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  1. Spot on. Would also say many get decent results just using the built in tactics, and using them the assistant will give suggestions to hand-hold players in terms of identifying threats and what to do to nullify them. Yes, absolutely knowing how to do the above can give and edge but not knowing this kind of stuff doesn't make the game inaccessible or hard to progress in. For me FM has always hit the mark of being both a game that is playable and fun for both casual and more sophisticated players.
  2. You can do this now. By a combination of a trigger pressing a player, player marking (players who receive off the pressed player) and PIs to press more. I will regularly shutdown one side of the pitch where I see my opponent passing more or being a threat by pressing the DC on that side and then man marking (you can press these two but man marking is more effective) any players they are using to pass out to. The same thing can be performed on midfielders if you want to press a DLP or AP. Granted its not the most intuitive, but it is exactly the same as pressing a zonal area and gives you a lot of control in this. Plenty of videos on YouTube as to how to set up this kind of press.
  3. Agree. Sometimes we do see a glimpse about how good it can be. In my games case I was tearing my hair out at a young breakthrough prospect who was complaining he wasnt gettting enough games. So I told him that he'd get chances to impress as a sub, then when I do bring him on in games we are winning I tell him I want to see an impact, but his body language is "would've preferred to stay on the bench" and then "complacent" which doesnt please me at all and surprising as his personality is resolute so didnt expect any issues with that. So after a few months of telling he is playing lazily etc I drop him to the reserves, he complains and I tell him its because his performances have been nowhere near the required standard. A few weeks later injuries mean I need him again on the bench, and first game I bring him on when 4-0 up and we've already qualified for the next CL stage he bags an assist and goal with no sign of complacency. Wish I knew for sure dropping him to the reserves had the desired effect! But also on the flip we need to see improvements in player logic, if a young player wants to break into the team only certain personalities should see complacency when coming on and the team is winning, whereas it just seems to be standard for everyone.
  4. Will the fitness issues and player availability (or rather lack of) ever be fixed for the World Club Championship? This has been complained about for what? 2-3 releases and seemingly just ignored. So frustrating that when we reach this we have to work around something that should have been fixed years ago. Even with managing games and playing lower tempo and pressing and lots of rest Im going into the season with 4 players injured for 4 weeks thanks to this, and thats with the final still to go!!
  5. Love this Alfie Devine wants a new contract with 3 years left of this, I said wait till the end of the season but decided ok he can have one as hes a star player. Speak to his agent who initially suggests it would be 275-325k which I say is too much. His agent comes in with this demand: With the new loyalty bonus its probably in total a little bit less over the whole term (so can see some logic in that he gets a contract till he is 32) , but really he should have accepted my offer of a new one at the end of the season as signing mid season loses the assist bonus he would have got plus 35k pw for 6 months and he'd get the same term. I'll be accepting all my players demands at this rate!
  6. Hugely disappointing update, things such as player interactions and the constant fringe player loan offers just ignored. Ai squad building still terrible. Nothing on the ME either. Sure Im barely touching the surface in terms of issues logged and acknowledged that have just been left. The real shame is if these had been addressed we'd have had arguably the best release in a very long time as FM24 does a lot of things right too.
  7. Regarding this and the overlaps, does that mean you get to see the IWBs building up inside but then also able to go either way as we see with Porro and Udogie irl? Would be nice if SI allowed us as they did with Wingers to choose cut inside / go outside for IWBs so we get the build up phase narrow then they can go either way further up the pitch. Saying that did find that Wingers with cut inside really helps in recreating this setup rather than using IFs or IWs. Tried similar but found I really struggle against 4231s and 5ATB formations, so settled on this (Madders has retired so liked the option to be flexible which side his role is). DM-D over BWM as I like the double-pivot formed with the IWB as the two mids go forward, and the W-U with cut inside is weighing in with not just assists but goals fed from the AP-A (AP-S is just too ineffective for me against teams with 2 DMs or 1 DM and an IWB): It annoys me a little as its not pure Ange ball but find its more effective against a winder range of tactics, and would rather play a pressing forward but AF just works better. Also a purists idea of Maddisons role, and BBM is set to sit wider but ended up like you using a CM-A, and Mezzala as even though the RPM was more solid defensively and I liked Maddison dropping deep as he sometimes does, as a whole in FM it doesnt quite work(did try changing the side of the BPD but that made no difference the RPM role just seems very hot or cold). BWM-S is great as feel that truly seems that postition playing in the way Bissouma did early on this season aggressively winning the ball and then breaking lines with dribbles.
  8. Ah makes a lot of sense the inspiration for some of your stuff! Now if we could just have IWB-auto allow it so we could get the same play out from the back, and our inverted wingbacks both go inside and outside as theyve allowed wingers this year!
  9. Sure Im wrong but when its been flagged that for example that the AI seem to in some games visually kick the life out of the players team and end up with 30+ fouls , and yet they'll receive maybe 1 or 2 cards the response from SI has always been that "its fine as total cards fall within real life limits" which does suggest their is some kind of balancing done here as they are unconcerned that it can make some matches absurd as long as the total across a season is fine. Its hardly a huge amount of work to ensure that despite high numbers of fouls that refs keep the card count at a certain level to keep within a slim deviation of real life limits, and it wouldnt take days, or need other games be re-simulated due to the detail levels most play at which will also ensure certain statistics stay within a set deviation from the real life mean.
  10. This. The annoying thing is that as I see with my real life supported club Spurs that if you leave two men back, and also tackle aggressively you will concede a lot of goals, and also pick up a lot of suspensions. Its high risk with potential high reward. Feels with many things that the ME is dictated not solely by what should be happening due to player ability and both sides tactics, but also by the need to hit certain numbers for things like yellow cards to show the simulation is in life with real life statistics. This is why they stick hard tackling on as its clear from playing against teams who rack up 30 odd fouls and whom end up with the same or less yellows than me that the game will limit numbers of cards against a certain tolerance to fit the numbers SI feel should be seen. So statistically its realistic but it watching games in isolation not so. Therefore using hard tackling does not have the high risk bit, but plenty of reward. Still saying that I haven't enjoyed a version of FM as much as I have FM24 for so long I can't remember what previous release was this much fun.
  11. Not sure if mentioned but the SAS 24 skin has a FMStagStats tab on each players profile- its very, very useful for comparing relevant stats for players!
  12. I saw on Bust the Nets training video that its useful to place your wingbacks and DMs into the attack unit in the units tab, this will improve non-defensive attributes such as crossing etc whilst the positional training will help defensive attributes. That tip alongside his linked routines sped has not only really helped my young WBs develop better, but also gave my 2 young players I was retraining as DMs from DCs the passing attributes to not only impact play more but also be played as DLPs if needed. As always a great video from him that without fail shows things in the game Id never think of myself: Also found it useful in in managing player tiredness as well as a number of other things I havent mentioned here.
  13. Depends on your defensive setup. If you play defensively and don't have a plan for the counter then of course eventually the AI will get through as there is no relief from the pressure, but if (as mentioned above) you press effectively from a low compact block then you will counter effectively. Reading around and watching various videos had me realising that high pressing intensity doesn't just go with a high line and high press has got me FMing the AI. A 433 low block with much higher pressing and drop off, focus on both wings, 2 WB/S, DLP/S, 2 MEZ/S, 2 IF/A and a PF utterly destroys elite AI teams away from home, particularly ones playing 4231 or 3ATB. The plan here being that we regroup, but press deep then my DLP has a 4 wide runners to find on the counter, instantly overloading either wing and then 5 players (opposite wingback, opposite IF, 2 Mezzalas, PF) arriving in and around the area for the cross / pullback.
  14. IMO FM24 is the best so far. As a dominant team I find it far less frustrating trying to break down low blocks, mainly due to this no longer resulting in spammed crosses no matter what your setup was. Conversely I can effectively play a low block myself and win tough away games on the counter. One thing that really turned this for me was realising that playing with a low block doesnt mean you drop off, in fact you want your players to press as this is key in getting counters going.
  15. Sorry, meant in that if I have a star player I have to wait for the game to suggest a rest so that I can talk to the player to tell them I am resting them, as if I do it myself they tend to get unhappy and complain. Just would be useful to choose when I speak to a player about resting them. Saying that saw Bust the Nets training video and started using those routines and also the tip to rest the 11 that played next day and thats improved things, although really you'd think 2 recovery sessions should be as good as a rest day.
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