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Everything posted by Dec---

  1. Hi, I've managed to change the top bar just underneath the header, just wondering how I go about doing the same for the other tabs like player stats. (Updated pic)
  2. Hi @keysi I'm liking the update so far, Just wondering how do I change the tabs back to the colour of the team selected as opposed to the colour is it now? (After final update) (Before final update)
  3. Hi, I play in England in the Premier League so it doesnt show for this competition. However, it shows for the cup comps! Any idea on how to solver this? Thanks
  4. yeah, so it doesnt show in league games in the prem but it does in the cup comps. what else do i need to do?
  5. I've deleted lines 27 to 33 and I can not get rid? Any chance you could help further?
  6. Hi, great skin! does anyone know how to get rid of the match timeline/highlight bar on the right of the scoreboard in game? thanks
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