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Posts posted by debelizec19

  1. On 21/01/2020 at 18:00, Totalfootballfan said:

    I think there's only one way to do that... you need inspect, compare and evaluate players for every position :)

    For example, if you got 2 players and one of them has 100CA and other 150CA then in this case highly like there's no need for any inspecting and comparing and it would be safe to assure that the 150CA player is better than 100CA but if you got 2 players and one of them is 140CA and other is 150CA then it isn't that simple in this case and it requires inspecting and comparing these players to decide which of them is better for the position

    if i understand well, when i have 2 players CA 150 and CA 140 , for example for postion dpl-support. Attributes which are important for that posotion are first touch, passing,technique,anticipation,composure,decisions,determination,off the ball,teamwork,vision,work rate,acceleratiion,balance,natural fitness,stamina. When we sum points for each attribute, which player has bigger sum points that is better for that position. Is that correct?


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