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Kendo BKK

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Posts posted by Kendo BKK

  1. Here it is, the face pack is ready!

    Hopefully I'll be able to add more update packs to the base now I've started to streamline the processes a bit.

    Unzip the contents into your existing NewGan folders, eg: \%User%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20**\graphics\faces\regens. I have used a different naming convention for the .png files so these won't over-write any other facepacks you have installed already.

    Link1 (Mediafire - probably slower than Harry Maguire on the turn :mad: )

    Link2 - (Should be a lot faster)

    Link3 - Magnet Link (for Torrent clients)

    As you can see, I'm still light in some areas, but now I have a record of how many I've generated, I know which areas need a bit more attention going forward.



  2. 3 hours ago, edu3222222 said:

    here come two Asian (thank to @Kendo BKK who made Regen Prompt Generator)


    @edu3222222 Glad to know it works on a Computer that isn't mine! Did you have many issues getting it to launch?

    I'm currently doing a head count and found I've got around 4500 faces. The lions share being in Caucasian and African fodlers. Just doing some quality checking because the ones I created last March using SD 1.5 really don't hold up compared to SDXL. So, some remixes are being done.


  3. Here we go, you may or may not get nag messages from Windows Defender.

    Prompt Generator 0.9

    Run the app, copy and paste the text into your chosen AI Art service (Playground.AI highly recommended here)

    I've nearly finished making a pack, I was aiming to get 100 faces for each folder, in some cases I have surpassed that (due to starting this nearly a year ago!)















  4. I'm doing all the post processing manually, To save some time, I have written another script that reduces all the batched images to around 250px width but, the background removals takes a bit of time on Remove.bg

    My personal preference is to have a little bit of kit showing, on the RocknRolla pack and FMU packs I have downloaded, that is the case too.

  5. I've done a lot more tweaking with the prompt generation app, rather than randomly trying to design kits (it was coming up with some very weird color combos and design choices), I'm now getting the text to generate a prompt with club team shirts/colours relevant to clubs of that region. Also allowing for things like a lot of young South American players may start out at an MLS team.



    The more variables I give it to randomize, the more varied I find my output photos are. Example, I've now given it a list of 20 different facial expressions to work with.

    I did try and make an installer to put on my laptop for trialling to run it on another machine, but Windows Defender was flagging it up....will have to come up with another way to package it for distribution.

    Sample outputs in the Spoiler Box:





    Central Europe

    Central European











  6. I've still been plugging away at generating some more faces, I might drop a pack soon, although it won't be anywhere near as big as other packs, but would certainly compliment any existing packs you might be running.

    To help speed up the creation process, I wrote....:) ChatGPT wrote me a script for a small app to help me overcome my own writers blocks when it comes to generating faces that don't all look the same.

    I pasted these prompts into Playground AI and am pretty chuffed with the variety of outputted images now. The prompt is mostly what RockNRolla used as the base for his pack.




    EDIT: I've already added and tweaked quite a lot of things on the App, I've now got all nations in there with the 3 letter codes that NEWGAN uses so the prompt generates the right nationality once you choose the region. The kits and their colours also generate randomly. (for some reason ChatGPT Polka Dots was a popular kit design?) 


    I've also added in some extra logic for how it generates hairstyles if Region = African.







    I've also made another python script that I'm using in association with the NEWGan app to identify which png files have been used already in the config.xml file, move them out the folder temporarily, then when I run NewGan, it assigns faces, only on the png files that haven't been used yet.


  7. 1 hour ago, Hoarau said:

    Don't know if this was aimed at me but i used Stable Diffusion and the prompts used were variations of the below : 


    - 85mm DSLR color photography of a very detailed headshot fitting all of head and shoulders in frame, ** year soccer/football player, grey background


    Add in different ethnicities or nationalities, also add in hair types, facial hair types etc.

    I'm still learning myself, don't know exactly what I should be putting into the prompts.


    Lovely stuff! :applause:

  8. Playground AI still has a free tier I think but, you get only(!) 1000 generations a day.

    I said a page or so back, but XL version of Stable Diffusion is a game changer. The results are way more pleasing, less messed up outputs and also higher resolution. 

    The RockNRolla facepack is well worth a download, 35000+ faces created through Playground.AI


  9. I have been using a version the prompts RocknRolla tweeted out, and it has dramatically improved the quality of the pics, he did show me a prompt for "ugly", but I haven't experimented with it yet. 

    Because I have to put in some "negative prompts" to iron out weird AI mutations, I guess the side-effect is that most of the lads look like they're fresh from GQ magazine.

  10. 11 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    When I started this thread, I showed some mockups I'd done of newgens aged 15 and 16 years old. I included the age in the prompts. All that needs to be done is repeat the same prompts but increase the age. Doing that every 4 or 5 seasons should suffice. The pix keep the same UIDs, so all you have to do is drop them in the faces folder and overwrite the old ones.

    I remember those original pics of Colin Hendry et al, the other day I started having some fun when generating some Irish pics using old Panini shots as the seed.

    Can you guess the 3 Irish legends? I did blur the name on one of them, as it was a bit too close to giving the game away!


    1.png.c2504dcd5da3bf6486a5d78d05eb35ae.png 3.png.3a93cbcd596d804cfca0f4730bcb1b4e.png2.png.6ea5b5bd9507756cce490790cc33a0f6.png

  11. 9 hours ago, <<Macaco-RJ88>> said:

    How do you guys deal with the "time factor" for young newgens? Do you just change it manually the best ones in the future? Do you leave aside aged pics? Im really stuck in that atm..how to handle the time factor.. Any help appreciated!

    I always just turn a blind eye to them aging up in game. The default facepack for real players never get older in their pics, so it's something I choose to overlook. When generating the Newgan faces, I set age to around 20-21. Any younger..... they look like they should still be playing Wembley doubles on the playground and then it still looks weird when they are supposed to be nearly 30, but look about 14.

    IMHO, peoples face structures don't really change too much between 21-35 (when they would be active footballers). Maybe just stuff like changing hair and beards, hence I just leave them looking like that.


  12. While fingers and hands remain a problem on SDXL, heads and faces are getting better. Commonly on SD1.5 I'd get wonky eyes and bumpy foreheads, but SDXL can usually hit it out the park on the first swing, and also I'm finding I don't have to put so much in to the prompt either.

    I spent a bit of time over the last couple of days generating around 100 or so for the EECA folder (Eastern Europe, Russia & ex-Soviet countries) just to see what SDXL can do. A bit like _Ben_, some of these were actually generating in more of a stadium setting before I cropped and removed backgrounds. I don't mind some variety in the poses, as I find it more immersive.





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