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Posts posted by richard.cheeseman

  1. On 15/04/2022 at 19:42, Spurs08 said:

    You tried something that seemed logical, but it didn't work. That happens. It doesn't mean the game's broken.


    I would probably suggest that making a wholesale change in formation for a big game isn't normally the way to go. The team aren't familiar in it, you don't know how they'll play in it, and it's a very big change for a one-off match. I'd be more tempted in future to make subtle changes to instructions. Your idea can work, but it is pretty risky and didn't come off here.

    That said, I would generally agree that FM is too biased to attacking football. Defensive or counter-based tactics can work, but it takes a lot of effort and tweaking to get there, whereas a 4-2-3-1 gegenpress is pretty simple to just use successfully from the off. Maybe that's realistic - a clever defensive tactic may be much harder to set up than an attacking one, where more of the success comes from the coaching side. But even if so, that isn't great from a gameplay perspective.

    I would suggest your plan failed not the game broken, that’s football both in fm and real life.. except it and move on… it’s only a game 😜😜😜😜

  2. How is this unrealistic?  It happens in real life as well. He is probably adding the extra bit for the injury. Injury time is always a minimum announced in real life as well. 
    mostly announced as follows - the ref has indicated a minimum of x amount of injury time

  3. On 08/11/2021 at 18:30, MasterKano said:

    I fully agree, the one-by-one aspect when upgrading is ridiculous when your club has the resources... the lower league clubs with a lesser budget I can understand upgrades being done gradually but for the clubs with a hefty budget they should either accelerate the process or as a balance the

    board should offer you the option of skipping several levels of upgrades by taking out of your transfer/wage budget.

    Great idea, however not to take cost out of your wage/transfer budget. 

  4. On 06/06/2021 at 15:35, Cid said:

    Year after year it baffles me how I'm supposed to manage staff working on different squads at my club.

    For example right now in my Brighton save I go to Training -> Coaches -> Edit Coach Assignments, and I see all first team coaching staff listed, but also U23 coaches...but not the U18 coaches. What's that about?

    Then if I go to Development Centre, in the top menu there is 'Staff' and I can select either U23 or U18 staff, each of which gives me the overall summary of the staff for those squads, but no way to see who's in each team, or their attributes. If I want to see the actual members of either the U23 or U18 coaching team, I have to go back into Staff in the main left-hand menu, then Overview. And from there if I pick Coaching, it only shows me the first team staff...but at the bottom are two blue links for the U23 and U18 staff and aaaargh why are they down there now?!

    It doesn't seem at all logical. So my feature request is to make it easier to see staff for a specific squad only, grouped in a sensible place - here's one screen where I can manage the first team staff, here's another for the U23 staff and here's another for the U18 staff, not all together sometimes and all jumbled up all over the place.

    I totally agree on this one, not necessarily a request, just a tidy up 


  5. 12 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    Oh, that's really interesting. I wonder if any experiments have been done to give a closer estimate of the real financial outcomes of this.

    On a partially-related note, here's a tip for a lower-league manager. When a big club come to poach one of your star youths and offer a derisory transfer fee, don't be too quick to reject it. Throw in an arranged friendly with them and your fee from that could be over ten times the transfer fee. I've got some nice little facility improvements from such arrangements in the early years of my career.

    All good if it’s a negotiable offer if not reject away 🙄🙄🙄

  6. Not sure this would work to well

    one of my favourite parts is creating my own tactic and using my choice of players in it.

    preselected tactics would be the same as loading and using someone else plug n play effort

    not one of my I’m out 😄😄

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