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  1. @knap with a top team which tactic do you believe is the best currently? Now i am using EF 4231 SLO V2 P MC P109 ALL CUPS
  2. @knap just to indorm you alot of ppl have the same issue with this traininng shedules i just google it and tried to download it from other links but the problem remains and they say it at the comments
  3. @knap it was just a screen to show you that i cannot load it despite ii download it dunno what is going but nevermind thanks for your time
  4. @knapman the cardoni training shedules doesnt work i download them but i cannot insert them they seem empty
  5. @knap I am around 1billion worth , i am on my fifth year on the team i have already over powered my league so my current target is european titles but i struggle a lot over there agaist lower teams than mine i dont except to win UCL ... i use WOF 4231 p106ECCC i
  6. Hi @knap which one you believe is the best tact for the new update until now? Currenlty using EF V4 451 P MC P108 ALL CUPS but i concede goals kinda easy . Thanks a lot for your work .!
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