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Everything posted by adamhopkins11

  1. Hey everyone, I have only just purchased FM24. I had played the demo for a day or so just to get the feel of things beforehand. I selected FC Tokyo to test out the J League. In the games I played I noticed that my squad was pretty stacked in terms of having a team of reserves (lot of players out on loan) and a selection of U18 players (some of which may have been regens). When I purchased the game, however, I noticed that when starting a new save with FC Tokyo again (with the updated database), those players weren't there anymore. The reserve squad had 5-6 players and the U18 screen was empty. I have attached some pics as comparison. Is this down to the update or could something else be causing this. When I tried loading a save on the default database, more players seemed to be there. I am loading all players from Japan so I don't think it's to do with my database setup. But has anyone else experienced this. I'm not too sure what has happened to these missing players Are there still bugs in the game for the J-League? One example is a player called Kojiro Yasuda, who plays for FC Tokyo but is out on loan. In the default database, he is out on loan but still appears in the FCTokyo reserve team (def-db.jpg). On the update, he is on loan but it's as if he has been transferred completely, even though his Career Stats screen says Loan (loan.jpg). Have attached another shot to show what I mean. Has anybody else experienced anything like this?
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. Changing the number colours does work, Thank you. I guess there is a limitation of the kit pattern that will display. Some patterns will display, others won't. Example is River Plates again, when changing their pattern to diagonal stripe, it still shows plain white. But changing it to standard stripes will show a pattern. No big deal though
  3. Can you tell me what determines the pattern/colour of the player number displayed on the player profile. An example is for River Plate - The shirt colour and number are both set to white it seems so it ends up looking like this I have seen other kits and they seem to mimic the style of their kits (have attached example of Boca Juniors.....can this changed anywhere? As well as the number colour? Thank you!
  4. One more small question I have is whether there is a way to remove the underline effect in the menubar? I have attached a screenshot to demonstrate where I mean, Thank you again!
  5. Fantastic skin! By far the cleanest looking out there in my opinion, great work. I have made a few small tweaks to mine but I wondered if you wouldn't mind answering a couple of quick questions. Inside the player profile where the squad number shows, you mentioned you are using the Puma font for the numbers; can this font be changed? If so how would go about doing it as I can't see that font inside the fonts folder. Secondly, whilst the tabs on the squad page are very useful, is there a way to remove them....I'm not too sure which template I should edit for that one Thanks!
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