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Posts posted by MeatHelmet

  1. Hi guys,


    Just got back into playing FM after a very long time away.


    My 2015 Macbook Pro just about runs FM22, slowly and the games in 3d absolutely blitz the battery and set the fans off.

    Looking for a windows laptop, maximum price of £500 really as my budget. Would like to run a couple of leagues, and watch the matches in 3d if possible.


    Have seen a couple of laptops, but my knowledge of PCs nowadays is basically non existent.






    Other use of the laptop will be general stuff like internet, emails, spreadsheets, word.




  2. Hi guys.


    i have an issue where if I save a game on my iPhone/iPad to the iCloud, I can’t see that save on the other device. Sometimes it takes an hour to pull it down, sometimes it doesn’t pull it down at all. Doesn’t matter which device I save it on. Same iCloud account on both devices, but fully up to date iOS versions. iPhone X and iPad Pro. Only had FMM20 a week and it’s a bit of a pain that I can’t always access my iCloud saves. 


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