it is so not realistic when a huge team in Greece fired their manager and they’re hiring a new manager that the game create.

    This data base issue is a big problem and so disappointing, the main feature of FM games it’s to improve your squad, buy and sell players and here it is doesn’t exists.

    Hope that this problem it’s fixable, especially for a strong tablet as iPad Pro.


  4. Hi

    1. Staff team - can I have only 1 person in each position? I can’t have 5 coach’s and 4 scouters for example? Only 1 each.

    2. History of other managers - I don’t have the option to review other managers history? (what teams they manage in the previous years)

    3. During a match I cant see the profile of the players in the rival team.

    4.  Player attributes are visible always  and I don’t have to send a scouter to discover the attributes - it is ok or I can change it?

    5. Looks like the data base of the players is very small. I can’t see a lot of Brazilian players in the player search compare to last year. I can’t load data base of players from other countries?




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