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Posts posted by fraggert

  1. Currently playing an Ajax save and a couple of weeks before the winter break I asked the board for a Warm Weather Training Camp and the request is granted, couple weeks later I get an email saying my players left for winter break and immediately after another email saying players are back from holidays (because the camp got automatically scheduled on the day that Winter Break starts).

    So I just individually send my players (u18 and u23 included) on a 1 week holiday, except for 7 first team players for whom the option of sending them on holiday is not available. Said players are not injured or unavailable, any ideas to why I can't send them on holiday?

  2. 13 minutes ago, Grifty said:

    The way I do it is, I sign all players from youth intake regardless of quality.

    They stay in my u18s until they turn 18 when twice a season (New Years Day & First day of pre-season) and I'll promote them to my U23s.

    Once they are in the u23s I don't actively loan them because I know my coaches and facilities are better than 99% of teams who are interested in loaning them. The best of them will be involved in pre-season and some cup games. If they look particularly good, they will take the place of the back-up position in my 1st team where they will get more game time and hopefully take over 1st 11 place.

    Thanks for the answer, would you still leave them in U23s if they're good enough to play for a team a division below you or even in the same division? Or in other words, is good coaching and facilities better than playing time at a higher level?

  3. Just started a new long term save with Benfica focusing on youth development and was wondering what the best approach was to developping young players to reach their potential.

    My question is this: Would you rather leave a young player in U19s until he's 18yo so he can make use of coaches with good Working with youngsters attribute and then move move him out to B Team (which plays in 2nd tier of Portugal), or promote him to U23s at some point (if so, when would be a good time for that?) before he turns 18 and plays for the B Team?


    Here's a regen for example that I'm keen to develop, I know he won't be a world beater but he could definitely do a decent job at a top 5 league club in Europe. I feel like he could be good enough to play for my B Team (2nd division) in a season but was wondering if I should keep him in my U19s, or move him up to U23s at some point (and if so, what would be a good time for that?)


    Sorry for any confusion caused since English isn't my main language


  4. Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this.

    Long time player here, I have some questions that I've always wondered about but never bothered finding out so here goes:

    1. If I set my player's training as say a Mezzala for example, does that mean he will only work on attributes that are important (highlighted) for that role or will he only work on familiarity with the role/position? Or both?
    2. If I set a player's individual training to Quickness for example, it will obviously increase the rate at which the player improves in pace and acceleration but my question is would it slow down progression in other attributes to focus on Quickness?

    This question is more specific about the mentoring system since I skipped on FM19 which introduced the new mentoring/tutoring aspect of the game:

    1. What is the best way to go about mentoring youth prospects? I have a youth prospect with fairly low determination and neutral/bad personality, I thought about promoting him to first team so I can mentor him and making him available for U18 so he gets game time but the problem with this is that at the start of my save I hired new staff with good "Working with youngsters" attribute for my U18 coaching team and I would like to keep the player in U18 so that he can benefit from the good youth coaches. Should I just suck it up and promote him and try to get some coaches with good "Working with youngsters" attribute for my first team instead?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Let me start by saying how amazing this guide is, really helpful!

    I have a couple of questions if you don't mind.

    1. If I set my player's training as say a Mezzala for example, does that mean he will only work on attributes that are important (highlighted) for that role or will he only work on familiarity with the role? Or both?
    2. If I set a player's individual training to Quickness for example, it will obviously increase the rate at which the player improves in pace and acceleration but my question is would it slow down progression in other attributes to focus on Quickness?
    3. What is the best way to go about mentoring youth prospects? I have a youth prospect with fairly low determination and neutral personality. I thought about promoting him to first team so I can mentor him and making him available for U18 so he gets game time. The problem with this is that at the start of my save I hired new staff with good "Working with youngsters" attribute for my U18 coaching team and I would like to keep the player in U18 so that he can benefit from the good youth coaches. Should I just suck it up and promote him and try to get some coaches with good "Working with youngsters" attribute for my first team instead?

    Thanks in advance!

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