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Posts posted by jimmyfitz

  1. I found this thread searching around to find out if FMT20 had an editor... question answered.

    I played FM and it's incarnations for a very long time -- I've been married for 20 years and certainly played before I was hitched. I got FMM16, and that was very good, but a tad simple, so I got FMT17 and although that gave the feel that too much happened on a dice roll, I put a few 100 hours in. But the one thing it was missing? Yes, an editor. It doesn't even need to be a fully fledged job or, TBH, even included in the base price (charge me more!) , but the ability to move the odd player/manager, add the odd fantasy player, run a few 'what ifs...' or even just edit the kit...

    So, thank you -- my question has been answered and I'll be saving my 20 quid for another year.

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