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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Following up with this only because I've just noticed it in one of my saves, applied ~6 different skins including the base FM skin, and still showing blank.
  2. Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I'm considering doing a sort of Build A Nation save in Asia, as the coefficient system like Europe can allow a nation to "grow" into more qualification spots. I've done just a basic test with pretty vanilla databases for every country in Asia (have not done your Russia db yet with it) - with no other database that could be interfering with it. Asia's coefficients are being calculated, so I know they're working, but the names are all shown as blank. I've cross referenced some older saves where I'm playing in Europe, don't have many asian databases loaded, and it's the same thing. Is this a known bug for SI?
  3. lol, pouring over every in-game league or cup for South Korea yields only One call-out for a Continental Cup bid, the Korean FA Cup, only the winner. Despite that in year one I think there are two or three teams from South Korea in the ACL qualified XD
  4. I've tried googling every which way and all I can seem to find it how to *unlock* unplayable leagues, but the youth pyramid I structured in my database - that includes my U23 and U18s - is showing up as playable no matter what I do. I've 'ticked' View Only (advanced rules, league -> General -> View Only) and had no success, I've seen in one youtube video that the teams should be added under the 'Reserve Teams' portion in the database, but that's greyed out and I'm unable to add. These leagues are combination U23 or U18s, with semi-pro University and High School Teams, so I do have it set to Domestic Division as type. I tried Domestic Other Division, no dice there either.
  5. haven't tried to unify, bc frankly I've got no idea what that would entail. half my testing rn is figuring out how the hell i can stop breaking the Asian Champions League after the first few years after moving every team one way or the other (even if continental cup nation is left unchanged) and yes and no to your question, I didn't take it out bc I created a new league whole cloth and that rule wasn't in it. when with the old HANA k1 league extinct it was still pinging that hardcode
  6. Follow up - immediately after moving the pyramid to North Korea, it's gone for every team. South Korea is hardcoded with the goalkeeper rule.
  7. This is it - but when I look at the nation (South Korea's) transfer rules that position is blank. I even tested with adding it, setting the number to '-1' for no-limit, and despite it - all teams have non-south korean goalkeepers, or non-north korean goalkeepers (where I had moved them over) I've also tested adding, and increasing the limit to 3, within particular league stages and nothing. A friend of mine moved the Costa Rican league over to SK, added a NK team to it, and it was still hardcoded for teams in Korea it appears. I'm going to try and set the pyramid up in NK to see if it's hardcoded there as well.
  8. after doing more testing, and there's a little left to do, it appears that any korean team (south or north) that plays in south korea are hardcoded to received "cannot sign non-SK/non-NK goalkeeper." it's a rule in the Hana K1 League, but I've just made a full pyramid based in SK with fresh new leagues, that rule not there, and every single time i load up a save up-and-down the pyramid everyone has one. Still doing some more testing tomorrow, but damn. Screenshot of taking a job and it being a Club Rule (as it is for every team on the pyramid in my testing so far.) Took charge to try and manually offer any other country and got stonewalled wouldn't even let me proceed to negotiation.
  9. two questions : One - In a custom league file, a number of my teams have board expectations/reqs "cannot sign non-south korean goalkeepers", I've looked up and down through advanced rules, at the competition level, and at the team level and find something to potentially remove this? Two - I created a 10-tier custom database for Korea, but the bottom 4-tiers are a mixture of amateur and reserve teams. I need these leagues to *exist* but is there a way I can make them unplayable? So that taking the database and starting a new game you'd only have the option to manager at Tier 6 or above? thanks
  10. Before getting to Advanced Rules, in Nation Rules I noticed when you go to add a league it asks whether or not it's got subdivisions or not - if you select it, you've got to select an "Empty" division to work as the parent. But I noticed when selecting a normal division, with teams loaded, under General there's a tickbox for Sub-Divisions. If I select that option, will the file attempt to split (for example) Korean K3 League that might house 20 teams into an equal-ish number? Or am I asking for trouble and should just build out the Parent/Children? There's a really lower division I'm expecting to be split into ~8 sub-divisions and if I can avoid the work, I will. Thanks
  11. Yes to the Based Nation still being set to Belgium - so I think maybe that could still work. Going to look a little further into the Croky Cup and see if there's some type of setting. In the Advanced Rules there doesn't appear to be a space to modify anything for the Belgian Croky Cup - and the idea of creating a second database for Advanced Rules for Belgium - and maybe merging the two(?) sound like a nightmare
  12. Hello all, hoping I can find an answer here : I've successfully created my first database! I'm going to outline some of the steps I took so that the question is put into perspective. Took teams from the Luxembourg, Belgium, and Netherlands footballing pyramid. Moved those teams into a 6-tiered BeNeLux league, this league is set in the Netherlands. Created a few cup competitions (BeNeLux FA Cup, etc) and all the leagues + cups work great in testing. I marked the Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg leagues as extinct where I took most-or-all the teams to feed into the BeNeLux. My question - these now-extinct leagues participate in Domestic Cups. In Belgium, for instance, the Croky Cup and the Belgian Super Cup. How do I include these Belgium teams, on one hand in the BeNeLux and cup competitions for BeNeLux and include them on their domestic Belgium Cups? What I haven't tested, but what I assumed I would need to do would be to edit the existing cup and include the BeNeLux 6-tier leagues inside of it, but I worry it would pull non-Belgium teams or more labor intensive, recreate a Belgian Cup doing the same thing with the 6 BeNeLux leagues or something to that effect. Any assistance would be great! Thank you!
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