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Everything posted by prched55

  1. Here is a guide on a mid-block. I've used it before and it works. If you're in FM 23 you can use the mid-block setting in Team Instructions. I play FM22 and I drop my line of engagement to standard or lower (depending on my formation) and keep the defensive line at higher. I tick the pressing up one and sometimes add Get Stuck In if I really don't like the team we are playing. If you have midfielders with high anticipation and concentration you should be able to get lots of interceptions. Also since you play on balanced, you could keep your line of engagement higher if you want. It'll be like a psuedo high press/mid-block.
  2. I'm obviously not @Cleon but I can try to help. There's nothing wrong with using two attack-minded strikers especially in your counter-attacking system. I would think about what you want each striker to be doing and how their attributes match the role. The PF will be pushing the line and hounding defenders while also getting into goal scoring positions. And the CF will be doing everything. You also have two strikers who have the move into channels instruction selected so they'll be supporting wide areas. Who will be available to receive the early crosses? So you could change the PF to a poacher and have them be your main goal scorer. You could change the CF to a F9 and have them be a more creative threat. You could have the PF change to a TF if they can play there. Those are some of the things you can think about.
  3. Are these downloaded tactics that you're using? The 433 is very very aggressive out of possession. On attacking duty, the defensive line, block, and pressing are all going to go up. Plus you've asked your team to be even higher on all of them. Plus counter-press and PSGD pushes your players even further up. For this tactic also you would need God Tier centerbacks because they are going to be 1 on 1 most of the game. The 442 is way better in terms of roles and duties in my opinion but it does have some contradictory instructions. You have low block with PSGD and counter-press selected. Those just don't make sense together.
  4. They are trying to maintain a certain level of vertical compactness from the back to the front so the other team can't take advantage of space between the lines. I'm wondering if on this instance the DM was playing some kind of playmaker role which encouraged him to launch a ball over the top and your defenders would have little chance to win that battle if they are tired against a more well rested striker who is relatively fast and strong. So I would have pressed the DM so he didn't have time to make those passes accurately.
  5. Yes. That can work. It's just all about a balance and mix of roles and duties to create different options in attack. You can push them back to the DM strata if you'd like and leave them on support. They'll defend first then move up and support as needed.
  6. I would add more attack duties to the front 4 and change one of your double pivot to support instead of both on defend. That should provide more support to the AP and provide more attacking options. Your tactic right now is just very one dimensional.
  7. You don't have to use BPDs. You just need to make sure your defenders have relatively high (for your league) first touch, passing, composure, and decisions. Also to make sure your team has enough players to support that build up. And to think about where you are moving the opponent and where that opens up space.
  8. Do you notice a lot of balls over the top? How fast are your defenders?
  9. I think this is a good attitude. But don't be afraid to borrow tactics from YouTubers or other people on this forum. It can help when you're just new. Mentality affects everything in your tactic. Broadly I like to think of it influencing risk taking and the speed of decision making. As you move up in mentality you are telling your players to be more direct, to press more often, to have a higher line of engagement, etc. There is nothing wrong with only creating tactics on Balanced. It's a good starting point and that way you know more clearly what the Team Instructions will be changing. I'm not sure what the question is here. But I like to create space for my fullbacks a few ways: 1) just by having more players in the midfield than my opponent, 2) having a narrow attacking width which encourages outside to in passing from my wide players, and 3) focusing play through the middle which encourages my midfielders to stand closer together pulling defenders to the middle. But these are all functions of the tactic I play. So it might be useful to share your tactic. You're on the right track. Look for traits like gets forward whenever possible and enters opposition box late. Also think about your tempo. If you're playing too fast then there isn't enough time for the midfielder to make that run into space. And finally don't be afraid to play your striker on attack. You got the right idea. If you notice a bunch of ridiculous passing over the top you can untick it or hit play more disciplined or run at defense to make your players not pass into space as much.
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