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Andrew Marines

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125 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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    In a relationship with libero

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  1. There are Onlyoffice,Libreoffice or other alternatives. If you bought the 365 version, you can use it online just as you would on windows. Only certain fields need windows, common office computers can run Linux distros without any issue rn
  2. Don't worry. If the feature turns out great, some youtubers will praise it and people will try it. Happens every time. If it'll be close to reality, women's football will be a lot more on the technical side rather than on the physical. Could be a great challenge and a breath of fresh air for the game
  3. I think you gotta open a bug thread. idk if there's something we're missing but devs surely can give you a reply
  4. It quite is tbf. That's why even IRL managers rotate a lot before a midweek match. honestly i wouldn't worry too much about that metric. From your screenshot you can see low level of fatigue and a great overall on every player.
  5. it's not even the terminology tbf. hybrid roles that should do a bit of this and a bit of that don't quite work efficiently. not because the role itself doesn't work but cause you can't trigger a certain situation and movement. you're at a constant research of a specific movement and when you find it, other things will break
  6. A more realistic scenario. You won't have a squad full of wonderkids after 3 seasons and billion in the bank after 5. The first rule of the game is not trust the stars(especially potential ability). The DoF actually made great signing. Yeah, sometimes they weren't a step forward to actually improve the team but they were underestimated or got on a free and could be sold for a profit. Sometimes tho, it'd buy great players, just not that young so you normally would pretend they weren't there. It's another game and mixed with an attribute-less gameplay it makes the game playable again
  7. Another italian streamer actually did what you're talking about
  8. remember that those are just an indication. Like, the screenshot above, decisions is still a key attribute for any role, same as teamwork and others
  9. I did the same thing you did one time. Other than the fact I had my eyes fatiguing just watching the game(the camera is too far away), the pitch size was really affecting performance too. I liked that(even though we got worse)
  10. Use youth players and sell the ones you don't need that much but are asking for more money. Or sell your two best men and try to get youth prospects on loan. "Irreversible screwed". The games challenges you for one time and you give up on it? Meh.
  11. Only in-possession/transition and mentality instructions will benefit him. I'd try first with low ritmo and maybe mentality just to see if defenders will pass him the ball back and make him part of the play
  12. They don't actually make changes based on observation. As @Ti Agosaid they probably have their own version of match plans
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