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FM Assistant Researchers
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Everything posted by LewisRWalsh

  1. As you can see in the above screenshot, there appears to be a typo in the second answer to this question about an FA Cup win. Given the context of the answer, I believe it should say something like "I wouldn't want us to be in any competition..." instead. (As a side note, I tried to upload a relevant save file to ownCloud but I couldn't get it to load from the link provided)
  2. Humorous of course, but it feels like something isn't quite right when it comes to this own goal - it feels like my player was trying to purposely put the ball in the back of his own net (or at the very least put his own keeper under pressure). I've uploaded the pkm under the name "Town Villa Own Goal" if you need to take a look at it further - the goal in particular is the own goal by David Palmer in the 60th minute.
  3. Noticed that there appears to be a 12,000 seater ground based in Scunthorpe called The Iron Arena in the database, even though it doesn't actually exist. Might it be a relic of Scunthorpe's previously proposed move away from Glanford Park that was definitely set at one point in older games? Either way, it shouldn't be in the database - certainly not as a currently existing ground.
  4. Believe you're getting your Jake Wrights mixed up - the one that's down as a 26 year old striker is this one (https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/jake-wright/profil/spieler/459169). The one you're thinking of left Boston at the end of last season.
  5. Paddy Lane (90091510) at Fleetwood's birthplace should be set as Halifax - he currently doesn't have anything set. Lee Turnbull (2005763) definitely shouldn't be down as being at Peterborough, as he left them in April to take up his current role as Scunthorpe's chief operating officer.
  6. Have done this just now, and yet the same problem of the game crashing when I choose which file to load is still occuring.
  7. Having the exact same problem too, although my crash seems to happen after the UEFA competitions splash screen. On the occasions that I am able to get past the splash screens, the game then crashes when I select which file to load. Neither crash generates a dump file. I am not having this problem with the alpha version of the game though, and it's worth noting that this has only started happening after I quickly opened the alpha version to check something in it.
  8. I appreciate the need to slightly increase the demands of non-league players, seeing as they're the ones who are going to be affected by the cost of living crisis the most - but it feels like something's gone wrong somewhere when even players of a low ability by National League and National League North and South standards are asking for more than some of the top earners at certain clubs in those leagues. Definitely understand how tricky it is to find the right balance when there's so much that I imagine will need to be taken into consideration (such as the figures provided by researchers for National League clubs wage-wise) so appreciate that it's being looked at. Hopefully the right balance can be found
  9. There's definitely some kind of problem with what wages players expect (in England at least, haven't noticed it on a save in Indonesia) as even in the National League, players are asking for unrealistically high wages. Offering Jordan Slew a new contract with Halifax results in him wanting an extra £2k a week (ridiculous considering he's on £700) and even trying to sign very low CA players like Jerome Binnom-Williams results in them asking for figures of around £1.5k a week.
  10. Has anyone else had problems with lower league players (particularly in England) asking for way higher wages than you'd normally expect (Jerome Binnom-Williams who has a very low CA by National League North/South standards for example is asking National League clubs for £1.5k a week)? Understand it's something that's currently under review but just curious to know if it's something other people have noticed as well.
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