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Posts posted by KrKAlex

  1. Hi Bill, well done for the cup title! Always great to read about your Greek save.

    22 hours ago, BillHoudini24 said:

    I always hire people for the U19 team and slowly promote them to the main squad after getting them qualifications. What this does -besides adding immersion for me- is that it creates a club culture with players working with their favourite personnel. Does it help enormously? Probably not, but this is how I like to play long-term saves.

    As for the quotation above, I remember that I wanted to try doing something similar in the past but never dared doing it since I thought (wrongly?) that the mentality, favorite formation, playstyle, etc. attributes were fixed and only the attributes were evolving with the time and qualifications. From your experience, it seems that even a "defensive-minded" coach could eventually get an attacking mentality after some years in the club? Or do you always hire staff having the right mentality/formation/playstyle and let their attributes grow with qualifications and time?

    Many thanks for your feedback!

  2. 20 minutes ago, FMisback said:

    You can copy your existing folders and move them to the new version no problem . You could see a few missing though depending on changes in league structures etc 

    Thank you both for your reply. I only wondered if the data were the same for a player that changed club or something, or if the id of the player remains unchanged.


    Many thanks, I am already installing FM22 :p

  3. Hi everyone,

    I have a question concerning the graphics that I have in FM21 and I would like not to download everything again for FM22. I am not sure this is the correct category, so please do not hesitate to move the topic to the right place.

    By graphics, I mean all the club logos and all the faces I downloaded. This is something that bothers me doing everytime. I am bored of FM21's ME so I definitely want to go to FM22. However, having to download everything again would push me to suffer a little bit more on FM21 rather than installing all the graphics again. But, if you tell me that it is possible, I am already inserting my credit card number to get the game :lol:.

  4. Just now, XaW said:

    Yeah, most do, but I think Brentford closed down all youth teams a while back, at least I think I read something about it. So that would be the reason.

    To ask for it, it should be under "Finance" and "Networking" in board requests.

    Thank you, I just did it. They first said no, then I insisted it was important and they agreed. Many thanks for your help. I learned something today.

  5. 1 minute ago, XaW said:

    If those are "None", then you won't have an intake.

    How to get some? And is it common in big clubs to have none? I am surprised. I have started my save in Vanarama South, went in 3rd division Ireland, 2nd division Northern Ireland then Scotland etc. and they all had youth intakes. That's why I did not think about it.,

  6. First time I do when joining a club is to fulfill all the empty seats in the staff (1st team, 2nd team and U19/U18). I did it too in Brentofrd, but I just checked and there is no position available in recruitment teams for both U23 and U18. So this is the reason why according to you? I thought the youth intake was also monitored by the staff of the 1st team.

    EDIT: I just asked the board to open positions, but I can only ask for a Scout for U18 and recruitment analyst for U23. The board accepted it, but it just gives me more position for the main team. I am not able to ask for anything for the U18 and U23 teams in recruitment teams.

  7. Hi everyone,

    I am not sure where to post this, if it is the wrong section, please move it elsewhere.

    So, my problem is that I joined Brentford 1.5 seasons ago, in 2026. I successfully managed to go from Championship to Premier League but this season I noticed that I have had no youth intake and all the players in my U23 and U18 squads are generic players that are greyed. It is the first time I see such a thing, what am I doing wrong?

    Many thanks for your help!


  8. 48 minutes ago, Zemahh said:

    I'll usually select a role/additional focus that focuses on player's biggest weaknesses whenever I sign him and then leave it at that until I'm happy. I've set up a monthly in-game reminder to comment on all players' training performances and that's when I usually have a quick glance at everyone's attributes, as I scroll through them to praise/criticize them.

    Ok, I see. Many thanks for the info! I tried to do the same way, but I never put any player on Double Intensity. How do you monitor this uually? Do you have a rule as a function of the age, the stamina, the mentality, the playing time?

  9. 1 hour ago, Zemahh said:

    The individual training, yes. For the rest I currently don't care too much, because I just recently started a new save and am still in the depths of English lower leagues. Can hardly develop anyone with poor facilities, horrid coaches and semi-pro schedule, so I'd be wasting my time. :D

    But when it comes to youth development saves, it definitely makes sense to take control of it all, if you want to get the absolute maximum out of players. At least when it comes to individual training, I find assistant's advice pretty useless.

    Ok, thank you for your answer. How often do you change the personal training?

  10. 7 hours ago, zyfon5 said:

    The star rating is not just based on the players ability. It is also judged based on the players form and whether the staff thinks he is a good fit for your team. Two players with the exact same current ability might be given different star ratings bcz one might have better form or he is a domestic player that fits well with your team.

    Have you ever received the e-mail where your AssMan updates his opinion on some players. I checked with some screenshots, my left winger being on his prime did not evolve any stats for a year. However, his rating went from 4.5 stars CA to 3.5. The only reason is that I transfered-in a youngster that has been on a decent form and whom PA is higher than the one of my current Left Winger. Plus, the form of the winger on his prime has been decreasing. In a sense, his current ability did not change by attributes (or slightly by decimals), but his current ability by facts did change because he is performing below than what you expect from a 4.5 stars player. Does it make sense?

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