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Everything posted by Serial42

  1. Hello, How can I setup my database to produce more African regens without load the country and leagues for the others African countries (Senegal, Ivory Coast...) ? I would tick Africa in custom DB with National reputation players but I'm not sure ?
  2. Hello @knap What does it mean "EVENS" on your google sheet please ?
  3. Do you lock to 60 FPS on NVIDIA panel or in-game setting preferences ?
  4. Anyone is experiencing lags, stuttering in 3D match engine with high-end PC ?
  5. Hello, Having discovered the team scout report, I ask myself the question of how to do it effectively. Should we send the same recruiter to clubs in the same country ? Or should you mix to go faster? Does scout need a knowledge of the country of the team I observe ?
  6. Beyond the youth recruitment structures of the affiliated club, is there an influence of having more quality young players between a club that brings out a lot of newgen and others that don't. Indeed, some clubs have large structures but do not come out of newgens every year according to the transfer history. Do you have any idea on that?
  7. Hello, Yes, "Drop off More" could be an option. Before that, I switch some roles in my tactic : One of my defenders on CB instead of BPD, especially RCB to cover the space left by my RB with his attack duty. So now, I have one BPD and one CB. The role of my defensive midfielder switch to DM(D) instead of BMW(D). This avoids the holes left between my defense and my midfield left by the pressing of a BWM. What's more now, I have a player to bring solidity in front of my defense. The role of my RCM switch to BWM(S) instead of DLP(S). This makes it possible to win higher balls, with more dangerous raises for the opponent. The role of my LCM switch to AP(A) instead of MEZ(A). First, I found the Mezzala to step on each other with the inside forward AML (I noticed it in the match analysis reports). More, I lacked a real offensive fulcrum, allowing me to launch my attackers and lead the game in the middle. I may be losing counter and raise power with these changes but I notice a lot less conceded goals. But I didn't do enough matches to certify it. I'll do an other screenshot of my data hub at the end of the season to see the result.
  8. Thank you for these tips and your complete answer! In fact, I notice that I concede lot of goals with passes into space in the back of my CBs. These passes come from the axis most of the time. And I don't know what's the best way to counter this...
  9. Hi, I play FM since 2018 but this year, I find that it's more difficult to defend good... I tried many tactics (4321,4231,424) and I concede a lot... My defense is very permeable. Can you see something wrong about my tactic please ?
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