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Posts posted by baasblack

  1. In our generation you see alot of Inside forward players but when I look at the tactic of most coaches they don't play with inside forward but as a regular winger. 

    Its weird because in the game wingers don't score as much in that kind of system and it doesn't reflect real football as a simulator. 

    I think it would be nice to have to possibility to change tactical roles with the in-game editor instead of only with the pre game editor. 

  2. On 04/12/2022 at 14:04, Wolf_pd said:

    This sounds more like a request than an advanced rules question?



    This is FM 22 in the previous game I can scroll up and down the list of formations. In FM 23 there is no list to scroll to and only a few formations. ]

  3. 4 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

    Agreed. The regular versions of the continental cup settings work based on positions in a tabel (top X) from the top division. There is no possibility to take them from lower level leagues this way, because if you would pick position 21-24 from the top English league it would probably pick random teams or more likely give an error teams could not be found as the Premier League is only 20 teams big.

    Hey Wold_pd can you maybe look at the problem that I Have with the formations with the in game editor I only have a few options to pick from when I want to edit the formations of some trainers in the game. 

  4. On 02/12/2022 at 18:36, lorenzopaniccia said:

    I know how to make a competition like Champions League but i cant understand how to take teams from second tier leagues like serie b or else.

    Im trying to reviving extinct competition like anglo italian Cup / mitropa Cup / and similar but i have low experience with advanced rules 

    nice idea but I don't think its possible unless you make it like a normal cup and add the specific leagues. I don't think it would work with club continental cup settings. 

  5. I just found out that there is a lack of options with the In game editor for the formations of the coaches. 

    There are only a few options from the menu



    Those are the only options that I can choose, normally there where alot more options.

    Also it would be nice to tweak the wingers to be inverted wingers. 


  6. you can work around this issue.

    When you create a database just export im xml file, then open it and replace the top with this 

        <list id="verf">
            <string value="22.1.0"/>
            <string value="22.3.0"/>
            <string value="22.4.0"/>
            <string value="23.0.0"/>


    Afther this you need to import the xml back in the editor and then  just a normal save. 

    In the game when error message appear just press ok twice and it will load. 

  7. On 02/07/2022 at 21:28, Wolf_pd said:

    I know from the UEFA Revival files and some edits that Carlito made for me that these kind of things, seedings, coefficients can be set in the advanced rules, but I would really need to dive into the file to see where he changed things again.

    do you know the files name? 

  8. Hello everybody I wonder if this topic is still alive.

    Afther seeing this topic i understead now better how things work, I also tried for months with my USA database.

    I have a slightly different issue.

    I removed MLS and make a own competition but in the league my continental cup seems not to be interacting well. 

    I get to see the 4 qualification spots on the league table but i can't click on it to see the competition.

    Also during the game only afther the season I will receive a message that my club qualified for continental cup during last season. 

    But there is during the whole season no mention about continental cup if the team has yet to qualify for it. 

    I tried everything but maybe one of you can see my problem. 





    On the picture above I cannot click on Noord-Amerikaanse Champions League

    Also no mention to qualify for that spot before game starts.


  9. It seems whatever I try in the database with Coefficient points this page will not show up in my own  continental cup database



    Why is this page  and qualification places not visible in my own continental cup? also the competition reputation will not change at all 

  10. it would also be nice to edit another coach to use more often youngsters. There are alot of youngsters with high potential, if you see your country's biggest talent all the time on a bench and then getting like 23 years old and moving to low league club it feels like a wasted oppertunity. I know that in real life alot of big talents don't make it but it would be nice to be able to edit another teams coach to use youngsters more often. 

  11. Hello developers,


     I think most people who plays FM knows about Dallan's Worldwide CL.

    For years people has asked about the fix for the colours on the league tables.

    I managed to get colours but its only possible in advanced rules when I put a continent as you can see on the next picture.



    In the next picture you can see the blue colour on the league table of england but nothing on the USA top tier competition. 



    As you can see the qualification mark is missing at liverpool and City, they have already enough points to qualify for the worldwide CL. f

    To fix the first problem of the colours on the leagues is to be able to add the continent world that is visible for all leagues in all continents

    see down low when i leave the continent empty it will be shown as world, but world is not part of the continents soo the leagues can't show things outside their continent, thats why I ask for the continent of world. 






  12. Hello managers,



    I like to chase the records in my long term career in FM.

    Afther 5 seasons with arsenal I had a striker who broke the most competition goals for Arsenal but i feel so little reward from those records.

    It still not clear if I made most goals for Arsenal because the total goals that players made for clubs is not in the database.

    It would be nice to have a top 5 goalscorers per club so you can chase their amount of total goals included cups.

    It would be also nice  to see the top 10 all time goal scorers that way you can have a goal to work up to. 

    look down below, image having your fm world talk about a player who belongs to the all time greats.

    There should also be a bit more attention in the game about it with the journalist. Even afther winning some CL you still get the stupid question do you think that this team can grow to a top tier team? 

    Than I'm thinking I already won CL 5 times and I have the clubs all time topscorer in my squad so why those stupid questions? 

    That means that even if you have some players from your squad as legend for the club, you're team and players still not being viewed like that afther winning a cup is strange.

    Due to the question the game stays stagnant afther a while, if there would be more attention about the records to beat than the game would be nicer. 

    Like a list like this

    1 Vlag van OostenrijkVlag van Tsjechië Josef Bican[1] 950 624 1,53 1931–1957
    2 Vlag van PortugalCristiano Ronaldo 822 1144 0,72 2001-heden
    3 Vlag van Hongarije Ferenc Puskás[2] 806 793 1,02 1943–1966
    4 Vlag van Hongarije Ferenc Deák[3] 795 511 1,57 1940–1959
    5 Vlag van ArgentiniëLionel Messi 786 1016 0,77 2003-heden
    6 Vlag van Brazilië Romário[4] 784 1002 0,78 1994–2009
    7 Vlag van Brazilië Pelé[5] 778 846 0,92 1957–1977
    8 Vlag van Duitsland Gerd Müller[6] 735 793 0,93 1962–1981
    9 Vlag van Polen Robert Lewandowski 600 862 0,69 2005 - heden
    10 Vlag van Portugal Fernando Peyroteo 598 369 1,62 1937–1949
    11 Vlag van ZwedenZlatan Ibrahimovic 579 985


    It would be cool that there would be question in the game about becoming a top 10 all time goal scorer instead of watching how many goals someone makes in 1 season. 

    Its quite strange that you can only see how many someone makes in a competition only or just one season.

    In the CL there isn't even a tab to see how many goals someone makes in their career in CL only, again just that one season? 

    At the current state if I want to see how many goals my striker has than I have to write down how many goals he scored in CL each season instead of having a tab that shows me that.

    It would also be nice to see a top 10 tab for league goalscorers instead of having to look at the record of every individual club to see who's their topscorer and how many they made in the league.

    Just a top 10 tab would be much more easier and nicer to chase 

    I think its just logic to know that someone would rather chase to be the best of all time instead of just a season? 


    I think this is a great Idea to implement in the game It would mean more debt for the long time players, I am now starting in season 2032-2033

  13. Hello manager,

    I like to chase the records in my long term career in FM.

    Afther 5 seasons with arsenal I had a striker who broke the most competition goals for Arsenal but i feel so little reward from those records.

    It still not clear if I made most goals for Arsenal because the total goals that players made for clubs is not in the database.

    I think that every club should have a tab to see the top 10 all time goal scorers that way you can have a goal to work up to. 

    There should also be a bit more attention in the game about it with the journalist. Even afther winning some CL you still get the stupid question do you think that this team can grow to a top tier team? 

    Than I'm thinking I already won CL 5 times and I have the clubs all time topscorer in my squad so why those stupid questions? 

    Due to the question the game stays stagnant afther a while, if there would be more attention about the records to beat than the game would be nicer. 

    Like a list like this

    1 Vlag van OostenrijkVlag van Tsjechië Josef Bican[1] 950 624 1,53 1931–1957
    2 Vlag van PortugalCristiano Ronaldo 822 1144 0,72 2001-heden
    3 Vlag van Hongarije Ferenc Puskás[2] 806 793 1,02 1943–1966
    4 Vlag van Hongarije Ferenc Deák[3] 795 511 1,57 1940–1959
    5 Vlag van ArgentiniëLionel Messi 786 1016 0,77 2003-heden
    6 Vlag van Brazilië Romário[4] 784 1002 0,78 1994–2009
    7 Vlag van Brazilië Pelé[5] 778 846 0,92 1957–1977
    8 Vlag van Duitsland Gerd Müller[6] 735 793 0,93 1962–1981
    9 Vlag van Polen Robert Lewandowski 600 862 0,69 2005 - heden
    10 Vlag van Portugal Fernando Peyroteo 598 369 1,62 1937–1949
    11 Vlag van ZwedenZlatan Ibrahimovic 579 985


    It would be cool that there would be question in the game about becoming a top 10 all time goal scorer instead of watching how many goals someone makes in 1 season. 

    Its quite strange that you can only see how many someone makes in a competition only or just one season.

    In the CL there isn't even a tab to see how many goals someone makes in their career in CL only, again just that one season? 

    I think its just logic to know that someone would rather chase to be the best of all time instead of just a season? 


    I think this is a great Idea to implement in the game because it should already be in it. 

  14. Hello guys,

    I'm playing in my 5th season with arsenal and i want to see total goals made during this period for my striker.





    So is there a easy way to see all goals scored with cup goals for a club to see who scored most goals for a club, not only domestic league goals.


  15. all football games have been a verry big dissapointment this year. its time for a new company to take over because all the games try to sell the same game over and over again every year. 

    Fifa hasn't done anything note worthy new. 

    Efootball destroyed their game. 

    FM only adjusted their new squad updates in a year time. 

    But abolutely no effort in de editor.

    Why the hell is the editor coming out always later than the beta when there is'nt done anything with it>? 

    they just change the name from editor 21 to 22 and that took them a year to do it. 

    as you can see its verry disspointing so i will quit again maybe next year of never coming back. 


    Lifelong FM problems. 

    Advanced rules alot of errors in it.  

    so is austin and inter miami unplayable for first season.

    league tables has no continental colours on it when using advanced rules.

    coefficient list still incomplete and very user unfriendly.


    those problems are existing for a few years so my hope for them to fix it is gone. so i'm out.

  16. I was very excited to start FM 22 i really hoped that they would improve the editor a bit more user friendly and fixing some of the problems. 

    What I see is exactly the same editor as last year. I wonder why there is absolutely no effort in making this game more customizable. 

    Still the same errors as last year.

    Last year I quit out of spite afther I couldn't modify the concacaf in advanced rules with my advanced made Usa database. 

    This year same problems, error says 16 teams needed for nort american CL and only 15 found. tried swap every team of that list but still no fix. 

    its a big shame to see that nothings has been done, even fifa worked more on their game by the look of it. 

  17. Hello editors for the last time i'm gonna try to solve this problem. When you make a custom usa database and delete the MLS then you will notice that the number of teams in concacaf champions league is 15 and it needs 16. Very strange bug by just making a new competition in the USA. This problem exist since day one just like alot of other bugs. I cant understand why therebis no fix for it when domestic leagues are almost over in real life. Whats going on with the editor team of Sigagames? 

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