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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Oh, and worth saying I know I could basically replicate this with giving all responsibilities to an assistant manager but I want to be able to run my favourite club and hire actual, in game managers rather than just rely on an assistant
  2. FM's equivalent on the baseball side, OOTP, has the option to play as the manager, the GM or both at the start of every save game. I would say that currently, FM only really has the both option but you can make it just manager by hiring a DoF (or asking the board to) and letting them do everything other than training, tactics and in game adjustments. What FM can't do, at the moment, is let you play purely as a DoF (or similar). I would love to be able to do this, where I can hire/fire managers who have preferred tactics, types of players (age etc.) and just handle the club - hiring/firing other staff, scouting and transfers, youth team(s) oversight etc. Managers would then handle training, tactics, team selection and all match day decisions while my success would be somewhat determined by results but I could also replace a manager if he was doing badly. Many players enjoy the scouting and transfer aspect of the game just as much as the tactical and training aspects so I would love to see DoF mode as an option.
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