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Posts posted by Cursedyou

  1. If a goalkeeper’s rating gets to 7+ and becomes green it’s almost as if nobody knows how to shoot anymore and if they do, it’s either straight at him or the goalkeeper pulls off worldie after worldie. 

    This is *especially* the case if you miss a penalty, it’s almost game over in terms of scoring goals. This was on the old ME and still on this one. 

    I’m not sure the correlation but I always seem to score an offside goal too when the keeper is on a green rating and from seeing this quite a few times the miss penalty + offside goal combination usually means you won’t be scoring for the rest of that game UNLESS it’s from a set piece. 

    Aside from that the new ME seems a lot more realistic and challenging to play and I’m finding it much more enjoyable. 

  2. A very strange thing I’ve found is that the ME on FM online seems to be different to the ME on normal career mode?

    There are chances and goal scoring opportunities that simply will NOT happen online but happen all the time on career mode. This is with players of lesser ability too scoring from angles and creating chances that higher level players on an online ME can’t do. 

    This online save was made before the last patch so I have a theory that the online saves do not update unless they are created after a patch but I’m not sure if that theory holds any weight. Just find it very strange how different the ME is for me and my friends offline. All say the same thing, especially 1on1s 


    online save chances conversion rate with top team: 6%
    career mode save chances conversion rate with 4-8th place level team: 19% 

    It’s a huge difference. Anyone experiencing this? 

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