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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Playing with an Australian custom database, and in the Semi-Professional Leagues in the database, players that are on Non-Contracts or Amateur Contracts started to make 1200$ (Australian Dollars) randomly and for whatever reason its only 21/22 year olds that get that wage. Currently 165 players have this type of contract situation. Couldn't find anything in-game or in the pre-game editor that might affect this. The save file has been uploaded and is named - Australia_Kreinbihl12_1_2023
  2. Is there any way in the advanced nation rules to make teams turn professional once they get promoted into a certain division?
  3. Messing around in the advanced editor, creating some TV dates/matchdays (wed and sat), but when I create a new game with the editor data it only creates tv dates for Saturday and makes the Wednesday games only in the first month of the season and not on the tv dates I set. Pretty new to the editor, any help would be gladly appreciated.
  4. So currently using a custom database, with Professional and Semi professional teams within Australia. Was all good until I had a look at some of the players on the lower league, semi pro clubs, and found that some of the players are earning 1,200$ per week, despite being on Non-Contracts. Has anyone seen this before/have a solution ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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