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Posts posted by Nexus-alpha

  1. Hello !

    I started a save where I only go into vacation and watch what's happening in the future, only in France. Almost 100 years after the start, I noticed that a B team got promoted from "National 2" which normally would be impossible, and they even got into "Ligue 2" after. Screen attached to understand more.

    So that should be impossible, but for the year when the B team got promoted, no "A team" could make it out of the relegation spot, I think that's why a B team got promoted, but I think the division should have at least 4 "A team" in "National 2" so that doesn't happen again.


    Rennes B monte.png

    Rennes B en L2.png

  2. Hello everyone !

    With a friend, we're trying to create a new championship like the MLS but set in Europe, but with rules from Europe countries and more club. We have put 32 clubs (instead of 24 in MLS) and so, with two conferences with 16 clubs in each one. But after we've put all the rules for the new championship, when we try to test it, it says that all stages couldn't be finished before the new season update.
    For now we're trying to make it work in a season starting from March to November (with a season reset on the 1st of January).


    Does someone has an idea of what could cause this? (Imma link our current update if someone want to look it up :) )

    Thank you all !


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