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Posts posted by Incubus1989

  1. It could be that your left side is all attack and right all support means you end up a little one sided. If it were me I'd have Sancho on attack, Reus on support and AM(s) as opposed to APM but that's more a personal preference. I'm also a fan of the CMs in a 4231 to be in the DM strata. Seems to give the CAM more room. 

    Do you always play with wide width? I try and vary this depending on who I play.

  2. You mentioned changing LOE in game but do you ever change width to try and move defenders around more (or at least have to make a harder decision)? Change a role to give a different movement pattern (again to make the opposition have to move to counter it)? Even changing our removing the focus of play when you notice one of their players badly or space opening up. 

    There's loads of stuff you can do to change things up and create space which could help get an extra chance. 

  3. After watching a lot of bustthenet videos on YouTube  (which are just genius) I tried changing roles slightly in games to help with this. Create different overloads, force space to open up and getting players to exploit it.


    For example switching a CM(a) to a Mezz(a) in my 4141 in certain games helped drag the opposition around more giving my other CM time and chance to pick more dangerous passes. 


    It can really be the subtle little tweaks when you hit a slump that make big differences rather than massive, wholesale changes.

  4. I didn't use them at Utd on FM19 but managed them at various times to get Gomes, Chong, Garner, Gribbin and Greenwood when playing as Salford in a flat 4141DM.


    Gomes was awesome as a left sided inverted winger given a lot of freedom to do what he wanted. He ended up improving a lot 

    Garner was the DLP(D) and just recycled the ball all day, super consistent and became club captain.


    Greenwood played as a CF(s) as well and Treq in the forward spot. He developed really well but Utd activated his buy back clause. He seemed to play better as the Treq, tended to be equal for goals and assists. Really helped the attack function. 

    Chong was a bit meh, could never really get him to work well for me. Gribbin played as a CM(a) and functioned as an attacking playmaker without the ball magnet role and worked pretty well but again lost him before I had chance to really go through development.

  5. I play 442 (on fm19 still) most of the time and I find I have most success with the IW and DLP next to each other with a WB(s) behind them. Then BBM and W(s) with FB(s) behind them and I'd put them on the same side as the DLF(s) so the BBM runs beyond him, W stays side and FB(s) covers. The IW and DLP can then use them as runners to drop a pass in to. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, OJ said:

    Your assumption is correct. I play my wide forwards mainly with their strong foot on the outside to encourage this, and by the way the mix of PPMs doesn't really matter either too much.

    Why actually, if you want to play passing moves and create beautiful plays, I would encourage this, because when they have their strong foot on the outside in many cases it will allow them to have a good angle for a pass and to take it sooner, than if they had strong foot on the inside. So it can make a difference to your passing game.

    Also, it doesn't take anything away from their finishing efficiency, near post finishes are just as good if not better than far post (a typical IF making a run into the box, coming in from wide and taking an angled shot from within the box), and lets say if they have "cuts inside from wing" PPM, if they're wide deep close to the goal line, they can still even with their strong foot cut in and come for a near post finish, there are plenty of angles for them to finish.

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the reply. I thought that would be it, very surprised the PPMs don't play a big role though. Going to have some fun in the transfer market and seeing how this will fit in to my tactic redesign!

  7. Thanks for the reply! Yeah I figured the PPMs and tactics would play a big role in it. My thought had been they would cut inside, get in to the area and maybe perform more cut backs for a deep running midfielder or striker. But just don't have the time to test it today.


    There's a load of regens in a current save who my scouts so play best as inside forwards but have their strongest foot as the side they play on. So was wondering if anybody has used it before 

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