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Posts posted by kosto16

  1. Hello there..i would like to ask how does individual traing works..for example here is the trainig of carrilero and the training of box-to-box





    So does it mean that the player will train mainly the highlighted attributes of each role?
    Does the role he trains influence his playing position?for example for this player here it is ''wrong'' if i train him as carrilero and i use him as DLP(s) in DM slot? 

    For a player close to his potential is it better to train him in a role that most of his attributes are involved in training in order to stay stable?for example i have a 25yo ST which i use him as AF..is it right or better or wrong to train him as CF(a) and not as AF?

    Or for a younger player is it better to train him in early stages in a role that focuses more in the most important attributes?for example a young central defender to get training as DC(d)  and then as BPD(d)?

    So many questions here and thank you in advance for every answers i will get.

  2. Hey guys..will need some help with my bilbao side..we are in the middle of 2026-2027 season..so far everything is good..
    i was playing a 4-4-2 direct i found in this site with great results that established us in the elite teams of the world..
    the problem lately is that we play against a lot of teams that park the bus and seems like this approach of play does not fit so much..
    we still get wins but not in a positive way..so i was thinking of a different approach against these sides..i have no experience in tactics creation before..
    i try lately to figure out this part by reading a lot of topics here..
    i was thinking of a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1..but i am confused with the instructions and roles i have to choose..
    i will be glad to hear some opinions..thank you in advance:))

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