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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. @Zachary Whyte may I ask if this issue has been addressed with the full release? I haven't had the chance to test yet on the full release, but I do have a Beta save (just uploaded as "Portsmouth.fm", will use better naming next time) where I used external tools to check hidden attributes (NO editing has been done with these tools whatsoever) and new signings got their hidden attributes and determination completely copied over from the player that had welcomed them to the club (3-4 in-game months after signing). Most signings have been welcomed by Brahim Diaz and Majecki and share their exact attributes. Pape Matar Sarr for example has been the only one welcomed by Godfrey and they share all their hidden attributes. Unfortunately I do not have a save before the attribute changes, but I can keep an eye on it and share additional files later on if I find the bug still occurs.
  2. @roddern I've only been using single striker tactics and my strikers generally do well. If you're using strikers who are good in the air (like Haaland), then as knap said just swap some positions in the corner routines for each tactic so your striker is targeted and that will increase their goal output by a lot. In one of my saves Kane had a monster season with 47 goals in the league only, over my 10 years of playing FM that is the best Premier League record I've had one of my players achieve, and I'm sure Haaland could do better than that.
  3. @knap Okay wow I see, some insane losses here too... still in the CL final though lol
  4. Patch screwed everything up for me, I've been using "PARIS 4231 DM NIKE P102 EC CC" and "HGF 4231 DM P101 FA CC" and I'm having a pretty terrible season in a continued save after the patch. The difference is huge, definitely underperforming for my squads average CA.
  5. @knap would you recommend a good defensively solid tactic for a sub-top team? Or a tactic focused on a single striker as the main goalscorer?
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