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190 "Just keep swimming"

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    Ynyshir Albions

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  1. I'm not SI staff which is probably who you're looking for an answer from, but I think you'll find whether your B team gets promoted to a higher tier is based on random chance at best - at worst, it may be an oversight and not possible.
  2. I've used it to create a different environment or save. For instance, I created a club in the MLS which has a rule to only use Caribbean players. To start that off, I used the editor to release existing players from the club the team replaced, and used the editor to move MLS based Caribbeans to my club. From then on, I used the editor to edit the youth prospects into Caribbeans. So just for a bit of fun, ultimately.
  3. Its a matter of licensing. I understand the legalities of licensing in Brazil is a mess as SI would need to negotiate individually which each club. Wouldn't be great having a league of unlicensed teams. It would be great to have Brazil though. Their system of regional competitions in the off season is pretty unique and interesting.
  4. Maybe like a fortnightly challenge with leaderboards? At our discord servers we have quite a large list of challenges now for people to try,
  5. Well, in a mobile context its you can see one but not the other. But I see Flair as how much they 'show off' and creativity as to how unpredictable their play is.
  6. The Team report section can help you with that, in the squad depth section.
  7. I think its a case that its an enjoyable match for the fans that brings in some extra revenue. How that works exactly depends on the cup but some arrangements are more generous to away teams than league matches. Ultimately its part of the concept that any team could win it. Obviously, Red Lion pub FC aren't going to beat professionals but its part of the excitement.
  8. I appreciate now having an explanation. Aside from criticising the whole decision, SI and Miles have made some big communication mistakes with this. 1. Not recognising that this change would be met negatively by the most ardent fan base. 2. Thinking that presenting it as some sort of airy fairy positive was a good strategy by itself - we aren't stupid, you know. 3. Miles tweeting that he thinks we're all odd for not wanting to get Netflix. Condescending, crass and arrogant. The polls on Vibe and our discord server, whilst small sample sizes, show the extent to which current players are simply not going to sub to Netflix to play the game. Those that play the game the most don't play it for a few weeks and then get bored, as is the way for most mobile games, we play it year round. I have an active save right now, and when that's finished I've plenty more I want to do. I'd definitely pay more than £10 for the game, but a minimum of £60? No way, its not good pricing compared to other games on the market or indeed even in SI's own portfolio. I guess if this was Netflix or no game, for a lot of people its just no game either way, and that's terribly sad.
  9. Assuming SI do press ahead with this I would assume the way around this is to ensure that by FMM25, the game has the backwards save compatibility which is being introduced for FM24. At that point then the game may as well just drop the year and become a game constantly under development with regular squad updates.
  10. Miles saying it would be odd to not want to get Netflix is so infuriatingly arrogant and condescending. Tone deaf nonsense from a corporate head.
  11. No idea how it stacks in practice but I assume that decisions around this will always be based on the finances. Doesn't mean they've figured it correctly.
  12. Adding my voice here to those deriding this decision. I DO have a netflix account so I suppose I gain from this. But I still think its very wrong. Suppose you're hedging your bets the numbers add up doing it this way.
  13. Well that isn't the answer I wanted!!! But of course I can understand the reasoning.
  14. Love that aim, as ultimately being able to potentially manage in any league in game on save would be the ultimate journeyman game. Meanwhile, it would be great if the game can assess a device's capability to run a custom size database with custom number of leagues like the full pc game does.
  15. I'm not even sure if these are in the full fat game never mind the mobile game - at least based on full fm 22 which I have, you can only manage in South Africa. I would absolute welcome more African and Arabian leagues, this area is very underrepresented in football manager. Scouting is probably a major issue blocking this.
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