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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Harrogate Town

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  1. Since the update the match engine in my iPad Air 3 is a stutter fest…like really bad. Went looking to see if I could tweak some settings but doesn’t look like I can change anything that might impact performance. Any suggestions?
  2. Not sure whether it was on the list but this wasn’t resolved with the latest update for me? The numbers are even harder to see.
  3. Can you change your default save location? Can’t seem to find a setting and despite saving to the cloud. next time I save it auto saves locally so when I pick up the other device the save isn’t available
  4. From past experience I don’t think it’s a bug more a feature because of device storage limitations. But I could be wrong
  5. Just checked and can confirm the slider doesn’t move as per the previous version. If you click where it says 45 mins or 90 you can see that a second slider appears under the first. But it can’t be moved. Also no average position heat map data for the match
  6. Yeah I’ve seen examples like this..it’s almost like the pitch is out of alignment with the screen
  7. The slider for time has 0 - 90 minutes. Can you slide it to the right? This problem existed in the last version of touch on iPad too as you couldn’t adjust the time. When I get chance I’ll try myself
  8. Glad you figured something that works for you 👍🏻
  9. Combination of doing the above. And performance is much smoother. Thanks for the advice all. I have pretty much set everything up medium rather than high which I’m surprised I needed too with the specs of the system but being honest..I can barely tell the difference and I do have mods so could have some impact
  10. Cheers Neil. I’ll check my settings later and see if it helps 👍🏻
  11. Yeah likewise decent specs but I know there is a known issue with Nvidia cards or has been in the past and there are some settings tweaks which normally fix it. Just can’t find the article
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