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Posts posted by ravalamol

  1. 2 minutes ago, roykela said:

    Hmm. I'm 3 seasons done now and not a single 1v1 has worked tbh. Nor the dribbling entire length.

    It's not a 1v1 per se, But regarding the dribbling the entire length and NEVER score:

    If i were to base the injuries in my save i could argue that they should adjust the injuries up, having more injuries. I hardly get injured players. But that is solely basing it on my game.


  2. Before anyone mis  interprets, this is not a thread to throw a banter against the game or the SI community. At the end of the day, the game doesn't have a human mind to be so realistic and accurate
    That being said I believe we can put across some points that could be worked upon.

    I've read many threads and discussions about these incidents..

    Lemme start:

    1v1s: While viewing the game, whenever players are on a 1v1 run, they NEVER score. Even the top most prolific finishers. These 1v1 animations often begin with a single player on a counter attack dribbling the 'ENTIRE LENGTH' of the pitch like superman (even slow paced players) and hittng the ball against the keeper. So it's become so obvious that during key or extended highlights, I can pre assume and be correct that it will be a miss if I  see a player starting on a run to dribble the entire field.

    Transfers: are very unrealistic. Top players are herded in one single team often. For example Liverpool have got Milik and Kane in the same season, causing an overflow of forwards. Man City despite having a good midfield have got Dybala, Vidal, Pogba in one season. 

    Liverpool being too strong? : I agree they are a great team on good form, but dropping just 16 points over 2 seasons overall? Scoring like 3-4 goals every game? Unrealistic.

    Frequent Injuries: Players getting injured way more than previous FM editions. Even if I keep a light training schedule.

    Players not passing into open  space: Like the first point, if a player is on a dream  run, and will even have 2-3 players open for a tap in, he wont pass.

    There are so many more issues tbh.
    I hop it gets resolved via patches

  3. Ill be honest, I  was looking for this issue. I opt for Key Highlights or Extended only during games.
    In each case, I'll see players dribbling the 'ENTIRE' length of the field to be 1v1 and get the shot 'ALWAYS' saved. Not a single time in 3 seasons (100+ games) have I  seen a conversion even with world class strikers or players

    So whenever the highlights come, if I see a player dribbling long lengths, I KNOW it is never gonna be a goal. 
    It's insanely predictable and really poor.

  4. I get an application error at a certain point.

    Once I start career, then chose my team, user profile

    Then I get the welcome to the club message where the club Director welcomes my appointment.

    Immediately when I click NEXT, the game crashes. CHECK SCREENSHOT + ATTACHED DUMP FILES

    Point to note: I made my own club in the pre game editor and kept it in the English Premier League. I removed Brighton from the league and left the team's status as unassigned.

    Ive tried clearing all possible cache locations , etc.


    Please Help!!


    FM 2020 v20.1.4.1318683 (2019.12.02 23.20.19).dmp FM 2020 v20.1.4.1318683 (2019.12.02 23.27.39).dmp

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