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Everything posted by Lpool1

  1. i shouldnt have to play on 2d and dont like 2d.... and 75 is awful and still stutters. i only put everything on low quality. i apprecieat it being reviewed and would like to no the verdict soon as you can please thank you.
  2. Can I get a response on weather it’s going to be fixed ASAP.. as my laptop meets all required specs and was butter smooth b4 dec 1st update. I’ve paid good money for this game and loved fm for 20 years not even played it since dec1st not a happy customer at all thanks
  3. So as described been going on since dec 1st patch was fine before then... i paid good money for this game and would like this sorted ASAP completley unacceptable? DxDiag.txt
  4. Completely agree.. defo do not buy all above true down to a tee. Bugs aswel all over it don’t get me started on ME it’s a joke
  5. So basically keep going in out of game till runs smooth? I also have these issues since the 1st December patch was fine b4 then... to be honest everyone who has these issues need come together to get this sorted because si do not care, and sega are useless support is putting it politely.. they just won’t own up to there mistakes at all! am die hard fm have been for 20 years I’ve lost all faith in the company and the game cause this years one has been horrendous with bugs and ME stutter since this December 1st patch
  6. Are you going to address the stuttering rubbish?? This update dose nothing we all fed up with this now
  7. Anyone now how stop this yet? Beyond a joke now! Update did nothing for me worst fm ever is a understatement.. need reporting to trading standards
  8. I’ve got 1650 gtx max q... only run on low graphics settings even though could do medium easily.. which was what was running till the patch and was like butter smooth... if can mate what Nvidia control panel settings you using? And you laptop or pc? Also I download graphics driver directly from Nvidia site install that way cause windows stores old files.. for laptop it is notebook version game ready driver?
  9. Completely agree... when is this update it’s a absolute joke this now! I want a refund? Or tell us what system,setup,what works what doesn’t? Before this horrific patch all was good so no it ain’t my laptop.. I want answers now??
  10. Ok if that’s the case... what setup , laptop, pc do you have? And il go buy it today? Fm the only game I play and fed up with it now.. was fine b4 update
  11. completly agree mate its a joke big time 6 weeks they having a laugh... how about giving everyone a refund for this shocking game performance ? and there has been no fm since ive been playing it (20 years) that has had this issue for this long. before dec 1st update no problem! so obviously not are set ups something SI have done i.e why having to put commands in to play the game that dosent even work for me and thousends of players all over world... do you see the likes of fifa,cod,total war with these problems? and saying its peoples different set ups no.. this is not a graphicly intence game yet has all these problems .
  12. Don’t think they ever will mate... this one though been worse I’ve ever come across since playing fm ( talking 20 years) definitely last straw for me will not be buying another till I no 110 percent they sort there act out
  13. The game don’t run smoothly with or without ad boards.. better without but if a big stadium always lags.. unless you want manage a conference team lol it’s broke my friend along with a lot of other bugs
  14. Another bug in your very long list of them... this game is terrible how can you justify this? I also have this issue to go along with at least 5 more
  15. Any way you could send me the 21.1 version mate? If give you my email? Game has been unplayable since update
  16. It’s not even a fix pal... it’s better with them off but still jerks in big stadiums. An agree completely with you. This is the worst attempt of fm by a long long way. Am 35 been playing this game religiously for 20 years an this is what we get for are money! It’s not good enough a apology they could bring out a hotfix enjoy your turkey with are money because next year definitely won’t be getting my money!
  17. Are we getting a update b4 Xmas? This stutter is ridiculous. Only when play in big stadiums it’s becoming ridiculous now was fine b4 update... I’ve been posting here since update now been nearly 4 weeks... and a lot of us can’t play the game we purchased to full effect? Is the acceptable? I’ve done everything you suggested an sega suggest the same thing.. so are we just ment to put up with it?
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