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Everything posted by Kovacevic

  1. For some reason the game is deliberately designed to generate about 30% fewer injuries than in real life. I'd like to edit to restore the real levels. However, my previous attempts to tweak the injuries in the database (adding a few new kinds of injury, adding possible causes for certain injuries, raising the occurrence ratio field) seem if anything to generate Fewer injured players on a couple-of-season test. A couple of specific questions - 1) is "occurrence ratio" a flat likelihood number (so that increasing it for every kind of injury will mean more injuries) or a zero-sum ratio-across-injuries number (so that raising it for every injury will just mean redistribution of the same number of injuries)? 2) What is the function of "extra days" - is this a guarantee of the number of days an injury will last beyond its initial impact ("minimum days") or does extra days just establish a possibility range (so that if I put "50" the number beyond minimum could be anything from 1-50)? 3) Does adding extra "Causes" to an injury make more injuries likely to happen, or does it just spread the range of possible injuries across the same number of injuries generated by that cause? ie, if I add 5 new kinds of injury causable by tackles, does that mean more injuries will come from tackles, or just that when the game generates a tackle injury (at the same old rate) there are more kinds to choose from? Beyond those specific questions, any suggestions for how to increase the number of players getting injured in the game? I especially want to have more short-term injuries, as in reality, rather than going for the nuclear option of just increasing the duration and seriousness of every existing injury. Thanks for any help...
  2. Thanks, being able to run Zambia as an active league is helping have a more realistic career in other African countries too.
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