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Posts posted by cometz0r

  1. Hello,


    I was wondering if it would be possible to have both teams stats in the screen and if i could move/call the dashboards i want to during the game.

    Below you see Boavista Stats but I would like to add on the left the other team stats so that i can keep track throughout the whole game.

    Is it possible?


  2. Hello guys,


    I shared my feedback in a few posts but never really got any sort of feedback from moderators.

    I was wondering if by any chance SIgames is thinking about re-organizing the match stats layout.

    image.thumb.png.606777f62dcf6acacf9154e4d1375e04.pngMeaning that will I be able to readjust the position of all these by any chance? I can honestly say this is really annoying and for me its a killer buzz not sure if many more people share the same opinion.
    On FM20 i was able to select the stats I wanted to see and adjust them on the screen.

    Also does anyone know where I can look over where is this match happening and the attendance?

    And in conclusion is this possession bar coming back? On the bottom of the screenshot.


    All I am asking is some feedback, really appreciated for your attention.

  3. Hello guys,

    First of all thanks for the hard work I am a big fan from the series for quite a while (almost 2 decades). On FM20 I have over 3450 hours.

    During BETA I raised this concern/point of view about the 2D View during matches. I believe FM20 was the turning point from UX perspective in comparison with many others from all the small details during matches and outside like during fixtures, see the hours etc.


    I am adding two screenshots FM21 vs FM20:

    This is overwhelming, as an user I would love to tailor this as I wish... its quite intrusive.

    Moreover if we compare both I believe on the top we could at least be able to see the Skins of the team as well as the progress bar of the game.

    The option to see where we are playing and also how many people watching, what is the weather.... Who doesnt get popped up when getting a full house when you are a small team?

    The bar that shows the possession even though there are no highlights its key... thats how many people adjust the mentality of the players in order to balance with the opponent...

    The bar that shows the comments is also too small I do need an effort to read what is happening.

    Cant see what is happening in the other matches.


    I just compare both displays and I see FM20 much more clear than FM21 though I understand there are new features I am assure we all can find a way to accommodate all these in something similar as FM20.

    Overall I didnt fully explore FM21 yet though for me this is the biggest and only downfall but I am loving what I see so far. If something can be done here that would be great.





  4. Hi guys,


    Apologies if someone already mentioned any of these but here we go.


    1 - Board request for increase of seasonal ticket price.

    2 - Ability to postpone matches or request

    3 - Ability to persuade players not to go to the national teams if major games are happening (Champions League qualifying rounds).

    4 - Ability to enquire agent about certain players and come up with a mechanism where we can persuade an agent to persuade a player to join your team.

    5 - Some sort of post interview or pre game interview that can spice up a possible new rivalry.

    6 - Not sure how attendance works but if a team is based in a small city within a big district make sure the attendance is not proportional to the city population. Example.... Porto in Portugal is big but Porto has a few cities in it. Doesnt mean that people from other cities go and watch the game. This is really bad in championships like Italy.

    7 - Ability to rally the fans in order to increase attendance also Afluence attribute of your team fans.

    8 - TV revenue and also prize pool of Leagues aligned with the growth of these Leagues. If I am playing in Romania I get 7k euros for television coverage but after 5 years if my team is a champions league team and Romanian championship already grew in reputation a lot it makes sense those revenues grow as well.

    9 - More options to sell a player when sending him on Loan. (Would be great to have mandatory fee and secure 30% of the next sale still).

    10 - Would be great to have a bar for "Clubs Relation" this way would be great not to have an affiliate team but to loan players with favourable conditions. In Portugal there are teams that have good relations between them and this makes it easier for the teams to negotiate especially on Loans, not necessarily an affiliate.

    Hope this helps !!!


  5. Hi guys,


    Hope perhaps some if you guys can help me with some stuff.


    1. When I start a season for instance in Portugal or Italy I noticed that in the 1st season my Stadium Capacity is X and on the 2nd season and 3rd it decreases on about 3k or 5k people. Do you guys know why?

    2. When expanding the stadium do I need to wait another 25 years to do another expansion or build a new stadium?


    3. This is probably a bug or something not well thought and I would love to see FM21 addressing these
    3.1 - When playing Romanian championship I noticed that if I go to Champions League I will have a lot of my players in international duty like 8 or 9 moreover the Romanian championship also starts during that time and I am unable to postpone the matches. I do not think this makes any sense since you dont have full team. Would be great to see this addressed.
    3.2 - When playing in Portugal some seasons due to National teams calendar If i am going through all the competitions I have 3 games in a row with 1 day break between them. Obviously once again would be great to tackle this.


    Looking forward your feedback thanks guys.

  6. Hello folks,


    Is it just me or... I see news from the reveneus of merchandising other leagues crossing dozens of millions. I started a save with multiple teams from the same league I am (Portuguese) and other teams have overall sponsorship package of over 100M.

    So, I won a champions league i have always been champion with a mid table team, won most of all the cups throughout 4 seasons. Always reaching later stages of champions league.
    But my sponsorships are **** like hell, 225k for a continental deal, 1M 3 years deal back of the shirt....


    Do you guys feel the same about it? I feel I cannot compete with "pre made" teams like Man UTD, Real Madrid or PSG long term since those teams get shitloads of revenue through their sponsors and i get ****.
    If anyone knows how to increase it would be nice to share it, thank you...


  7. Hello guys,


    Just wanted to share a few insights...

    I am currently playing with Boavista from Portugal, constantly in the final rounds of champions league, champion of Portugal, over 8500 reputation.
    Its quite annoying as I am in the need to renew agreements to most of the players twice a year. I have players that in a year and a half i had to renew 4 times. Salaries going from 5k euros to 500k euros.


    I feel its quite unrealistic, if i do not renew they do not perform at 100% and also they spread this to the other guys. Just want to hear the opinion of the people on this matter.



  8. Hi everyone,


    I am having some difficulty to understand how the training assignment works. Since my board limits me quite a lot in regards to coaches I need to understand this part of my "job" very well.


    You guys can see above I have multiple coaches spread across different "sub teams".


    1 - Are my under 19 coaches / Under 23 / under 19b also coaching the main squad?

    2 - Is the GK coach also coaching the under sub 19 teams?

    3 - Are my other normal coaches coaching only the main squad or any other teams?

    4 - Should i get normal coaches for the Under 19 and B squads?

    5 - What about myself and my assistance manager are we coaching only the main squad or the under 19?


    The second issue I have is players are unhappy with the amount of strength training overall... Does this mean that I have too much Physical training in general in my schedule? How can i fix this? Thanks Guys !!!



  9. Hi everyone,


    I am having some difficulty to understand how the training assignment works. Since my board limits me quite a lot in regards to coaches I need to understand this part of my "job" very well.


    You guys can see above I have multiple coaches spread across different "sub teams".


    1 - Are my under 19 coaches / Under 23 / under 19b also coaching the main squad?

    2 - Is the GK coach also coaching the under sub 19 teams?

    3 - Are my other normal coaches coaching only the main squad or any other teams?

    4 - Should i get normal coaches for the Under 19 and B squads?

    5 - What about myself and my assistance manager are we coaching only the main squad or the under 19?


    Once again appreciate your feedback guys, good games.

  10. Hey folks wondering if you can help me out...


    Every game i am having crazy amount of yellow cards. I am on my second season and I would say the average number of yellow cards per game is 6. Obviously when i reach November 80% of my team is one game in one game out since they are always suspended.


    I am curious if anyone experiences that and has a possible solution how to "correct" the player or if this might actually be a bug. Yes i do ask them to get stuck in.
    Any advice here?


    Looking forward.

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