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Posts posted by Coasterkoa

  1. So I had an idea recently, and while I love starting sign-ups, conceptualizing and editing, I find the actual update portion of these things to be rather tedious. Thus, I was hoping to team up with someone who would be in charge of updates and things of that sort once I finish the sign up and editing portion. Here is my idea, just to see if anyone would be interested:

    Battle Royal

    Based upon the rather controversial Japanese movie:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266308/

    "A random class of Japanese ninth-grade students are--in this fictional universe--randomly selected by a fascist government lottery. They are kidnapped and forced onto an isolated island, where they are equipped with food, water, a map, and a random weapon. On the island, they have to compete in a violent death-match game till only one victor remains. Failure to follow the rules or participate in the death match results in death by an exploding collar that everyone has to wear."

    Sign Up Premise:

    You are one of the Japanese students selected for Battle Royal. Each student has a team (ie, the team name will be the students name). Each battle consists of a game against a classmate. In the battle you must use your natural talents (randomly created youth players) and your random weapon (a player and/or skill created specifically based on the random weapon you are given) to try to defeat your opponent. So that the sign up doesn't end quickly, one win doesn't signify a kill. Losing a game wounds a player and how bad the wound is depends upon the score of the game (ie, losing 2-0 will hurt you twice as much as losing 1-0). Once a player is wounded sufficiently, he will die. The player that kills him acquires his weapon. All these numbers will be decided later, but I'm thinking 10 health points would be about right, and each goal you lose by takes away one health point.

    The Players:

    Each player to signup will take on the name of one of the Japanese school children in the movie/book (42 in all, but that will probably prove to be too many). I will provide a list.

    The Weapons:

    In the movie/book, weapons range from various pistols, to a paper fan, to nothing all. Each weapon has a unique property that will be added to the team. For example, if a player gets a shotgun (purely for attack), his team will receive a slow, powerful striker who is terrible with long shots, or if a player received a bulletproof vest (purely for defense), he will get an amazing keeper, but who isn't particularly strong at one on ones (similar to a knife fight, or something). A player who gets a baseball bat (can be used for defense or attack) will get a strong but technically poor center midfielder. A player who gets a paper fan (no defensive abilities, very weak attacking abilities) will get a very weak striker. The list goes on from there. I have a list of all of these and have nearly come up with unique characteristics for all of them.

    Would anyone be interested in co-Hosting this with me? This would obviously be for when FM2010 comes out.

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