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Everything posted by TheLutterworthFox

  1. September 2027 An absolutely stunning month The biggest one there was the win in the Conference League, it gave us another £420k into the bank balance. Its nice to see quite a few clean sheets as well as plenty of goals scored.
  2. July/August 2027 - Results Its been a busy start to the season with the European qualifiers, it went well but nowhere near as good as last season where we got to the Champions League final qualifying round. We did manage to navigate one Champions League round before losing to Shakhtar, we then lost to Cluj in the Europa League before playing HJK for the second time, easing past them to seal a spot in the League Phase of the Conference League That means around £3m of prize money gained, a lot less than than the £8m+ we got last season. We have some tough games, we do have a revenge mission against Cluj to play, I am hopeful we can win at least a couple of those games. Domestically it's gone really well so far. Some good wins including a nice victory over TNS, we did draw the final game but we can't win them all....yet!
  3. July 2027 - Transfers Its been a very busy Summer so far, very few outs, just the players out of contract who I didn't want. With us turning professional this has meant giving my best players full-time deals which has taken up a chunk of our wage budget, I have however gone slightly mad with transfers, with the finances really good it's now time to try and take this squad to a new level. So please welcome..... Mark Davies-Parry - Left Back A player I'd look at a few seasons back but I couldn't afford his wages, we also had no left backs in the squad, a top quality signing Rohan Maher - Attacking Midfield/Striker Really really good! Needs to work on his finishing but bar that he looks amazing for this level Joseph Foulkes - Central Defender Signed on a massive wage but I feel he's well worth it, adds much needed quality to our defence Marcel McIntosh - Central Defender Another defender, he adds some good depth to a relatively weak area of the squad Cameron MacKay - Goalkeeper Another high wage but he looks top quality for the level we're at Matthew Butler - Central Midfielder Midfield was an area I really needed to improve and Butler definitely does that Alex Roberts - Left Back Another left back, he adds good competition to Davies-Parry Todd Alcock - Defensive Midfield A really good signings from fellow Cymru Premier side Cardiff Met Aled Thomas - Central Defender Another CB, this one is more for the future but again he looks really good for this level Isaac Jeffries - Right Winger/Central Midfielder A late addition just to add some depth to the squad Some really good signings and the squad now looks well set for another title push with a view to qualifying for the League Phase of a European trophy
  4. 2026/27 Season Review With the league wrapped up I've decided to get through to the end of season before updating, the final few games didn't go great, we got knocked out of the Welsh Cup in the semis by Llanelli on penalties and, as I decided to play some of the kids we got smashed by Haverfordwest before clawing back some dignity with a couple of good wins. An awful game, we were 3-0 up at half time and absolutely capitulated! That Haverfordwest game was awful, it just shows that most of the kids still aren't up to the standard. We do however win the league by 11 points from Haverfordwest with TNS down in 4th! It's a 6 point improvement on last season and back-to-back titles! Cup-wise it's not been the best season, we had a brilliant European adventure getting all the way to the Europa League proper and won two matches giving us a nice chunk of money but our performances in the domestic cups weren't great Overall though it's been a good season, a season of progression on and off the pitch. With the prize money from our run in Europe, nearly £9m I've been able to improve the facilities massively with upgrades to everything. The big request there was the fact the club will turn professional in the Summer, this should help the player improve quicker and give me better players to sign. The clubs reputation has also increased to 1.5*, up from 0.5* when the save started, one of the aims was to increase our reputation above the likes of Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham, we're catching them up but still a way off with Wrexham the nearest at 2.5*. Squad-wise it's been a solid season, the new boys certainly improved us but, as you'll see below with the squad list, the young lads who were lauded as potential stars are now nowhere near the level required, this is the issue when you start with a smaller club with a low reputation and as you improve the quality of players coming in the kids fall away. The PAs of the kids from the intakes are still OK but they are no longer the 5* gems they were, some though are still looking good, the likes of David Chapman (CB), Aled Carroll (CM), Jamie Roberts (CM) and Luke Humphries (ST) have all had really good seasons and will definitely be in and around the first XI next campaign. What I need to do now is continue to improve this squad, that means a lot of players will leave and a lot will join. As we're turning professional I think that means those players on amateur deals will need proper full-time contracts, I now need to decide if they are worth it! The board clearly agree the squad needs an upgrade and the budgets they have handed me are obscene! £2m to spend on transfer and that budget is triple what it was last season! We do end the season with just over £4m in the bank, we've continued to lose money throughout the season, bar those month where we gained European prize money. So I need to be careful how much I chuck about, until we hopefully qualify for the League phase of a European competition. Talking of Europe, even with our decent run in the Champions League/Europa League, because the other clubs failed in the qualifiers it means we will drop a couple of places in the co-efficient, it doesn't really matter at the moment, we are probably at the lowest end of our 5-year co-efficient so I expect our ranking to rise over the next two or three seasons.
  5. 2027 Intake For the first time we don't have a "golden generation" intake, maybe that's because the first-team players are getting better or maybe it's just a one-off, who knows but we still have one "elite" talent Dion Thomas - Right Midfield He's really not great, has decent pace and good determination/work rate but he needs a lot of work Cameron Birch - Goalkeeper The best of the top talents but once again is not great, to be honest it's been nice to not have a mentally good intake, we have so many good talents in the squad, even if they are declining due to the players I'm bringing in being much better. I expect that to keep happening, especially with so much money to spend and the facilities improving
  6. February 2027 The month started off awfully, but after a team meeting we turned it around! That win over TNS was the victory needed to seal our second successive league title, won with 4 games to go and what a place to win it at!!!! A stunning season! I've also asked the board to upgrade some of the facilities, we still have over £6m in the bank so best to use that to keep things ticking over Some good improvement which takes the junior coaching to exceptional and the youth recruitment to good
  7. January 2027 Firstly, a new signing, I've been running with very few DM/CMs in the first half of the season and have relied on the kids to fill the gaps, they've done great but I needed another option and Ethan Tipple is that man, he joins on loan for the rest of the season from Reading. Not bad for 18!! The month started so well but we have really tailed off as the month has progressed. I can take the defeats in the Europa League but losing at home to TNS before scraping a draw in the last minute against Bala was not good, luckily we had a decent lead at the top and even with those dropped points we're still way clear. 11 clear with a game in hand, not bad with only a handful of games to go
  8. December 2026 An odd month, in some games we were brilliant, we beat Nice in the Europa and then, as ever, smashed TNS away, we did however lose two league games and we really didn't play well, maybe a little complacency has set in? That Nice win was superb though, one of the best of the save and gives us half a chance of qualifying for the playoff, we do have Sevilla (A) and Betis (H) to go so it's going to be very tough. To get 6 points though is a miracle! In the league, even with the defeats, we're still way ahead. 11 clear of Cardiff Met and poor old TNS are in 4th!
  9. November 2026 An odd month with only one league game, the results look bad but with the teams we've played I am not that fussed Two more defeats in the Europa League, a loss in the Challenge Cup but progression in the Welsh Cup and a solid win in the League. 8 clear at the top and with a game in hand! Stop the count!!
  10. October 2026 BIG NEWS!!! The board have agreed and from May 2027 we will be going professional! This is huge! Result-wise it's been an absolutely incredible month Only one game we didn't win, there's been some incredible victories, amazing performances including our first win the Europa League and progression in the Challenge Cup and Welsh Cup, I've been blooding the kids as well who have been performing really well. Still 7 clear at the top and 11 clear of TNS! As I mentioned, some of the kids have been playing so good and one of those is Striker Luke Humphries, he's scored 6 goals over the month including 4 in the cup game. He's currently averaging over a goal a game and has 8 goals in 545 minutes played!
  11. September 2026 Firstly, with all the money gained in our European adventure I have managed to get the board to agree to numerous facility upgrades, unfortunately though the option to ask to become professional isn't available. I had to beg for every single one but the board caved in and said yes, this should take the training facs up to adequate, the youth facs up to average, the junior coaching is now up to excellent and youth recruitment above average. Results have also gone really well in the league, as expected though we are struggling in the Europa League. We are still 100% in the league which is great news and that win over TNS givers us a really healthy lead at the top of the table 7 points already!
  12. Came up on my scouting recommendations. I get lots and lots of rubbish recommended but every so often a gem appears
  13. July/August 2026 Two months in one, mainly because of our European qualifiers But first, transfers. Some big first-team players leave, the big loss there is last season player of the year Lisbie who refused to discuss a new deal, we also lost Hulbert (ST), Patten (CM), Genovesi (CB), McLintock (CM) and Woodliss (CB) who all left after their contracts expired. With a lot of key men leaving we had to bring players in but this time we had to make sure they improved us for our run at the Champions league qualifiers. Luke Mariette - Central Midfield A decent player who is an improvement on what we already have, he can play DM. CM and RW naturally. Japhet Mpadi - Winger I'm really excited about this lad, good pace, he can cross and dribble, he just needs to learn to pass! Josh Hinds - Striker Another top quality signing, he ended as the Cymru Premier top goalscorer last season for Penybont with 27 goals in 30 games. Luke Conlan - Left Back We seem to have been short of left back for about two seasons! Conlan isn't rated very highly but I think his attributes are good enough for this level Oliver Shannon - Central Midfield Another versatile player who can play RB, DM, CM or RM. His mentals are what drew me to him. Jason Williams - Left Back I really like the look of this lad, he's only 19 and already a Grenada international. Top quality! Steven Allan - Striker And finally! WOW! This lad looks incredible, another option up top and this lad is going to be something else! I am so excited to see him bang goals in! Some great signings and now we're fully set for a shot at the Champions League qualifiers, now my aim was to win one round, TNS had failed to do that in any of the past three season, although they had got into the Conference League proper the past two. Aim is too do what TNS did, well we did so much better than that! JUST LOOK AT THAT!!!! We got through three Champions League qualifying rounds including a ridiculous comeback away to Astana and then a brilliant win against Dinamo Minsk. We eventually came up against Dinamo Zagreb who were way too good for us in the first leg at home, we did however win the away leg, it wasn't enough though and we fell at the final hurdle. But that means we qualify for the Europa League proper!! Some really tough fixtures there! Aim there is to win one!! The massive news is the prize money! For the Champions League run we gained £4.6m, we then got another £2.9m for getting into the Europa League!!! Just over £7.5m in the bank, that is absolutely massive! Now I can get the board to make us turn professional (I hope) and look at improving all the facilities! Unfortunately though no other Welsh team made it through, TNS went the furthest, losing in the Conference League third qualifying round. We've also had a good start to the domestic season with one slip up in the League Cup, it was in the middle of the Champions League qualifiers and they were much more important!
  14. 2025/26 Season Review An amazing season is over, Cymru Premier CHAMPIONS!!! THE NEW ARRIVALS Some good performances from the newbies, especially Marshall up front who ends with 22 goals and Lisbie on the wing who grabbed 14 goals and 21 assists. A SEASON TO REMEMBER Amazing!!! We won the league by 6 points, it would've been more but I played the kids in the final two games and we only gained a point. In the other trophies though we didn't do as well. Conference League - 2nd Qualifying Round SPFL Trophy - Fourth Round Welsh Cup - Second Round Nathaniel MG Cup - Quarters Disappointing but for me this season was all about the league and it paid off, next season we go into the Champions League qualifiers which should give us a raft of more prize money! MOMENTS TO REMEMBER Some incredible victories along the way, that 7-0 away win over TNS though will live long in the memory as it claimed us the league title THE FINANCES Mainly green once again with just the prize money dropping, this was all down to our poor showings in the domestic cups. The bank balance ends just in the black, the prize money we gained went all into improving the youth facilities, with another season in Europe this will help the bank balance and get it heading upwards. BEST XI A solid season with numerous players averaging over 7, That front 3 of Marshall, Hurlock and Lisbie was just sensational, unfortunately though we might not be seeing a couple of them next season. It was a shame to not see 2025 intake star Aled Carroll in the XI as he played a lot over the season, his average rating wasn't great but I felt he played better than both Hatton and Hanson in midfield. THE ACCOLADES No surprised here as Lisbie ends as player and young player of the year, alongside signing of the season, most assists, player of the matches and highest average rating! The big problem is his contract is up and he is refusing to speak on a new deal, hopefully Champions League football may keep him around And here is the whole squad NEXT SEASON What a brilliant season, my third at the club and we claim the league title ahead of TNS. Now we have to start to build for a push at the Champions League qualifiers. The squad, as you can see above is really big but it's full of kids, academy lads who, although they are good enough to add depth to the side in the domestic games, aren't good enough to hold down a space to help us progress. I do want to keep playing them but what I need to do now is bring in some higher quality, more experienced players to help these kids grow. We will be losing quite a few first teamers as their contracts are up and they won't sign a new deal, Genovesi, Hulbert, Lisbie, McLintock and Hanson will all leave, Lisbie is the only one I really want to keep, we'll also lost Fenton and Marshall as their loans are up. I will be getting rid of numerous players who just aren't good enough with the aim to bring in 5 or 6 players who massively improve this side to help take us to the next level. The one thing I really want now is to get the board to agree to us turning professional, unfortunately that won't happen until the finances improve so whatever prize money we earn next season won't be spent, it will be stored to hopefully push the board to agree. Three great seasons, it's nice to see our reputation has improved even if we're still well short of the Welsh sides playing in the English leagues. The league rep and co-efficients are also increasing and with TNS qualifying for the league phase of the Conference League this season the co-efficient next season is heading upwards as well and I think we'll go up to 37th, we still have a way to go, 32nd is where we will gain an extra spot in Europe.
  15. March 2026 Three games this month and the first two went pretty well 4 points from a possible 6, the final game of the month was against TNS who, after winning both their games, had shrunk the gap to 6 points with 3 games left. We beat TNS away, we win the league, lose and the gap is down to 3!! What happened next will live long in the memory, I expected it to be a tight game.......it wasn't! WE ABSOLUTELY DESTORYED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An insane win, beyond my wildest dreams and with that we claim the league title with 2 games to spare!
  16. 2026 Youth Intake Again we have an "excellent" intake, even though when the preview came through it was all "C"'s and nothing higher. But the question, as ever, is are any of them any good!? Kenny McIntyre - Central Midfield Erm, not great! David Chapman - Central Defence Not bad at all! Great mentals, good physicals, he just needs to improve his positioning, heading and marking and he could be half-decent. Stefan Jones - Central Midfield Again, not bad, he has most of the right attributes to be a solid central midfielder, he just needs to improve in a few other areas. Aaron Anderson - Defensive Midfield Good mentals, can tackle and jump, he may end up being a better central defender if I can retrain him. Grzegorz Dziedzig - Left Wing Not amazing but he can cross and dribble, he needs some work but looks alright. And here's the "top talents". So overall its another solid intake, it helps bulk the squad out meaning I don't have to worry about signing back-up players, I can solely concentrate on bringing in top quality players on decent wages whilst trying to improve these lads through mentoring, loans and game-time.
  17. February 2026 Only two games this month, one poor defeat but we ended with a good win against Bala. TNS have won both their games but we still lead by 8 with 5 games left
  18. January 2026 We have suddenly decided we cannot defend! So many goals let in but a bag full scored!!! That result at the end of the month though was the big one, we certainly have the beating of TNS at the moment and that win has pretty much sealed the title bar a complete capitulation! The gap is now 11 points with 7 games to go, surely we can't throw this away? In other news I've made one new signing in the Winter window as a new central defender joins on a free, amateur contract. He's only 17 so has so much potential to grow into a quality player, he is already a starter in the side as he's way better than most of our other CBs
  19. December 2025 An absolutely stunning month 4 brilliant wins including an absolute hammering of TNS away!!!! What a result! The best win of the save so far and that means we now have a huge lead on TNS at the top of the table. 10 points clear with 12 games of the season to go.
  20. November 2025 A quiet month game-wise, mainly because we're out of all the cup comps! The month started so well, we then faced Cardiff Met Uni and got destroyed in a shocking performance, our unbeaten start in the league has gone! We still have a 5 point lead at the top with 6 games of the regular season to go before the league splits
  21. October 2025 What an odd month it's been! Our unbeaten run in the league continues but we managed to lose in three different cup competitions! That included two penalty shootout defeat, in the Welsh Cup loss to Llantwit we lost 18-17 on penalties!!!! As hard as it is to take, for me this season it's all about the league and so far we are smashing it. A nice 6 points lead on TNS
  22. September 2025 The brilliant start continues! Some really good wins there including a cup victory over TNS, we also drew them 0-0 in the league, a game in which we dominated Sitting pretty at the top of the league!
  23. August 2025 A really decent start In other news TNS qualified for the Conference League proper for the second successive season
  24. July 2025 A new season has arrived and its been another busy Summer, the first aim was to get rid of some of poorer, higher earning players All-in-all 9 first-team players left, the biggest loss there was defender Nguepissi who refused a new deal, the other main first-team players to go were Wingers Curran and McLaggon, midfielder Davies and defenders Kyle and Owens, overall it cut around £2k off the wage bill. With so many players leaving I needed to make a few signings, I didn't want to go mad but wanted to use the available wage budget to bring in some much higher quality players to play alongside the young lads we have at the club. Ashton Fox - Central Defender A massive improvement on what we have in defence, on a hefty wage but well worth it Joe Woodiwiss - Central Defender As you can see the centre of defence was my biggest issue and I've tried to bolster the rank, Woodiwiss adds some good depth Harry Thomas - Central Defender And a third CB joins, one for the future more than anything. Kyrece Lisbie - Winger We needed a new wide man with us losing Curran and McLaggon and this lad fits the bill. Miller Fenton - Left Back Signed on a season long loan, with Owens leaving it left us quite short at LB. Reuben Marshall - Striker A second loan signing, we only really have Hulbert as a decent Striker to Marshall comes in to add some competition. So six in's, the squad is still way too big but its now full of our academy players, I have full faith some of them will step up to the plate. Co-efficient News Some good news in the co-efficient rankings as we rose 9 places up to 42nd, this regains our 3rd Conference League spot. Europa Conference League Now to the results and July is Conference league qualifiers only, one again we did amazingly to get past the 1st qualifying round, beating Georgian side Dinamo Batumi, we then faced Norwegian side Stromsgodset and did really well to draw them at home before getting beat away. And that once again gave us another £770k of prize money to add to the bank balance, it is now up to just over £1m. The big thing I want to do with this money is to try and improve the facilities so this year is about spending it on the youth facilities. A big chunk of money but hopefully it will help the young players here to train better and improve quicker.
  25. 2024/25 Season Review THE NEW ARRIVALS There were a lot of signings over the season and most did a solid job, Ryan George (RB) didn't play as many games as he maybe deserves but Theo Robinson took the RB spot was sensational all season. Sam McLintock also had a good season in central midfield. A SEASON TO REMEMBER A fantastic second place finish in the league, a point better off from last season but the gap to TNS is still too much. In the other competitions we: Lost in the 2nd Qualifying Round of the Europa Conference League Lost in the 3rd Round of the SPFL Trophy Lost in the Semis of the Nathaniel MG Cup WON THE WELSH CUP! MOMENTS TO REMEMBER THE FINANCES A really good season financially, helped by the Europa Conference league where we made over £750k in prize money. This meant we could lose around £30k a month and still end the season well in the black. Take that prize money out and we'd be £500k in the red! Next season we need to get through at least one qualifying round to help that bank balance continue improving BEST XI The Best XI is as expected really with no major surprises, it's interesting though to see only three players averaging over 7 in a season where we ended as runners-up THE ACCOLADES Theo Robinson dominated the awards, winning the club player and young player of the season, well deserves and he was pretty much our best player. He is going to be a huge player moving forward if we to challenge TNS. Ollie Hulbert ended as the club top scorer, he also won the Cymru Premier young player of the season. And here is the whole squad. NEXT SEASON Next season for me is going to be a big one, we need to get closer to TNS, three seasons in I would be expecting to be running them very close, in the other competitions it would be nice to retain the Welsh Cup but for me the League is more important. As for Europe, to get through a qualifying round will be good enough for me but if we can get a round further than this season I'll be delighted. Squad-wise I expect quite a turnaround of players, with the good intakes we've had so far and the fact we have a lot of young player who deserve some game-time I plan to try and get rid of a lot of the older, poorly rated players, the likes of Curran, Hillier, Davies, Kyle and many more. If I can get rid of a raft of those player then I will look to bring in 3 or 4 players. £100k in transfer money is good but, until we've progressed a round in Europe and I know we've made some prize money then I won't spend that but if I do get rid of some high earners who aren't good enough then I'll have more than enough wage budget to sign some high-quality players. It may end up being a busy Summer but it will all depend on who leaves, the squad is currently way too big! SEASON SPREADSHEET
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