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Sport Lacost

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Everything posted by Sport Lacost

  1. Im agreeing with you - I think it’s a data error. I just don’t know if the figure has been entered onto the DB in GBP rather than DKK by accident.
  2. Hi guys, Just checking this has been picked up on for official release? Thanks
  3. I'm pretty sure it is because when you convert to DKK he's just about the top earner.
  4. Wasn't quite sure of the best place to put this but the lead Danish researcher said to put it in here. Some player faces are attached to the wrong people for Lyngby in the Danish Superliga. Haven't checked through all the other clubs yet so this may just be a Lyngby issue but the following players at Lyngby have the wrong faces attached to their profile: Gustav Mortensen Emil Thor Nielsen Can this please be fixed for release?
  5. Is this the same for Gylfi at Lyngby? His wage is huge compared to the rest of the squad.
  6. Does anybody know who the Danish researcher is? Need to speak to him about something to do with FM24 but can't seem to find who it is.
  7. Hi guys, I’m a bit of a novice at this part of the game so looking for some help if possible? I haven’t downloaded a facepack as I don’t think my laptop will handle all of them but I do want to add individual player faces to certain players in my team. I am playing as AIK in Sweden and see you can download individual players pics - if I was to do this, how do I then add them to those certain players in game?
  8. Hi guys, I've started a new save on FM23 in Sweden, which means starting the game in April '23. By this time, obviously most of Europe is coming to a close, however when I browse non-active leagues that I don't have loaded, the player stats are skewed. I.e. I don't have the German Bundesliga 2 loaded, so when I click on Hamburg, the squad screen shows players having played 2,3 games etc, whereas by that time they'd have realistically played 30+. I get that it's only started recording player apps since I started the game (in April '23) but my question is will all the leagues finish properly and player apps/goals etc be recorded properly come the end of the European season in June '23. What I don't want to happen is for June/July '23 come around and the unloaded leagues that are present in my game not accurately record stats for players playing in those.
  9. I currently have £11 million in the bank but can no longer scout anyone as my scouting budget is used up. I chose to disable first transfer window action so am in March ‘23 having started the game in Jan ‘23. I cannot allocate more money to the scouting budget as I have no transfer budget for this reason. Seems mad that despite having £11 million sitting there I cannot allocate anymore to scouting - is this all correct?
  10. So I’ve holidayed through to August 2023 and still no youth intake for any European sides. I’m guessing from this that if you set the start date to 2023 that you effectively miss a year on youth intakes for Europe?
  11. I started a new game in Jan ‘23 on the new update. I am playing in Europe but used Brazil as the start date as it set the start date as Jan 2023. I am now into May ‘23 and no european sides have had their youth intakes, only some South American and Caribbean nations. My question is does moving the start date of your game (from summer to winter) affect the dates that the youth intakes appear? I know from previous games it’s always around March/April when these appear for European nations.
  12. What are your plans going forward? Are you going to stick with this save and keep going or update to FM23 and try it on that version?
  13. Has anyone experienced this issue? Kind of ruins immersion.
  14. Has anyone else noticed possession stats amongst AI vs AI games look strange since the last update? A few examples from my game since the last update (all leagues are on full detail) Girona 62% v R. Madrid 38% Wolves 61% v Liverpool 39% Nice 59% v PSG 41% This does seem to be happening quite regularly and isn’t a one off. Is it due to the issue with lower rep teams just passing it safe amongst their defenders and clocking up the passing stats?
  15. I’ll be following this Your approach definitely resonates with me. In the past I’d take a small club and spend the entirety of that year taking them as far as I can, but with outside influences taking up more of my time I just don’t have the hours to pour into that sort of game now so I will be following a similar approach this game cycle. Similar to yourself, my plan is to take a sort of mid table side and over maybe 3/4 seasons (or however many I can fit in this year) take them as high as I can. I’m not necessarily focused on winning silverware, but just growing the club in a realistic and manageable way. Good luck with this - I’ll be following!
  16. I haven't finished the season yet. I'm currently in Feb and sit 8th. I believe my rating with the board is currently a D.
  17. Thanks for the reply! Is there anything we can do to change this ahead of release? Just makes it a bit unrealistic playing with them.
  18. Has anyone raised the issue of the seasonal expectations for Hertha Berlin yet? They are expecting you to get Europa League in season 1 and then challenge to be 'best of the rest' thereafter - this seems a bit much? Past few seasons they have been relegation candidates and so far this season are 13th (and coach Schwarz isn't under massive pressure). I know there's been significant investment in the last 3 years or so, but this has been cut back a bit now and although they'd love to be challenging for Europe, I think there is a realistic expectation that it will take a few years yet to get there.
  19. I’ve downloaded but now get a steam error when I try to play “an error occurred while updating FM23”. Anyone else getting this?
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