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28 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. this must be the best feature ever, I have not tested this feature yet (I jumped from FM11/12 to 24) but this feature is practically the only thing for which I am willing to buy the game on a yearly basis. I am very slow player, immersing myself into the game (and trying to ignore stupid player interactions ), watching matches in full mode...but I also play other games (RPGs) so when new FM comes I am not very far in the game so continuing in the next FM is just wonderful for me. Now I am dreaming of transfering my FM11 save (season 9) into FM24. Hey, I just want to dream!
  2. @Fox-7-I am currently working on something like combining your Tactic #1 with your Tactic #3 plus some of my own tweaks (eg. playing with two DWs ) in my default tactic. And it has been working decently so far. Will test it more in near future but what I am trying to achieve is Defence-First Approach with some controlling element (in my interpretation this is combining Low Block, Counters + More Disciplined Approach with Possession and therefore having one IFB-D, applying Balanced Mentality, Normal Directness and Normal Tempo). Also your tip to give DW -S PI "Go Further Forward" in Low Block setup seems to be a great advise.
  3. As a rule of thumb I try not to oversuse them because they can easily create a havoc in your defensive structure. I shortly tried to overuse them in FM24 and even with my cautious setup I was conceding 3 or more goals every match vs. good teams (I usually play with relegation candidates/mid table teams therefore tactical mistakes are accentuated). Eg. I am now managing in South Africa and there are a lot of quick, agile players (especially wingers). Everytime I selected Trigger Press often on them my team got hammered (my aging defenders did not help but still they were skinned so easily). So I changed my approach. I gave PI instruction "Close Down Less" to my Fullbacks and together with combination of Low Block and situationally Lower D-Line my defence improved remarkably. As @Fox-7- mentioned above, I also use Trigger Press often on WBs vs. 3-5-2 and also on FBs vs. 4-1-2-1-2 for the same reason.
  4. @Fox-7-Well, see for yourselves what my DW is capable to do . The DWs hardcoded PIs are actually welcomed even when he plays on his "wrong foot" as for me it just means that he does not cut inside so early. Mo Salah is not DW IRL but this is what he does (ie. playing as a Winger on his "wrong foot"). About being more efficient to protect the center of the field by tackling with their strong foot, this is actually a great insight from you but I did not have this in mind. Would be wonderful if it works this way but I would need to test/specifically focus on this. I primarily wanted my DW to go deeper without the possession and keep opp. Fullback under control. DM-S role naturally plays like conservative "Segundo Volante", I added PIs Tackle Harder, Shoot Less Often, Take Fewer Risks (as due to lack of Vision I want him to play horizontally first and foremost). I use Balanced Mentality but I think Cautious could also work for superhard matches.
  5. @Fox-7-Well, I have just recently switched to this approach and played only like 7-10 full matches (Baldurs Gate 3 is eating a lot of my time resources, btw. I play defensively even in RPGs ), but things look good. I am still conceding but mainly due to individual mistakes which I believe will be mitigated as soon as my team gells a bit. Also I am having quite a few problems with half of my team being nervous during the matches for no apparent reason but again I believe it will get better (I actually think this is happening when my team is overachieving eg. I am predicted to finish 12. and everytime my teams breaks into top 8 my players start getting nervous). Upfront I play TF-S (staple of my team inspired by F. Hornby from your team ) and PF-D or PF-A (depending on what I need in the match).
  6. When my forwards are unvailable/injured I play my DC as a TF (190cm +, good HEA + JUM, OTB 10, Finishing 5) and he does his job even when he has no positional awareness to play as a forward. Attributes are the only thing that matters to me.
  7. @Fox-7-I currently use DM-D, DM-S (very good, customizable role), and 2X DW-S (+ defensive fullbacks ). The reason for double DW-S is that they seem to defend their respective flank more reliably than Winger/Inverted Winger roles (and even if the players actually have quite poor defensive attributes). I really like when they double on opposition Wingers in cooperation with the fullbacks. They also work great if they play with opposite foot on their flank (eg. right footed DW-S in ML Position). The only headache is the hard tackling as it can easily lead to silly fouls and red cards (eg. I was comfortably leading 2-0 when my DW got a red card, luckily I still managed to win 3-2 ).
  8. This is brilliant! I was hoping that you @Fox-7- start your own thread. Also the other threads you posted are a must read for people that have a passion for good defensive football. They helped me immensely to learn how to transform real life defensive concepts to FM and more importantly how to start enjoying FM again (I jumped from FM12 to FM24). DW is a great role (apart from the hard coded Hard Tackling). I currently use two DWs in my 4-4-2 (which is largely inspired by your tactic). Looking forward to further updates!
  9. Hi guys, What do you say to your "Substitute IN" players with Normal/Composed Body Language? I always get something like "tends to struggle to meet the pace of the game" message for them. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi guys, lets say I face AMR Winger, right foot only. What is the difference between showing him onto weaker foot and showing him onto left foot? Thanks in advance!
  11. I am new to FM24 so can not really comment, but I remember from previous FMs (especially FM11 that I played extensively) that the bigger the pool of players for the AI to choose from, the worse the squad building is. Eg. I had one save in South Africa which has quite strict WP rules and at the start top teams in the league always sold their their best players for peanuts either to Arabia or to Europe. But after then, due to strict WP rules and limit on foreigners, the squad building was decent because the AI was forced to use domestic talent and when they brought a foreigner, it was usually a very good player because he had to have some youth or senior caps. In Europe the rules are generally very lenient + a lot of money which makes the life difficult for the AI 😄.
  12. @DuracellioThe very first picture (with the manager) above the Introduction title displays correctly and then nothing else (including gifs). I do not have this problem in other threads here. Anyway lets hope that I am the only one and others see everything correctly. Would be shame to miss so much tactical knowledge.
  13. Great, now I will study all my opponents and play like 3 matches per month . On a serious note, awesome post Durecellio. P.S. The png/jpeg pictures in this thread are not displaying for me when browsing with my laptop but they all display correctly in my phone, what can be the cause?
  14. Guys, when I set OIs for certain positions (eg. DR/L, MR/L...) where I can visually confirm during the match that these are applied?
  15. Well, I play in 2D so maybe he has . On a serious note I am just interested in what can be the cause (teamtalks, gelling, bad luck). After 7 matches I have currently the lowest amount of shots on goal received in the league (13) but conceded 10 goals.
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