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Posts posted by isco22

  1. i dont know if anyone else has noticed it but if you try to get some players via loan with buy clause instead of transfer you get asking prices much lower. 

    fo example if you want to buy brenner, the asking price is between 11 and 18M euros, if you do the loan thing you can get a option to buy of 1.8M. the only thing is the montlhy fee, that can get the transfer to like 10M. but if you choose the loan to have only 6months it goes to half wich means a really lower value than the asked for the transfer. And then if you block the ''playing monthly fee'' in a small value , they will ask more for the ''unused montlhy fee'', the thing is if you buy him right away it will only be considered the low ''playing monthly fee'', and you get a 11 to 18M player for like 3M.

    and this can happen with higher value players, like adeyemi costs 40 or 50M euros and you're able to get him for like 7M.

  2. 26 minutes ago, isignedupfornorealreason said:

    Treat it like a pre-season friendly competition. It isn't really taken seriously in Europe I don't think...

    it hasnt happened yet in real life, i think it has everything to be a valuble competition(unlike it has been with the current format), it's like a real world cup but for clubs. 

    regardless of how much prestige it will have it's absurd how it is set up in the game. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    The only response to this kind of post is to advise that the game is not fixed.  As manager, you need to react to circumstances and not expect to win just because you have been on a winning run.

    sure and i just start winning all of a sudden because i became a fenomenal couch, and my rival starts losing just the right amount so i can overtake them because their couch lost the ability to react to circumstances.

    i didnt start playing fm with this game, in fact i had 2019 pretty much figured out, i used to win the champions league frequently with a team like porto.

    this one is clearly fixed, even when i win i feel like i did because i was suposed to. what happens save after save is obvious, it's allways the same pattern, the same things happening in the same order. i dont mind losing, or feeling the game is extra hard, the thing is that isnt the case...theres clearly a defined ''journey'' , it is all but ''organic'', and it's obvious as hell. 

    you're going to tell me of course that those red cards changing the course of the most important games are allways occuring by chance, 90+ goals allways occuring in the same kind of games are also by chance...one big coincidence. another one is people still paying money for this.

  4. im so full of this game, and the thing is that i keep trying again and again to play it and each time i get more mad. this is the worst fm ever. everything is fixed you have no interference in whats going on...

    in my last save i had 20 games in a row winning, i had 12 points over the second place in february(wich in the portuguese league is a certain league win), in january i won easily over my two rivals in the league cup, a few time later won 3-0 over a rival in the cup semi-final. all of the sudden in february after the 20th win in a row i lose 3-0 in the second leg of the cup and get eliminated in the penaltys, from then on i lost 4 games in a row and couldnt do a thing. the team just stopped playing. i ended up losing the league(12 points ahead) , because i kept losing and drawing with **** teams like tondela. my team just wasnt able to play in the league, everygame was a desert...and meanwhile i get to the eurocup final...this has zero logic.

    other times is the other way around, i just lose points as **** in the first round and then in the second my rival starts conveniently losing so i can be champion recovering a ******** of points.  

    and so many other signs that the game is completeley fixed, dozens of 90+ minute goals that allways happen in the most important matches, red cards...everything is completely fixed i feel like i have zero influence  in the game.

    is this just suppose to fly by? i play this game for 15 years now, i keep trying to play it and i've never played something remotely this bad, i feel completely robbed. there is going to be no statement by the developers of the game or something? it looks like a joke on the stupid people that decided to give money for this.


    and im not even talking about the bugs in this game, the ridiculous match engine, the penalty conversion rate(to me in certain saves isnt a issue and in others is like 30%), the forwards efficiency etc etc 

  5. this game has so many bugs, what a regression from fm 2019.

    but the main ones bugging me right now,


    - from the first to the second season my striker completely stoped scoring goals, i have fabio silva with a 150 current ability and he has 4 goals in almost 30 league matches, lots of opportunities are created and he cant score a single goal. the 4 goals he has, two are from penaltys(having missed 5 or 6) and second balls with the goal open. everygame he fails open goal oportunities, one on ones with the keeper, balls in the box that woul be goal everyday etc. the player isnt unhappy, has the morale at 100%, has great stats and current ability. what happened from one season to the other?


    - penaltys missed, it's absurd. in 7 i probably score 2(always players with good stats taking them). and this changes from save to save. i've had saves where this wasnt a issue , i dont know if the updates bring the bug back or what.


    -90+ minutes goals conveniently making me lose or draw the most important games. and this doesnt happen once or twice, im talking about 10 times in a season. games with the biggest rivals, champions league qualifications lost etc i don't mind losing, what's frustrating is the feeling that the game is fixed. 

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