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Posts posted by PatrickReynolds

  1. 16 hours ago, GIMN said:

    A reasonable suggestion that I'll look in to.  I have previously decided against it because the area on the profile is shared with the star rating for your own players, and the information is available by hovering over accordingly.  Also, once fully scouted the widget gains its colour as below:


    Compared to say, Gameiro here, where knowledge is minimal and so the widget stays white:


    Unfortunately colour only seems to appear if you've previously hovered over the widget to reveal knowledge level, but my preferred route here will be to find a way to force this up front...if possible.

    Oh man, this will save me a few clicks! Should have remembered that Mustermann loves buttons 😎😎

  2. Very small idea (please ignore if you don't want ideas!). On the player profile main page, it would be amazing to have the contract end date next to the wage. 


    Sincerely appreciate this skin, my eyes used to glaze over looking at all the numbers, and you said it best - why should we be agonizing over whether a 13 is better than a 12! Great work and please ignore my suggestion if you prefer, I know how much unwanted requests you get for doing such a nice thing for the community :) 

  3. Another data point to add to the 'erroneous five star attribute' chase, hopefully will help figure out the root cause.

    The comparison screen also seems to show some errors in Aerial and Strength category, giving 5 stars when that is definitely not the case. I have installed the training fix. 


    The player on the left has all stars correct. The player on the right, everything is correct except for Strenght


    Oddly, when you reverse it, both Aerial and Strength are now incorrect for the right hand player.


    Training view for Jan (control image)


    Training image for Gogia (control image)

  4. @Troops I started with the recommended experience for the job, so had a Continental Pro License, but a 1.5 star reputation and most of my players were 2 star rep. My discipline was 9, so sounds like I was always going to run into an issue with the squad eventually. I just hoped I'd get through the season with a promotion to prove my worth!

    Anyways, as you were typing, I was continuing on just to see what was out there. As fate would have it, the Dynamo Dresden job was available, which was my second ever FM save while I was still trying to figure things out! Narrative! A couple other 3. Liga teams interviewed me, but my eyes were always on the Dresden job, which they offered me! So, now I'm tasked with taking them from mid table and seeing if I can get them back to the promotion places. They were projected to win the league, but have been underperforming, so kinda sounds like my previous situation, but this time I hope to be the savior. The board is only expecting mid table now, so looks like I'll have a couple seasons to achieve promotion. Time to bring Dynamo Dresden back to the European stage...just might take a bit longer than Hamburg. 

  5. For FM24, I thought I'd go back and revisit my very first FM save. The Pandemic brought me to FM, so my first save was with Hamburg as I tried to take them out of the BL2. Like most first saves, I was sacked. Ok, pick yourself up, learn the game and continue on. Four years later, and I'm not over the 'unfinished business' I have with Hamburg. I set out to right the wrongs of the past and actually set a goal for what I want to accomplish with the save, and how I intend to do it. Bring Hamburg back to winning a European cup, while playing the fast, direct attacking football Germany became known for in the past decade. I created filters for my club DNA! I started setting up a scouting network that would serve me well when we got back into the BL. You can guess where this is going...

    10 games in, everything is going to plan. Fighting for top spot in the league, playing some good football. Then a certain Bakery Jatta comes and knocks on my door. He thinks he deserves a new contract. Ok, I think to myself, I can understand where he's coming from. But, I'm looking at his mentals, and he just isn't up to the standard that I'm expecting of our future Bundesliga standard. So I try to put him off. Hooo-boy...

    He's pissed, and as an influential member of the squad, I've just tanked the team morale. Suddenly our 8 game unbeaten streak becomes 7 without a win. Bad morale begets bad morale and they're telling me I've lost the room and to take a hike. I hang on as long as I can until a heavy 3-0 defeat just before the winter break. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. 

    I've still got unfinished business, what do I do? Restart a new Hamburg save and give them whatever they want in the first year? Take over another German team and show them they were wrong to sack me?

    For now, I'm going back to my FM23 Journeyman... 

  6. Anyone know how this skin displays when you have limited info of a players ability? Usually I would see a range of attributes on their profile for someone I have limited knowledge of, but with this skin it doesn't show a range - does it show the top range of the attribute, or does it somehow override attribute masking?


  7. 23 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    Easiest way is changing the colour scheme in Settings > Colour Settings. These lines here control what low, normal, good and excellent are:

        <!-- Profile attribute colours -->
        <colour name="low attribute"                             value="rgba(35,40,52,0)"/>
        <colour name="normal attribute"                         value="rgba(135,206,250,50)"/>
        <colour name="good attribute"                             value="rgba(25,118,210,120)" />
        <colour name="excellent attribute"                         value="rgba(251,192,45,255)" />

    Appreciated! Does it need to be changed in each of the Cyan, Lime, Orange, Pink and Teal files, or is one of them the 'master'?

  8. This is tempting me to try attribute-less! 

    Wondering if it's possible to change the colours of the 'attribute' circles. I adjusted the threshold colours in the preferences, but doesn't seem to carry through to the 'attribute' page. Is this a cache issue or are they not adjustable. I just want some more contrast than different shades of blue :).

    Great work!

  9. I'm not a skinner, but wanted to know if it is technically feasible to customize the squad planner views to show season stats etc like we can do on the squad screen? I was hoping they would update that this year but it wasn't touched on in today's blog, and I haven't come across any skins that have updated views for those pages. It's the only thing missing and would make the squad planner so much more useful.

  10. After searching high and low for a complete list of playable leagues in FM23, I created my own! Using the pre-game editor, I also have included the league reputation (0-200) for each playable league, which is good information when you're setting up a lower league save or unemployed journeyman.

    There are impressively 123 playable leagues in the base game from the Hong Kong Premier League all the way up to the English Premier League!


    FM23 Playable League Reputations.xlsx

  11. It may not be possible to do this, but...

    In the data hub, it gives me lots of stats for my league (Spanish First Division), but I am also in the Champions League. Is there any way of pulling up different stats for the champions league vs. First Division? I'm playing a lot more defensively in the CL, and it would be great to be able to see how my two styles of play provide different results.

    Not sure this is possible, but it should be!

  12. 18 hours ago, De Nile said:

    Ok so the BBM and CM(a) are both aggressive and the wings are the main threats on the counter so what I look for is at least one AML/R on an attack duty. If I take the Right winger and use him as an W(a) then the winger would be protected by the wingback on support and swap the CM(a) with the BBM(s), I do this so he can roam to the winger, the wingback and back to the DM so there is a passing option. DM can be a bit too close to opposition press on support but as long as it works then it should be fine. The IW(s) can work although I would add some player instructions like Get further forward and roam from position because I would want some urgency when on the counter attack also it gives more space for the wingback to move up. Instead of the CM(a), I would use a MEZ or CAR since the DM bridges the gap. 

    It was suggested to me that the IW(S) doesn't have enough outlets to set up in attack, so I'm going to try an IF(A) on the right wing as well. Good point about the aggressive CM roles. Changing the BBM to a BWM(S) may shore up my defense a bit, and depending how the CM(A) works with the IF(A), I might try a MEZ(A) as well.

  13. With prevent GK distribution and the higher press, I would watch out for not having the numbers up the pitch to apply the press. Do the wingers get up to help? For a LL team, I would tend to play more direct and not play out of the back unless your team is much better than the opposition. I think the FB(S) roles work well for possession, lower tempo set up, but do you find the two wings running away from the pass? Asks a lot of the FB to spring a longer pass to the wingers. 

    How's your team doing?

  14. Hey all, working on my tactical awareness and knowledge. Writing my thoughts help organize my mind, and happy to get any feedback that comes to mind! Let me know what you think.

    My team is a mid-table Bundesliga side, average in most things, but the team has the best work rate and teamwork in the league. I'm trying to play a counter attacking style with this setup, switching to a higher intense press for short bursts. Specifically with this tactic, I'm noticing some failed attacking transitions down the left flank. I started with FB(A)/IW(A), but there was a huge gap and the IW was always running away from the FB who was left with few passing options. I switched my to WB(A)/IW(S) and I noticed some improvement but did see a few failed attacks from the BBM when the ball was being worked up the left. I think I'm going to keep this for the next few games and see how we go, but any comments appreciated.


    Screenshot (21).png

  15. Hey @Rashidi, been following you YT series and love the spreadsheets. Makes me realize I need to have a deeper understanding of what each stat means :).

    One I've been trying to nail down is Clearances. I took note when you said that Clearances means the defender is good at bringing the ball out of defense. In my mind, clearances were defenders hoofing it anywhere out of danger. I tried to use the analytical data to show me where clearances occured during the game, and watch a highlight of said play. However, looks like while clearances are captured in the stats, they don't save them for viewing later in the detailed match analysis, unlike interceptions, etc. 

    Just wondering if there is a better explanation of what constitutes a clearance out there?

  16. And now for the desktop! If only it wasn't so much more convenient to play on the laptop.

    Type: Desktop

    Model: Home Built

    CPU Model: i5-8400

    CPU Base Frequency: 2.80 GHz

    CPU Turbo Frequency: 4.00 GHz

    RAM: 32GB

    RAM Clockspeed: 3000Mhz

    GPU: Nvidia Geforce 1070

    Graphics Level in 3D: High

    Storage Type: SSD

    Benchmark A: 01 min 16 Sec

    Benchmark B: 06 min 03 Sec

    Benchmark C: 16 min 55 Sec

    Benchmark D: xx min xx Sec

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