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Posts posted by kidmiz

  1. On 12/12/2019 at 11:06, Totalfootballfan said:

    Please notice that the default settings of the filters are very tough and it's supposed to show the best 10-30 players in the world for the positions in the tactic and only the top clubs from the major European football nation can afford such players and it's obvious if you manage a small club then you can't afford to have such player and you need to "easy" the matching condition one by one until you find someone that you can afford to buy but you need to be very careful when you "easy the matching conditions" because some important attributes might be missed by much and you always should check and see what attributes are missing and by how much amount:

    @Totalfootballfan Can you give us more details about important attributes that shouldn't be missed by much and how much they might be missed for every position ?


    Thank you

  2. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:

    I'd say you should not compare the finishing of your strikers with the reflex of the opposition goalkeepers

    You should compare the finishing of your strikers with the finishing of the opposition strikers in the league

    Let's say all opposition strikers in your league have (11) Finishing and your strikers have (13) so if in some match your team and your opponents create equal amount of scoring chances but you still win... why? because your strikers have better Finishing so let's you and your opponent both created 10 scoring chances in some match and your team scored 5 goals and your opponents scored only 3 goals because your striker had better "Finishing"

    Do you mean that all technical attributes should be compared with the same position like that :

    GB vs GB

    DC vs DC

    AMC vs AMC

    DL vs DL

    DR vs DR

    MC vs MC

    but physical and mental should be compared with opposite position like that :

    GB vs STR

    DC vs STR

    AMC vs DM

    DL vs AMR

    DR vs AML

    MC vs MC

    Isn't it ???


  3. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:


    Mate, I'd say if there's no obvious exploits such as set pieces exploits or any tactical exploit like strikerless tactics in the past then I find your tactic contributes about 30% or maybe 40% to your success and other 60%-70% is the quality of your players, specifically, how much better your players are compared to your opponents, for example, you can have 200CA players but if your opponents also have 200CA players then you won't dominate them.



    You are about right, mate.

    For example, if you play in Sky Bet League One then there are about 88 "Natural" Strikers in the league and only 11 (12%) of them have "Anticipation" attribute higher than (13) so if you are looking a good defender for Sky Bet League One than any defender with "Anticipation" attribute higher than (13) would react faster than any striker in the league so you really don't need for higher "Anticipation" for you defenders in that league.

    But if you play in English Premier League then there are about 59 natural strikers and 36 (61%) of them have "Anticipation" attribute higher than (13) so as you can see almost half of striker has "Anticipation" higher than 13 so if you are looking a good defender for English Premier League than you should look for a defender with "Anticipation" attribute higher than (13) because (13) is quite low for English Premier League but for Sky Bet League One was enough.

    As you can see the Attributes subject is very huge and complex and it's just impossible to give one simple algorithm how to find players that will be working in any situations. it's only possible to help and give some advises if you narrow the subject. 

    Thank you mate,

    what about finishing ? should it be compared with reflex or handling of goalkeeper ?


  4. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:

    For example, there are about 14,480 "Natural" Strikers in the game and only 397 (2.7%) of them have "Strength" attribute higher than (16) so if your defender has (16) "Strength" then you can be sure that he'll be having an advantage almost over any attacker in the game when it comes to winning the ball in a challenge.

    Other example, there are 14,480 about "Natural" Strikers in the game and only 409 (2.7%) of them have "Jumping Reach" attribute higher than (16) so if your defender has (16) "Jumping Reach" then you can be sure that he'll be having an advantage almost over any attacker in the game when it comes to winning headers.


    So all is about comparing attributes with the opponnent player in the league we are playing.

    It will be like that :

    GB vs STR

    DC vs STR

    AMC vs DM

    DL vs AMR

    DR vs AML

    MC vs MC

    Please correct me if i a wrong

  5. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:

    Hey mate,

    I was searching suitable players in 120CA-200CA range based on the key attributes for the position

    When you do it yourself then you always can tune the CA range to serve better to your team / league

    If you want to practice then I suggest download the Official Pre-Game editor and try to create few perfect wingers 100CA, 140CA, 180CA and doing that you'll get a clue how it works

    How can we create perfect winger for each a determined number of CA ?

    Because for the same CA we can have fill the attributes with different manner. 

    Actually what i wanted to ask you is how can we detertmine for each range of CA if the player is suitable for the position or not ? is there a relation between the CA and the key attributes ?

    To elaborate further. Let's take a central defender with 170 CA with 12 strength in this case he is missing the filter with 2 pts what can we say in this case is he suitable for the position or not ?

    then what about other attributes jumping reach, acceleration, pace, .... and for other posistion every attribute by how much it can be missed ?

    Sorry for disturbing you by my questions. But I sincerly believe that we only can enjoy this game by following you recommendations

    Thank you

  6. On 10/03/2020 at 13:05, Totalfootballfan said:

    Mate, I might consider that if I had a lot free time :)

    You always can make such list by yourself using the filters at the OP and FMRTE 

    Hi mate,

    Can you share with us steps to follow so we can get such lists using filters and FMRTE for all positions.


    Thank you in advance

  7. 50 minutes ago, Totalfootballfan said:


    Let's say your striker have only "1" for Acceleration and Pace and all other attributes he have at "20" but what use of those attributes if he such slow that most of time during matches he just stands at one place because he can't run at all? :D

    Let's say in your league all defenders have their Acceleration and Pace attributes at "12" so you want that the Acceleration and Pace of your striker were higher than "12" to be able to outpace the defenders

    Let's say in your league all defenders have their Anticipation and Positioning attributes at "11" so you want that the Anticipation and Off The Ball attributes of your striker were higher than "11" to be able react quicker than the defenders


    The same logic for other attributes and positions


    Can you please continue with other attributes.

    I mean, for every striker attribute what's its equivalent attribute for a defender

  8. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:


    Let's say your striker have only "1" for Acceleration and Pace and all other attributes he have at "20" but what use of those attributes if he such slow that most of time during matches he just stands at one place because he can't run at all? :D

    Let's say in your league all defenders have their Acceleration and Pace attributes at "12" so you want that the Acceleration and Pace of your striker were higher than "12" to be able to outpace the defenders

    Let's say in your league all defenders have their Anticipation and Positioning attributes at "11" so you want that the Anticipation and Off The Ball attributes of your striker were higher than "11" to be able react quicker than the defenders


    The same logic for other attributes and positions

    What a funny illustration :lol: :lol:

    So if i got it well, when ever i should recrut a striker i should have a look to the attributes of all defenders in my league     

    And when ever i want to recrut a defender i should have a look to the ttributes of all strikers in my league.

    I hope if there was an easier way to do that  :(

  9. Just now, Totalfootballfan said:

    Yes, he suites well the AMC position in Cerber tactic


    Hey mate,

    Let's take the striker in Cerber V3 tactic, I know what job he is supposed to do on the pitch during matches and I pick such strikers that have a proper CA allocation to do that job well:

    - the striker must be fast to be able outpace the opposition defenders so Acceleration and Pace are important attributes

    - the striker runs with ball a lot during matches so Dribbling is a important attribute

    - the striker must react quicker than the opposition defenders so Anticipation is an important attribute

    - the striker he must pick a better position than the opposition defenders so Off The Ball is an important attributes

    - the striker must be able to convert his scoring chances so Finishing, Composure, Concentration, Decisions are important attributes

    - the striker should have a good technique so Technique and First Touch are important attributes

    - the striker should press the opposition and chase through ball so Work Rate is an important attribute


    I just use the method above for each position to find suitable players for it in specific CA ranges 


    Thank you for your quik reply. But i still need more clarification if you don't mind.

    When you say striker needs t have good acceleration, how can we translate that into attributes? For example for a striker with 170 CA, 17 is the minimum number to say that acceleration is good for him? what about a striker with 65 CA in lower league can we say that 6 acceleration is good for him in this case ? 

    And what about other attributes ? and other positions ?

  10. 23 hours ago, Totalfootballfan said:

    Hey mate,

    I don't know what team you manage and how further you in your save so it might be that some strikers greatly developed and some strikers greatly deteriorated in your save but as things stand in the 1st season here's a list of strikers for Cerber V3 tactic ordered by CA







    23 hours ago, Totalfootballfan said:

    Here's a list of some AMCs for Cerber V3 (ordered by CA)




    Hi LEGEND,


    Can you please share with us your methode to remove completely insuitable players for every position and to get such lists of players?? So i can use the same way in lower leagues.


    Thank you 


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